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Toddlers, Orange Juice and Laptops Don't Mix


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
So...yeah, my little girl who is almost 2 spilled a bit of orange juice on my laptop. Some of it went onto the keyboard, so I know that some of it got inside. And since we have the laptop password protected...well, we can't quite access it at the moment. We're hoping that once it dries it'll work again.

Otherwise we'll have to take it to a repair shop or something and see if it can be fixed. We have most of our stuff backed up on it, but not all of it.

Anyone else suffer the same type of mishap of something spilling on their laptop? What was the result?
Actually, this happened to me just a few weeks ago.

I gave it to a friend, who cleaned the keyboard with alcohol and let it dry for a few days and gave it back to me as good as new. I can't be more descriptive than that because well, I wasn't the one who fixed it. :p


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Hmmm....well I can't just pour the alcohol on it. Maybe if you could be so kind, you could ask your friend for a bit more detail on it? Although maybe taking the laptop apart on my own wouldn't be such a good idea... ;) [member="Kiber Dorn"]
Yeah, I'm quite hopeless with computers, but generally you do have to take it apart (depending on your laptops model), my keyboard just comes off pretty easily but I understand some are more difficult.

Uncle Google might have some good advice though. :p


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Audren Sykes"]

We were wondering if we could do that. But would the external keyboard override the normal one right away? Or do we have to adjust the settings first? Which we can't really do because we can't type in our password to access our programs >.<
[member="Lady Kay"]

You can do that as one of our older laptop I had some of the keys off so couldn't use them so we just bought a keyboard and hook that up and it work like a charmer darling.
Lady Kay said:
[member="Audren Sykes"]

We were wondering if we could do that. But would the external keyboard override the normal one right away? Or do we have to adjust the settings first? Which we can't really do because we can't type in our password to access our programs >.<
Override is the wrong term, they can be used simultaneously. Fantastic way to prank someone. In your situation though, it will work and the 'normal' keyboard won't interfere.
[member="Lady Kay"]

When my daughter was a wee one, she dunked my phone in this little fountain my mother kept in her living room. Fortunately I was able to pull my phone apart and dry it out with the fan setting on this space heater I had at the time and my phone worked brilliantly until I decided to get a new phone. It still worked brilliantly after that, but... hey, I had a new phone I was enamoured with! :D


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Hubby and I took the keyboard off the laptop and used some alcohol to clean off the juice. We're hoping that we got it all. Now we have the laptop drying for...I'm guessing a few days. Once we put it back together...hopefully it works again. Fingers and toes crossed!


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Laptop update. Most of the keyboard works, yet not the right portion containing the 'enter key' and such. I borrowed my brother's usb keyboard and it worked fine and dandy :) And thankfully the touchpad still works too. So the next plan is to buy one of those roll up keyboards (as they are spillproof) and lay it overtop of a piece of cardboard that's overtop of the original keyboard.

The hunt begins!!


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
New keyboard bought....wireless with a touchpad that's spill proof! Yay! All is right with the world again :)

Thanks again everyone for your help!

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