Rapax had journeyed to Korriban he had the cylinder that Adekos gave him in there last business arrangement as well as a datapad holding another ability, But he traveled here to practice its abilities...he will pick on the weaker enemies of this planet for this first. He traveled to one of the tombs of a minor sith lord.....It was dark and large like most of the tombs on Korriban.....there was something about this planet that he liked....it was a shame he wasn't a warlord over it...he would have so much use for its power...its gifts... mattered not he was fine with the fact that he can come here and do his work. But first he had to attract a spirits attention. So he Meditated for awhile and waited for the inevitable encounter ...very few spirits can resist a dark side conduit like his espicaily when he brought him self this deep into the tomb of one of the most restless ones