Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Todak Nakno

NAME: Todak Nakno
FACTION: Silver Jedi Order

RANK: Jedi Padawan

SPECIES: Chadra-Fan

AGE: 14 (Adult)

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 0.75 meter (2' 4")

WEIGHT: 15 Kilograms (33 Lbs)

EYES: Dark

SKIN: Grey Fur



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Strength: to be discovered
Phobia of Water (Racial)

Force Skills and Level:
Padawan/ Knight/ Master
Five (V) skill levels

Barrier – V
Tutaminis - V
Force Resistance - V
Adiabtic Shield - V
Force Jump - V
Telekinesis - V
Mind Trick - V
Force Body - V
Breath Control - V
Force Speed - V
Force Sense - V
Telepath - V
Receptive Telepath - V
Projective Telepath - V
Tapas – V
Technomancer - I

Ability Score
Ability level Max 30

Strength – 4
Dexterity – 24
Constitution – 10
Intelligence – 12
Wisdom – 6
Charisma – 16

Reaching average height for his race of one meter Todak has nearly indistinguishable features like the rest of his race. The only attributes that might help an outsider identify him from others is his light grey fur color, his four toed feet rather than two like some of his other race, and his unique artificial left hand.


To be completed at a later date, but assume mundane childhood within the Silver Jedi Order until Age 14.

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