THE Wookie Jedi
Dathomir - Dark Plains
The Fog Settled in over the Plains of Dathomir and the mammals that roamed the area scattered. Misty, Dark & unsettling the Tree's had giant spiderwebs stuck in the branches, the long plains Grass had fresh dew & Large Boulders stood silent. It was Morning, another beautiful and deadly morning. In the Distance was a Spaceport privately owned, trade could be heard and people's machines moved around dragging items of worth behind. Further in the Distance Rancors could be heard and seen in some moments. Well out of the way the Rancors were but still made the Traders uneasy as they continued with their Greed.
Two Miles from the Spaceport a Great Darkness could be felt and seen in the Massive figure in a Black Hooded cloak. About 8'5ft in height and 350+lbs, The figure stood in the Open couple meters away from a speeder. Holding a Light-Pike in one hand like a staff. The Species of the Figure was unknown for now along with his intentions as-well. Two sulfuric Yellowish - Orange eyes glew from the dark hood and a Deep growl Emitted too. Animals coward in fear and ran off in the presance of the Dark Being and the very Lands of Dathomir stood in awe. Who was this Figure in the Plains? Dathomir was a strong place in the Darkside and it was not common to see Dark Jedi Roam the Planet collecting Artifacts of Power. This Figure was different, His Presence was not only strong with in the Darkside but it felt as if he or she was drowning its Power and Effects.
But that was Beside the point The Massive Figure seemed to be Waiting patiently and Surely for Someone or Something to Happen. As the Wind blew by the Mist died down slightly to the point were you could see the ground barely and The Black cloak parted down the middle for a instant showing another Lightsaber hooked to a belt and a Combat blade of sorts on the Leg. Redish Armor infused with skin also showed but from afar it looked like a scarred body.
The Glowing eyes searched around and a chuckle commenced briefly.
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