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Tof, Nagai, and Charon Ships

Intent: To expand on lore, quantify some fun canon sources, and to create NPC opposition for Firefist.
Image Source: Treasure Planet
Canon Link: Tof Bulk Cruiser (Merriweather, Wayfarer), Tof Light Clipper, Fairwind,
Primary Source: NA

Manufacturer: Tof Kingdom / Clan Dem'adas Corp of Engineers
Model: Prince-class Tof Bulk Cruiser
Affiliation: Tof Kingdom / Dar'tome Mando'ade / Closed Market
Modularity: Limited
Production: Semi-Unique
Classification: Star Destroyer
Length: 1,800 meters
Hyperdrive: Average
Hangar: Low (4 Squadron)
Speed: Low
Maneuverability: Low
Defense: Very High
Armament: Very High
  • Containment Shielding over "weather deck" that can be expanded to cover rigging
  • Large Cargo Hold and Extensive Crew Berthing
  • Military grade starship components and subsystems
  • Powerful broadsides
  • Heavy armor and powerful shields
  • Capable of increased speeds when traveling away from a star (+1 Speed / -1 Maneuverability)
  • Poor speed and maneuverability
  • Weapons largely restricted to broadsides
  • No 'primary weapons' capable of aiming at dorsal, ventral, or aft targets
  • Poor tracking capabilities on primary weapons

An oddity to the people of the main galaxy, the Prince-class Bulk Cruiser is a classic design for the Tof Kingdom and has long been used as the backbone of many a pirate fleet as they raid the stellar shipping lanes for vulnerable freighters. The ship boasts a sturdy hull with thick armor plating and powerful shields that are matched by an impressive assortment of weapons set directly into the hull of the ship on the port and starboard sides. Though these weapons can be adjusted up, down, left, and right to a degree, they are fairly fixed in their positioning and have poor tracking capabilities. Similarly, the semi-fixed nature of these weapons means that a Bulk Cruiser can only engage properly at broadside. Which suits the commanders of these vessels just fine, as they proffer to engage their enemies at close ranges and will often attempt to set themselves up between two hostiles ships to make the most of their warship's impressive firepower.

Intended as raiders as much as dedicated warships, Bulk Cruisers also incorporate a handful of weapons on their prow. Chief among these prow weapons would be an assortment of specially designed missile launchers. These weapons hurl a unique form of ordnance known as an Interdiction Missile that is capable of producing an interdiction field upon detonation, which slows any nearby vessels and restricts their maneuverability. Also upon the prow of the vessel are an assortment of Harpoon Cannons that can be fired upon a nearby ship as the Bulk Cruiser closes in. These weapons fire vibro-blade tipped ordnance that penetrates deep into the hulls of enemy ships while trailing a thick cable with an incredibly high tensile strength.

While many who encounter a Tof Warship anticipate the ships to rely upon solar winds for propulsion, the sails of Tof Warships are predominantly a matter of aesthetics, as the warships are fully capable of operating without the sails. In spite of their aesthetic nature, the sails of the Bulk Cruiser do serve to benefit the warship for so long as they remain undamaged. Functioning both as Solar Converters and as Light Sails, these adornments help the ship to generate power in and out of combat and help to increase the top speed of the warship should it happen to be moving directly away a nearby star.

Additionally, should the captain be willing to operate at extremely slow speeds, the Bulk Cruiser is capable of traveling solely by the thrust created from the sails themselves. When doing this, the ship leaves no readily identifiable residues in its wake (Ion Trails) and its passage becomes virtually undetectable. Similarly, the unique mechanics of the Tof Warship's Hyperdrive makes it extraordinarily difficult to detect (for its size) as it enters, exits, and travels through Hyperspace.

Intent: To expand on lore, quantify some fun canon sources, and to create NPC opposition for Firefist.
Image Source: Treasure Planet
Canon Link: Tof Bulk Cruiser (Merriweather, Wayfarer), Tof Light Clipper, Fairwind,
Primary Source: NA

Manufacturer: Tof Kingdom / Clan Dem'adas Corp of Engineers
Model: Royal-class Tof Light Clipper
Affiliation: Tof Kingdom / Dar'tome Mando'ade / Closed Market
Modularity: Limited
Production: Limited
Classification: Frigate
Length: 290 meters
Hyperdrive: Average
Hangar: Low (None)
Speed: Very High
Maneuverability: Low
Defense: Average
Armament: High
  • Containment Shielding over "weather deck" that can be expanded to cover rigging
  • Large Cargo Hold and Extensive Crew Berthing
  • Military grade starship components and subsystems
  • Fast for a ship of its size
  • Powerful Broadsides
  • Capable of increased speeds when traveling away from a star (+1 Speed / -1 Maneuverability)
  • Poor Maneuverability
  • Weapons largely restricted to broadsides
  • No 'primary weapons' capable of aiming at dorsal, ventral, or aft targets
  • Poor tracking capabilities on primary weapons

An oddity to the people of the main galaxy, the Royal-class Light Clipper is a classic design for the Tof Kingdom and has long been used as the workhorse of many a pirate fleet as they raid the stellar shipping lanes for vulnerable freighters. The ship boasts a sturdy hull with good armor plating and strong shields that are matched by an impressive assortment of weapons set directly into the hull of the ship on the port and starboard sides. Though these weapons can be adjusted up, down, left, and right to a degree, they are fairly fixed in their positioning and have poor tracking capabilities. Similarly, the semi-fixed nature of these weapons means that a Light Clipper can only engage properly at broadside. Which suits the commanders of these vessels just fine, as they proffer to engage their enemies at close ranges and will often attempt to set themselves up between two hostiles ships to make the most of their warship's impressive firepower.

Intended as raiders as much as dedicated warships, Light Clippers also incorporate a handful of weapons on their prow. Chief among these prow weapons would be a pair of beam lasers and an assortment of specially designed missile launchers. These weapons hurl a unique form of ordnance known as an Interdiction Missile that is capable of producing an interdiction field upon detonation, which slows any nearby vessels and restricts their maneuverability. Also upon the prow of the vessel are an assortment of Harpoon Cannons that can be fired upon a nearby ship as the Light Clipper closes in. These weapons fire vibro-blade tipped ordnance that penetrates deep into the hulls of enemy ships while trailing a thick cable with an incredibly high tensile strength.

While many who encounter a Tof Warship anticipate the ships to rely upon solar winds for propulsion, the sails of Tof Warships are predominantly a matter of aesthetics, as the warships are fully capable of operating without the sails. In spite of their aesthetic nature, the sails of the Light Clipper do serve to benefit the warship for so long as they remain undamaged. Functioning both as Solar Converters and as Light Sails, these adornments help the ship to generate power in and out of combat and help to increase the top speed of the warship should it happen to be moving directly away a nearby star.

Additionally, should the captain be willing to operate at extremely slow speeds, the Light Clipper is capable of traveling solely by the thrust created from the sails themselves. When doing this, the ship leaves no readily identifiable residues in its wake (Ion Trails) and its passage becomes virtually undetectable. Similarly, the unique mechanics of the Tof Warship's Hyperdrive makes it extraordinarily difficult to detect (for its size) as it enters, exits, and travels through Hyperspace.

Intent: To expand on lore, quantify some fun canon sources, and to create NPC opposition for Firefist.
Image Source: Treasure Planet
Canon Link: Tof Bulk Cruiser (Merriweather, Wayfarer), Tof Light Clipper, Fairwind,
Primary Source: NA

Manufacturer: Tof Kingdom / Clan Dem'adas Corp of Engineers
Model: Buccaneer-class Tof Runabout
Affiliation: Tof Kingdom / Dar'tome Mando'ade / Closed Market
Modularity: Limited
Production: Limited
Classification: Light Starfighter
Length: 6 meters
Squadron Count: Very High (24)
Hyperdrive: None
Speed: Very High
Maneuverability: Very High
Defense: Very Low
Armament: Very Low
  • Containment Shielding over "weather deck" that can be expanded to cover rigging
  • Military grade starship components and subsystems
  • Good Speed and Maneuverability
  • Capable of increased speeds when traveling away from a star (+1 Speed / -1 Maneuverability)
  • Poor Defense and Armament
  • No Hyperdrive

Much like the Bulk Cruisers that carry these vessels, Tof Runabouts are a classic design among the pirates of the Tof Kingdom and an oddity to those from the main galaxy that encounter these ships. While their appearance would leave one to believe these vessels dependent upon the whims of solar winds to navigate, the ships are actually entirely capable of operating without these sails and use them more to satisfy their sense of aesthetics than anything else. This is not to say that the ship's sails do not perform a function though, as the sails function both as Solar Converters and as Light Sails. Thus enabling Tof Runabouts to supplement its core power systems with solar energy and to increase the top speed of the warship should it happen to be moving directly away a nearby star.

Additionally, should a sailor of such a craft be willing to operate at extremely slow speeds, the Runabout is capable of traveling solely by the thrust created from the sails themselves. When doing this, the ship leaves no readily identifiable residues in its wake (Ion Trails) and its passage becomes virtually undetectable.
Intent: To expand on lore, quantify some fun canon sources, and to create NPC opposition for Firefist.
Image Source: Jupiter Ascending
Canon Link: Nagai Spider Battleship (Syalaan), Swoop Cruiser, Yulari Cruiser, Nagai Frigate, Nagai Corvette, Longneck Transport (Kreytaka), Nagai Slave Ship, Geonosian Sonic Cannon, Geonosian Sonic Blaster,
Primary Source: NA

Manufacturer: Faruun Shipyards
Model: Sea Spider-class Nagai Battleship
Affiliation: Nagai Expeditionary Force
Modularity: Limited
Production: Semi-Unique
Classification: Heavy Cruiser
Length: 800 meters
Hyperdrive: Average
Hangar: Low (2 Squadron)
  • Starfighters: 0 Squadrons
  • Support Craft: 2 Squadrons
Speed: Very High
Maneuverability: Low
Defense: Very Low
Armament: Extreme
  • Sonic Cannons (Turbolaser Analog)
  • Mass-Driver Cannons
  • Missile Launchers
  • Powerful sensor suite along broadside arcs
  • Advanced sonic weapons that can damage hostile ships without needing to 'penetrate' armor plating
  • Missiles and Mass-Drivers can be utilized while cloaked
  • Maneuverability based on Etheric Rudders, not Manuvering Thrusters
  • Very limited maneuverability when stationary
  • Sensor blind-spot in aft arc
  • Reliant upon speed and stealth, the ship has very limited defenses
  • Sonic weaponry, while powerful, can be mitigated by various technologies and tactics
  • Cannot utilize deflector shields and cloak at the same time
  • Though the ship utilizes an advanced stealth suite, without a Gravitic Modulator, the ship can be detected by advanced Gravitic Sensors, such as a Crystal Gravfield Trap

Occasionally mistaken for a luxury yacht due to the gilded hull and ornate design, the Sea-Spider Battleship is a powerful warship of the Nagai Alliance. And, fortunately for those in the Outer Rim, it is rarely sighted outside of Companion Galaxy Besh. Filled to the brim with alien technology, the Sea-Spider Battleship sports exotic sonic weapons, advanced stealth technology, and a disturbingly fast ion drive.

Adorned with what many mistake for solar sails, the Sea-Spider sports massive fin-like structures that orbit the ship via repulsor fields. These fins incorporate Etheric Rudder, Solar Collector, and sensor panel technology into a single, complex-but-elegant structure. Able to move about the ship entirely independently of any anchoring mechanism, these massive fins afford the battleship impressive maneuverability while the ship is moving forward or backwards, but do little to help maneuver the ship while she is stationary.

Though the ship is equipped with a suite of traditional military sensors, most of these systems are used secondarily to the vast network of sensor panels worked into the flat sides of the ship's fins. These panels are capable of detecting various waveform emissions with great accuracy and at extreme ranges, though only along a single facing per-panel. While this affords the ship excellent awareness on her broadsides as she sails, it does leave a substantial blind-spot along the fore and aft arc of the ship. If necessary, the ship can come to a stop and adjust the positioning of her fins for fore or aft detection with this powerful network of sensors, but most captains avoid such maneuvers and prefer to sail in slow, curving paths as they patrol the stars.

Much like their infantry, Nagai Alliance warships favor an advanced form of Sonic Weaponry as their primary armament. These weapons share a cursory similarity with the ancient Pseudosonic Beamers, but are far more advanced and much more lethal. These weapons, while comparable to Turbolasers in a cursory sense, produce spheres of projected energy that, upon contact with a solid object or energy field, detonate into a powerful omnidirectional blast of sonic energy. These sonic weapons are supported by an assortment of advanced Mass-driver Cannons firing exotic ammunition similar to Cacophanizer Shells. Somewhat similar to HE rounds, these shells explode upon impact and produce a powerful concussive blast upon detonation.

While both of these weapons can cause damage to the exterior plating of a ship, their lethality comes from their ability to send shockwaves through the outer plating of a starship and into the underlining structure. Here, under the outer skin of the ship, the concussive waves created by these weapons are capable of causing intense vibrations that can sheer structural supports and collapse rooms and hallways within the outer layers of the ship. Similarly, these weapons are known to transfer vibrational energy directly into the atmosphere of an impacted ship where shockwaves of compressed air can travel through rooms and along hallways. So intense are these shockwaves that they can cause the internal organs of nearby, unprotected crew members to explode as the shockwave passes through their bodies. Even distant and protected crew often suffer from intense pain and disorientation should their ship be poorly equipped to deal with the effects of these sonic weapons.

The Sea-Spider Battleship also arms itself with an assortment of missile launchers, primarily utilizing advanced Collapsium Missiles that, upon detonation, produce a devastating shock-wave similar to that of a Seismic Charge. A number of point defense, repeating sonic blasters also adorn the ship.

Intent: To expand on lore, quantify some fun canon sources, and to create NPC opposition for Firefist.
Image Source: Eve Online, Confessor Tactical Destroyer, Here,
Canon Link: Nagai Spider Battleship (Syalaan), Swoop Cruiser, Yulari Cruiser, Nagai Frigate, Nagai Corvette, Longneck Transport (Kreytaka), Nagai Slave Ship,
Primary Source: NA

Manufacturer: Faruun Shipyards / Clan Dem'adas Corp of Engineers
Model: Yulari-class Nagai Cruiser
Affiliation: Nagai Expeditionary Force / Dar'tome Mando'ade
Modularity: Limited
Production: Semi-Unique
Classification: Frigate
Length: 350 meters
Hyperdrive: Average
Hangar: Very Low (None)

  • Starfighters: 0 Squadrons
  • Support Craft: 0 Squadrons
Speed: Very High
Maneuverability: Low
Defense: Very Low
Armament: Extreme
  • Sonic Cannons (Turbolaser Analog)
  • Mass-Driver Cannons
  • Missile Launchers
  • Powerful sensor suite along fore arcs
  • Advanced sonic weapons that can damage hostile ships without needing to 'penetrate' armor plating
  • Missiles and Mass-Drivers can be utilized while cloaked
  • Sensor blind-spot in aft arc
  • Reliant upon speed and stealth, the ship has very limited defenses
  • Sonic weaponry, while powerful, can be mitigated by various technologies and tactics
  • Cannot utilize deflector shields and cloak at the same time
  • Though the ship utilizes an advanced stealth suite, without a Gravitic Modulator, the ship can be detected by advanced Gravitic Sensors, such as a Crystal Gravfield Trap

A support ship of the Nagai Alliance, the Yulari-class Cruiser is a highly advanced warship frequently sighted in Companion Galaxy Besh, and occasionally spotted in the Outer Rim. Filled to the brim with alien technology, the Yulari-class Cruiser sports exotic sonic weapons, advanced stealth technology, and a disturbingly fast ion drive. Most notably for the cruiser, are a number of advanced sensor nodes built into extendable towers along the ship's flanks. When deployed, these sensors afford the ship highly accurate, long range sensors along her forward arc.

Much like their infantry, Nagai Alliance warships favor an advanced form of Sonic Weaponry as their primary armament. These weapons share a cursory similarity with the ancient Pseudosonic Beamers, but are far more advanced and much more lethal. These weapons, while comparable to Turbolasers in a cursory sense, produce spheres of projected energy that, upon contact with a solid object or energy field, detonate into a powerful omnidirectional blast of sonic energy. These sonic weapons are supported by an assortment of advanced Mass-driver Cannons firing exotic ammunition similar to Cacophanizer Shells. Somewhat similar to HE rounds, these shells explode upon impact and produce a powerful concussive blast upon detonation.

While both of these weapons can cause damage to the exterior plating of a ship, their lethality comes from their ability to send shockwaves through the outer plating of a starship and into the underlining structure. Here, under the outer skin of the ship, the concussive waves created by these weapons are capable of causing intense vibrations that can sheer structural supports and collapse rooms and hallways within the outer layers of the ship. Similarly, these weapons are known to transfer vibrational energy directly into the atmosphere of an impacted ship where shockwaves of compressed air can travel through rooms and along hallways. So intense are these shockwaves that they can cause the internal organs of nearby, unprotected crew members to explode as the shockwave passes through their bodies. Even distant and protected crew often suffer from intense pain and disorientation should their ship be poorly equipped to deal with the effects of these sonic weapons.

The Yulari-class Nagai Cruiser also arms itself with an assortment of missile launchers, primarily utilizing advanced Collapsium Missiles that, upon detonation, produce a devastating shock-wave similar to that of a Seismic Charge. A number of point defense, repeating sonic blasters also adorn the ship.

Intent: To expand on lore, quantify some fun canon sources, and to create NPC opposition for Firefist.
Image Source: Jupiter Ascending, Here,
Canon Link: Nagai Spider Battleship (Syalaan), Swoop Cruiser, Yulari Cruiser, Nagai Frigate, Nagai Corvette, Longneck Transport (Kreytaka), Nagai Slave Ship, Nagai Starfighter,
Primary Source: NA

Manufacturer: Faruun Shipyards / Clan Dem'adas Corp of Engineers
Model: Aquila-class Nagai Transport
Affiliation: Nagai Expeditionary Force / Dar'tome Mando'ade
Modularity: Limited
Production: Semi-Unique
Classification: Heavy Starfighter / Shuttle
Length: 22 meters
Squadron Count: Very Low (4)
Hyperdrive: Average
Speed: Very High
Maneuverability: Average
Defense: Low
Armament: Very High
  • Sonic Cannons (Turbolaser Analog)
  • Mass-Driver Cannons
  • Missile Launchers
  • Powerful sensor suite along the top and bottom arc of the craft
  • Advanced sonic weapons that can damage hostile ships without needing to 'penetrate' armor plating
  • Missiles and Mass-Drivers can be utilized while cloaked
  • Maneuverability based on Etheric Rudders, not Manuvering Thrusters
  • Very limited maneuverability when stationary
  • Reliant upon speed and stealth, the ship has very limited defenses
  • Sonic weaponry, while powerful, can be mitigated by various technologies and tactics
  • Cannot utilize deflector shields and cloak at the same time
  • Though the ship utilizes an advanced stealth suite, without a Gravitic Modulator, the ship can be detected by advanced Gravitic Sensors, such as a Crystal Gravfield Trap

Somewhere between a shuttle, a yacht, and an elite starfighter, the Aquila Transport is an advanced support ship utilized by the Nagai "Sea-Spider" class of Battleships. The transport sports exotic sonic weapons, advanced stealth technology, and a very fast ion drive.

Adorned with what many mistake for solar sails, the Aquila sports massive fin-like structures that incorporate Etheric Rudder, Solar Collector, and sensor panel technology into a single, complex-but-elegant structure. Though the ship is equipped with a suite of traditional military sensors, most of these systems are used secondarily to the vast network of sensor panels worked into the flat sides of the ship's fins. These panels are capable of detecting various waveform emissions with great accuracy and at extreme ranges, though only along a single facing per-panel. While this affords the ship excellent awareness on her dorsal and ventral sides as she flies, it does little to detect threats along the fore and aft arc of the ship. If necessary, the ship can adjust the positioning of her fins for fore or aft detection with this powerful network of sensors, but most captains avoid such maneuvers as doing so will drastically reduce the speed of the ship.

Much like their infantry, Nagai Alliance warships favor an advanced form of Sonic Weaponry as their primary armament. These weapons share a cursory similarity with the ancient Pseudosonic Beamers, but are far more advanced and much more lethal. These weapons, while comparable to Turbolasers in a cursory sense, produce spheres of projected energy that, upon contact with a solid object or energy field, detonate into a powerful omnidirectional blast of sonic energy. These sonic weapons are supported by an assortment of advanced Mass-driver Cannons firing exotic ammunition similar to Cacophanizer Shells. Somewhat similar to HE rounds, these shells explode upon impact and produce a powerful concussive blast upon detonation.

While both of these weapons can cause damage to the exterior plating of a ship, their lethality comes from their ability to send shockwaves through the outer plating of a starship and into the underlining structure. Here, under the outer skin of the ship, the concussive waves created by these weapons are capable of causing intense vibrations that can sheer structural supports and collapse rooms and hallways within the outer layers of the ship. Similarly, these weapons are known to transfer vibrational energy directly into the atmosphere of an impacted ship where shockwaves of compressed air can travel through rooms and along hallways. So intense are these shockwaves that they can cause the internal organs of nearby, unprotected crew members to explode as the shockwave passes through their bodies. Even distant and protected crew often suffer from intense pain and disorientation should their ship be poorly equipped to deal with the effects of these sonic weapons.

The Yulari-class Nagai Cruiser also arms itself with an assortment of missile launchers, primarily utilizing advanced Collapsium Missiles that, upon detonation, produce a devastating shock-wave similar to that of a Seismic Charge. A number of point defense, repeating sonic blasters also adorn the ship.

Intent: To expand on lore, quantify some fun canon sources, and to create NPC opposition for Otherspace
Image Source: Ender's Game Drone Fighter,
Canon Link: Desolate, Charon Bio-Fighter,
Primary Source: NA

Manufacturer: Charon Bioscientists / Clan Dem'adas Corp of Engineers
Model: Spark-class Charon Bio-Fighter
Affiliation: Charon Warriors / Dar'tome Mando'ade
Modularity: Limited
Production: Limited
Material: Stone-like Carapace comparable to Durasteel

Classification: Starfighter
Length: 8 meters
Squadron Count: Very High (24)
Hyperdrive: None
Speed: High
Maneuverability: Moderate
Defense: Very Low
Armament: Low
  • Ion Shielding, Cap Drains, and Combat De-Ionizers
  • Maneuvering Thrusters and Repulsors
  • Advanced Sensor Suite (DER, HSI, EPR, AS, ETS)
  • Advanced Tracking and Targeting Computer
  • Standard Combat Communications Suite
  • Advanced Navigation Computer
  • FXXX
  • MXXX


"rock-like carapace"
strong as durasteel

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