That one kid
OOC: Sorry for being so slow.
Mos Espa. Home. And here, he would prove that the dread guard were not the only way to skin a cat. He was preparing for a space wizard by the name of @[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]. And here, in the sandy streets, she would fall.
The first step, of course, was to assure she would come. That was simple enough. A friend of a friend had promised to bring her, and not let her know why, for a hefty sum. Although it was as little as the Bothan thought he could get away with. He would need more than that for this to work. This trap would have more contingency plans than a Bothan politician. Wait......
The basic point was this, bait a trap, stay as far away as possible, and work from a distance. No need to get close to a lightsaber, after all. However, it would be more complex than that. He studied his equipment, a shock net, a pair of land mines, blaster rifles, slugthrower, EMP grenades, and, finally, the most expensive of them all, a Verpine Shatter Rifle. The masterful work of dark black metal was the elegant final touch to this. Resting his hand on it for a moment, he readied himself for the day ahead. He could do this. He had to.
Twenty meters. That was as close as he would let her get. Much to far for saber combat, and just inside the range of most his weapons. Studying the town's layout, he marked off spots, abandoned buildings set for demolition. He had bought them, something no one cared about. A couple of warehouses. Empty. Crumbling. One, the note read "Thrane's Hall". The other, "Daneslou". Both would be rigged to harm, and even kill, the victim. Each, however, would be used individually, and maybe not both. A central computer would control when each was active. And the rest was up to him.
Setting the blaster rifles to full auto, he positioned them on swivel mounts, so they would pepper the entire area with plasma. The rig was set to go off twenty-seven seconds after the landmines. Those would go off when the door opened and shut again. And that would weaken the building enough for it to collapse. Hopefully.
The other, he rigged to collapse with detonite, or more accurately, a friend did. The money that went into this was large, but he was here to prove that he needed not be less than the clones. He would blow it as soon as the electro-net was secure. That, He would do later. It was time.
Mos Espa. Home. And here, he would prove that the dread guard were not the only way to skin a cat. He was preparing for a space wizard by the name of @[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]. And here, in the sandy streets, she would fall.
The first step, of course, was to assure she would come. That was simple enough. A friend of a friend had promised to bring her, and not let her know why, for a hefty sum. Although it was as little as the Bothan thought he could get away with. He would need more than that for this to work. This trap would have more contingency plans than a Bothan politician. Wait......
The basic point was this, bait a trap, stay as far away as possible, and work from a distance. No need to get close to a lightsaber, after all. However, it would be more complex than that. He studied his equipment, a shock net, a pair of land mines, blaster rifles, slugthrower, EMP grenades, and, finally, the most expensive of them all, a Verpine Shatter Rifle. The masterful work of dark black metal was the elegant final touch to this. Resting his hand on it for a moment, he readied himself for the day ahead. He could do this. He had to.
Twenty meters. That was as close as he would let her get. Much to far for saber combat, and just inside the range of most his weapons. Studying the town's layout, he marked off spots, abandoned buildings set for demolition. He had bought them, something no one cared about. A couple of warehouses. Empty. Crumbling. One, the note read "Thrane's Hall". The other, "Daneslou". Both would be rigged to harm, and even kill, the victim. Each, however, would be used individually, and maybe not both. A central computer would control when each was active. And the rest was up to him.
Setting the blaster rifles to full auto, he positioned them on swivel mounts, so they would pepper the entire area with plasma. The rig was set to go off twenty-seven seconds after the landmines. Those would go off when the door opened and shut again. And that would weaken the building enough for it to collapse. Hopefully.
The other, he rigged to collapse with detonite, or more accurately, a friend did. The money that went into this was large, but he was here to prove that he needed not be less than the clones. He would blow it as soon as the electro-net was secure. That, He would do later. It was time.