The Golden Rule
Today we join our First Order allies in their first strike against the warmongering Galactic Alliance following a barbaric unprovoked attack on an FO humanitarian mission at Kaeshana. As Supreme Commander of the Republic Armed Forces, I will be personally leading our fleets to battle at Asemru. This marks the beginning of the end for the deluded Jedi Junta, who show no respect for democratic institutions or even basic diplomacy.
Invasion Terms, and relevant threads:
Invasion Terms
[SIZE=11pt]Date to begin: March 17th[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Type: Hex[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Location: Mustafar Hex[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Parties Involved: First Order (Offensive) vs. Galactic Alliance (Defensive)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Duration: 21 Days, With option to extend if agreed upon by faction staff of both factions[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Allies(FO): TBD - Limit 10[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Allies(GA): TBD - Limit 10[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]The drums of war have begun to sound, the mobilization of the First Order's massive military was no secret after the tense conflict in the Kaeshana system. Now, after the conclusion of those events, a large First Order Expeditionary Force lies in wait, ready to strike at the Galactic Alliance. Having gathered enough forces to assault the entire sector, the Fleets and Soldiers of the First Order now descend upon the Galactic Alliance held, Mustafar Hex. Striking deep into Alliance held territory, not only have several systems been targeted but a large fleet of First Order vessels has run into a Galactic Alliance Fleet near the Asmeru Anomaly, a derelict station set at the very edge of the gravitational field of the anomaly stands unarmed but an advantageous position nonetheless.[/SIZE]
Writer Restrictions
[SIZE=11pt]Each Writer may only have up to a maximum of 4 characters active in the invasion, limit of 1 per engagement zone.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Each Writer may only command NPC’s in the immediate area of their PC’s and are not permitted to command NPC’s in a different engagement zone unless accompanied by their PC.[/SIZE]
Engagement Restrictions
[SIZE=11pt]There will be two threads[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]One for the space battle.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]One for ground engagements with defined “Engagement Zones”.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Ground engagements:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Within the ground engagement threads First Order forces and Alliance reinforcements begin in space. Alliance Forces may begin within locations previously established in Roleplay.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]An actual post will be required to affect the transition between space and ground (Landing). During this phase, troops headed to the surface should be posting their gear and numbers (IF NPC’s are also being deployed, i.e. background noise army)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]There is no designated fleeting action above the planets and their locations, there will be no defined fleet sizes or actions aside from flavor actions written by writers as their characters descend towards the surface.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]For example, a writer may add flavor to their post claiming starfighters are chasing their shuttle, or the shuttle shoots down several starfighters chasing it - these will ultimately have no effect on the outcome and are allowed due to the fact that all fleeting above the ground objectives is for flavor only.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Ground Forces may move between systems and ground engagement zones within the thread but should leave a reasonable travel time provided that it does not interfere with the restrictions above (No more than 1 character per writer in each “Engagement Zone” to a maximum of 4 characters total). They do not have to join the Space thread.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]NPC’s will be used only as background noise, the success or failure of the NPC forces to advance or fail is entirely dependent on the actions taken by PC’s only, not of their own merit. The actions of PC’s will affect the success or failure of the NPC units written in the background. This ensures that NPC’s will not be spammed nor be the primary focus of the Invasion.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Large scale actions of NPC's such as advance or retreat will not be allowed. (Unless an objective is clearly advanced via PC's first.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]NPC’s must be accompanied by a PC, they cannot be written in a separate engagement zone and must be within the immediate vicinity[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] of the PC and cannot be written at an alternate objective in the same “Engagement Zone”. When engaging enemy NPC’s, actions cannot be assumed(i.e. Writer 1 cannot claim that writer 2’s NPC’s are committing atrocities or inhumane actions unless Writer 1 has written it that way.) Keeping in mind that NPC’s are not the focus of the story, NPC ‘flavor kills’ are allowed.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]3. Space Battle[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]a. Boarding Actions will be permitted.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]b. Sizes/Number of vessels TBD[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Fleet Engagement Zone (Thread 1)[/SIZE]
Asmeru | Asmeru Anomaly: A gravitic anomaly just outside the immediate area creates a large swirling area in space, a maelstrom effect causing ships to be pulled ever closer in a swirling pattern if they wander too close. This will be the site of the Major Fleet action between fleeters. If you need a visual clue to what we hope to happen, complete with boarding - see [SIZE=11pt]here[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]. There will also be a small derelict station just outside the gravitational pull of the anomaly. Unarmed and in varying states of decay, some of the station is pressurized yet, others are not - if the generators were to come online - it is possible that a higher level of life support may be achieved. The model of the station is the following - [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Doaba Class Defense Station[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Ground Engagement Zones: (Thread 2)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Mustafar | Multiple Locations (See below)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Mensix Mining Facility | Near [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Fralideja[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] (Capital City)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Establishing a foothold near the Capital city of Fralideja and an important industrial facility such as the Mensix Mining Facility is of the utmost importance to the First Order. The First Order’s goal is to acquire the facility intact and with minor damages considering such an acquisition would be extremely beneficial to their war machine. As such, infantry forces and a limited number of gunships will be deployed in an attempt to secure the facility.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Darth Vader’s Castle's_castle | Volcanic Fortress, Underground Facility[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The very site of the infamous Darth Vader’s residence, Vader’s Castle was built on the ruins of a Sith Temple located on Mustafar. Constructed as a symbol of power, a dark obsidian[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] tower rises above the rocky surroundings, a live magma flow running through the very fortress itself and down over a precipice to the lake of fire below. Not only the former residence of Lord Vader, but also a repository of knowledge and possible artifacts awaits inside the structure - no doubt the Jedi will race to prevent it from being put into the hands of the Ren, known only to the Galactic Alliance as seemingly rogue darksiders.[/SIZE]
Barkhesh | Multiple Locations (See below)
[SIZE=11pt]Surveyed Site for Outpost Vota | Northern Plains[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The Northern Plain has been scouted as the area to construct a forward outpost from which to begin operations on Barkhesh. There are currently no forces at this location and large vessels cannot be landed in the area but a small team may be able to secure this location and hold the position until supplies from the Southern Plains arrive to begin construction of an outpost. Alliance Forces may have patrols in the area. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Convoy Route Doku and Alliance Base | Southern Plains[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]A major convoy route that can be used to bring supplies from the large plain South of the proposed location of Outpost Vota. The Southern plains appear to be the perfect landing zone for disembarking supplies and sending them North as the high Northern Plains would not support the landing of heavy vessels. Fighter support is requested to fend off any enemy starfighters that would deem the convoy a ripe target for the picking. The Galactic Alliance has already established a garrison on the surface and will be deploying from this hardened structure.[/SIZE]
Rutan | Single Location
[SIZE=11pt]Alliance Surveillance Outpost | Facility[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The Galactic Alliance has established a surveillance outpost on the planet of Rutan to monitor First Order fleet movements and activity. The objective is to deploy signal jammers en route to the surface to prevent detection and destroy the main signal array. If successful, the remainder of the facility may be taken by storm with little to no warning - provided the infiltration goes undetected.[/SIZE]
Ground Battle (OOC)
Fleeting (OOC)
In other news, I'll be working this weekend to do some forum upkeep, creating some equipment lists and the like. I'm probably still talking to myself at this point, but I'll keep posting these for future members to review so that they understand what's going on with the GR.