[member="Mikhail Shorn"]
She was dead. She had no doubts. It wasn't within the possibility of conception that she could survive this. Those were her thoughts as she experienced all of this, laying in the... somewhere. She couldn't rightly tell where she was at the moment, so she tried to recollect what had happened...
Before Triam could even see if her plan had worked, she had been dealt another blow, with nothing but her armor to saver her. The Monstrous Shorn tried to pulverize her shots in a wave of the force, but his influence through the mind was simply so damn powerful. The woman had sweat rolling down her whole body, bruised and aching, breathing rapidly through a trachea whose injury prevent sounds from being created, beyond the pathetic whimpering of returning pains. She had nothing, nothing at all. She had armor, darts, and a blaster pistol, but she had nothing to save her if she fell, nothing.
Haplessly she hung from this portion of the roof, not out of necessity but simply because she could hardly move at all to get out of the way. The wave struck as the man attempted to push her darts away in the ignorance of their nature. The wave passed through her initial darts, as she fired the two next one's, unable to adjust to a now fallen and convulsing Shorn. The wave could virtually be seen in the air, or perhaps that was her heightened perception trying to absorb all the information it could to find something that could protect her. It was like a shock wave, and as the explosive dart went off releasing its payload over head she began to perceive it as such.
The force of a hurricane seemed to slowly build up in her slowed perception of time, experiencing the full brunt of the pulverizing force. Even if Shorn hadn't meant for it to be this powerful, in her perception it couldn't be more accurate, considering her current physical condition. Her dangling body was violently pushed back, and without a wall to stop her, this proved to be satisfyingly painful for the blood thirsty Sith above. The cables under the immense tension snapped from their anchors, destroying the grappling system pretty well and ensuring that if by some miracle that the Phantom Finger's weren't broken, that they wouldn't be able to administer drugs or be capable of latching on to anything effectively. Her rag doll body was tossed to the floor as she heard him scream.
She was fearful of that voice, and didn't know what was coming. Not knowing was a fear she never knew how to face, she always lost to it if there was no way to make it known. In her head, she was practically breaking down, not knowing what to do or how to react. She froze, immobilized by her helplessness. Everything hurt, her organs were in danger, she struggled to breathe, and her enemy was still alive and kicking... very hard. What she didn't know if he still had a calling in the force. She had no recollection of seeing either of her two other rounds go off, and thus had no idea of knowing if the drug or drug vapors had been ingested.
What was worse, was the screaming... everywhere, screaming, raving, frothing lunatics partaking in the joy of watching someone infamously cruel writhe in agony to his misfortune as a result of a 'normal' person's initiative. Everywhere the sound was, everywhere! It was all encompassing all pervading, inescapable! The roar of fanatics and the depraved, supped full of sadistic pleasure. It penetrated the whole stadium, everything. It was as omnipresent as the rage radiating from Mikhail. Triam took no pleasure in the applause, this wasn't over yet, not by a long shot, and even blinded she felt that Mikhail had a lot more destruction to cause... and she had no idea how long he would remain that way.
She began to scamper, before realizing she was much too late:
"I WILL BURY YOU! ALL OF YOU!" Damn the force! There wasn't enough time!
A second, far more destructive wave of the force blasted through the area like a nuclear bomb. The immediate vicinity in front of Mikhail virtually atomized as his rage sought the destruction of positively everything. The pressure applied to the area was indescribable, Triam had no words to recollect the event she had caused... it was unnatural. Her body was tossed like a projectile in a gun, and she would go through the... wall? Where was it? Oh, there it is... or a piece of it anyway, oh look another one! Oh wow, they are everywhere... wait, is that wall or is that roof? By the force he was bringing the whole thing to ruin!
Triam was fading fast, and witnessed the fragments of the building as stars all around her as if though she was floating in space. Surly no single being could be that powerful? Oh course that wasn't the answer, but from her perspective it felt like it was a possibility, even though her rapid mind dismissed it as it attempted to dismiss the rest of its collapsing reality. In essence, this was death throws, no one could possibly survive this... surly!
She watched the snaky reflective cables fly through the air in front of her, creating a distinct trail of where she had been a moment before. They were fascinating to look at, such design! They were beautiful, and she realized they were hers, so she was happy while amidst this limbo between nothing and hell. She didn't see her life though, as one might expect from one believing they would die...
Her unbelieving mind raced everywhere. As it did this she imagined time slowed down so much that her mind leaped out of her head in some kind of mental projection and went around to all the 'stars' and trying to make sense of each and attempting to see some sort of advantage in each of them. Everything was about the statistics of probability and utilization, and the application human error as part of multi-layered contingencies for unpredictability as well as the off chance of luck. Right now, Triam was trying to cheat her own system, tap into that degree of unpredictability, but more so in the department of 'sheer luck'. It was necessary that she had some right now.
While she thought that she was dying she watched her imagined projection of herself tap a stylus to her lip as she recorded things down in a datapad much like a detective; that woman was everywhere at once, being as thorough as ever in touching every grain of sand or glass floating through the air, inspecting its quality and beauty of use. So much writing, so much data, it was everywhere ready to be tapped, but her little brain was merely pretending, she was without such powers of analyzing.... she was much too slow for that. Time, she always needed more time. Looks like her time ran out and she was out of karks to give.
She started to list things, take inventory. Yup, that's right, in what she thought was her final moments of death she did what she had always done. She took assessment of everything around her, in her or on her. She listed the number or rocks she saw, the number fans that could be seen through the unreality she was experiencing, the level of pissed-off-ness she saw in the blind Mikhail waaaaaay over there, but enlarged for a sense of clarity. It was like a dream... or a nightmare. It could be either, but if it was a dream it was much to painful, and if a nightmare it was much to peaceful.
When she finished listing, she discovered that all she had was a mangled body with broken ribs, sprained ankles dislocated shoulder, bruises, and the possibility (no more likely confirmed with this last blast) of a fracture tibia... most painful. Additionally, she had upon her skin her Armorweave Mark V, and upon that dozens upon dozens of segmented Ultrachrome armor, with a dart launcher and a broken contraption she called Phantom fingers, along with a blaster pistol holstered to her thigh oh so faithfully. Then she realized she forgot something, that was so close to her by now that she forgot it was in all technicality in her own system of listing rules separate, she had a mechanical hand. It wasn't fancy, but it was durable, far more durable than that dainty hand entrapped in the useless glove, without a touch of feeling due to the nerve damage of the dislocation.
Huh, strange. Why did she forget about it, and more importantly, what was so provoking about it that would make it important enough to remember after forgetting? What could she possibly use it for in this situation? How did she even think she could do anything in this situation?
Regardless of the thought, a miracle was about to occur for the young Akovin.
Time sped up rapidly, and the roaring blasted in every ear, even over the sounds of a mad man screaming as he tore apart everything in front of him in an unholy blast of fury. A tiny silver dot could be witness about the size of a person could be seen from a distance as she weighing less than the combined weight of the rubble flew through the air in the short distance between on building, and the alley of the those across the street. At a closer view, they might be able to see that Akovin's body began to spiral. This was a crucially important detail to note.
Back in Akovin's head her dreamland died as the edge of building came into view to ground her in the here and now. The over dramatized Shorn passed out of her line of sight as her perceived doom took form. The drag from her cables had spun her to this point and where now behind her due to her limp arm. She tried to shield her face with her hand, as she was about to be wedged between two buildings.
Insight. Revelation. Epiphany of the grandest time. She stuck her mechanical arm out to her side and jammed her fingers into the stone as hard as it could possibly muster, slowing it down as it touch and forcing Triam to scream (which was stifled completely due to her throat). It hurt only for a moment as the edge of her metal fingers began to disintegrate from the friction, at which point pain receptors simply shut down from the data overload. Her rag doll body slowed its velocity and then suddenly the hand was wedged enough into the building that she came to a near screeching halt, hurting the real part of her arm greatly, but by a combination of her gradual slowing of her hand, along with the drag of her cables it helped.
However, even as this happened, her momentum and velocity carried, and was thus transfer from a horizontal trajectory to one of a vertical trajectory. She fell at an angle, her hand scraping against the wall, and body falling into its path creating a sickening scraping sound, before she simply let loose and bounced from that building, directly into the next, and the cycle repeated very briefly until she smashed in the ground.
She must have blacked out. She lay there staring at the dull ceiling, and suddenly realized why it was so dark. A temporary blindness had befallen her two as her mind shut down to avoid the pulverizing pain. All around her body, her analysis of the body was off the charts, she was too much in pain to count. That was a big deal for Triam, she had been able to sustain such menial abilities through so many physically grueling activities that this came as a frightening surprise. Luckily though, you can't crash yourself out of habit, and she immediately labeled her symptom as that of a concussion... a severe one. Just being able to label that was satisfying. All around her smoke and dust lifted around her as she witnessed the resulting carnage of rubble surrounding everything. She herself was underneath an impressive mound that rather frightened her at her luck of survival.... that most likely contributed to the darkness she initially experienced.
She survived another grueling telekinetic blast from an infamous force user. She had to figure out a way to get paid for it, she was on a roll. Standing was going to be really, if not damn near impossible. She decided she would start small, so she sat up, using the hand-stump of her mechanical arm to prop her up. It still had fingers thankfully... most of them at least. She looked around in her hazy vision, unable to see Mikhail. She knew one thing had to happen though, she need to get out of his line of fire, he was blind shooting now, and he was trying to topple everything in the general area where she had last been.
They were in a city environment, so surly there would be speeders... there had to be! Even if it was fake, such insignificant details had to be present. It wouldn't be real entertainment if such things were left out. She pulled her limp arm carefully (and through gritted teeth and tears) out of her glove, and discarded the thing. She ripped off cloth from her torn up cloak and haphazardly tied it around her arm to keep it from getting in the way, though not to really help it. It hurt like hell, but she had to press on. She had moments left, just moments and she already spent an uncountable number of them lying in the dirt.
On all threes, she quite literally crawled away from her landing spot and sought for some kind of speeder. She thought she saw one, and hustled through gritted teeth and the use of adrenaline to get her too it. She wasn't running, she had some semblance of a plan, but she needed mobility, and the only mobility available to her was the hope of a speeder. She could almost feel the blind glare straight through the solid structures of the buildings.
Many of the people watching this almost revered Mikhail as some dark god... she had wounded a god! Two of them! The galaxy would no know of her defiance and resolve, and she was prepared to go the extra mile and keep defying, keep resolving to wound... and some day... kill the "gods" of the galaxy.