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Approved NPC TOF Knights | Alpha Squad

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  • Intent: To create the first TOF knight unit
  • Image Credit: None
  • Role: This unit serves as an ultimate strike team and when nesserasy the Emperors gaurds
  • Permissions: None
  • Links: None
  • Unit Name: Alpha Squad of the Order Knights
  • Affiliation: Varloc and The Order of the Force
  • Classification: Special Forces
  • Description: This unit is the pride of the Emperor and they have complete loyalty to the Emperor. This unit is a powerful attacker they have advanced Force skills which the use often, this unit can also serve on the defense, protecting the Emperor and other powerful members of the TOF. Alpha squad wears two main types of clothing, TOF robes when off duty and Force user battle armour when on duty, their attire also has the TOF symbol on it.
  • Unit Size: Small
  • Unit Availability: Unique
  • Unit Experience: Elite
  • Equipment: Alpha squad when off duty wears Robes, but when on duty they wear battle armour and helmets. There armour is based directly from Knights of Zakuul and has almost exact properties. The attire also has the TOF symbol on it. Alpha squad always has lightsabers, each member has a silver lightsaber and the captain uses a double sided lightsaber. The main saber of choice is the Lightspear.

  • Combat Function: This unit can be used in all types of situations, but mainly during assaults, they can fight in large scale battles and with solo ops as well. This unit uses their force abilities to their advantage, they can take down other force users and larger groups of non-force users. Their main tactics are full front on attacks, and silent attacks when needed.

  • They are a powerful fighting force, with blade work and Force abilities.
  • They are a good stealth unit

  • They are Tactically not the greatest
  • They need a good support network to operate well
This unit was created by Varloc, for the purpose of having a special unit. The unit is a new unit and has seen little action as a whole, but individually they have seen alot of fighting.
Outer rim pirate battle: This was one of the units first battles. It was fought against a pirate gang that attacked their ship. Th unit had to face a pirate sorcerer. At the end Alpha squad was successful.
Battle on Riflor: This was a short battle and Alpha squad had to clear out enemies, a simple mission. The battle ended in a draw.
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Varloc Varloc

Ok. So the big part of this is that it isn't detailed enough. History is fine, since they seem to be a legitimately new unit without much history, but Equipment and combat function need more description. You say they have combat armor, but their a big difference between something like Rebel fatigues and Mandalorian armor, so it would be good to know what the armor is equivalent to so other RPers have an idea of what they're dealing with.

To Combat Function, it reads as less what they and more when. While it says they are used in all types of situations, it doesn't really go into how they fight in general.
Varloc Varloc

Ok, so while say what the armor looks like, this doesn’t really explain how good the armor is, just what it looks like. There are a few ways you could remedy this. You could find an armor on Wookiepedia and simply link it here as either an equivalent, or what the armor actually is. You could remove the reference for now, and make an armor, Or even check out the Marketplace for armors. With PvP being a possibility, another writer will need to be able to know what they’re dealing with. Also, you need to link the two armors you say it looks like.
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