Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To'hajiilee (CIS Dark Military RP)


1st Recon: "The last thing they'll never see"
Tatooine sunset. Something that few habitable worlds could replicate. The image of twin suns gently setting over a desert landscape was one that conjured images of palaces on the dunes. As good as a piece of art to the creative mind.

Deep shades of crimson and blue stained the sand beneath the Confederate soldiers boots as they picked among the carcass of a tusken raided caravan. Smoke drifted from the dead speeders and nearly a dozen traders, both twilek and human, lay in various twisted positions among the wreckage.

A cherry lit up in front of Captain Raul Boone's eyes as he examined one of the bodies, a middle aged blonde human female who'd been downed by three precise bolts. Two to the chest, one to the head. Her wide blue eyes spoke of the tragedy that'd befallen her in her final horrifying moments.

Boone could sympathize. He'd watched helplessly while a private as machine blaster fire poured into his squad's gunship. Only he'd been lucky enough to escape with a few Purple Heart worthy wounds and enough nightmares to last decades.

The bolts were more precise than they'd normally see from a tusken raiding party. Part of the reason the Captain and a few of his 1st Recon were accompanying the Infantry Company that'd been tasked with tracking down and eliminating what was quickly becoming a huge problem. Local law enforcement had tried to deal with the problem once before losing twelve men to the tuskens and a few to dehydration. They'd tracked the raiders out to the dunes.

Unfortunately, Tatooine wasn't know for an over abundance of moisture.

As Boone finished his drag he followed the shuffled tracks that lay next to the unfortunate merchant. They led past the wreckage and out towards the eastern dunes.

Boone stood thoughtfully and stared off along the route. According to the old maps they had some miles from where they stood was a canyon, locals dubbed To'hajiilee. Something to do with spirits or some other mombo jumbo.

The young butterbar that'd been following Boone around looked expectantly at the sniper as he wistfully stared off into the distance and smoked.

"If I was them I'd be here." Boone said as he unrolled the map and pointed a gloved finger at the canyon's outline.

"Tell Captain Plenkin" Boone said as he extinguished his cigarette and went about unpacking his gear.

He knew Plenkin would opt to wait until the morning, given the walk ahead and decided to pitch tent before the rest did. The two fellow snipers he had accompanying him followed suit.

They needed rest.

Blood would be spilled tomorrow.


LOCATION: Tatooine. PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: Assist Confederate Organics in combat operation. SECONDRY OBJECTIVE: Annihilate hostile forces. CONFEDERATE ORGANICS VARIFIED? Positive. All Confederate Organics registered in memory banks. Three dimensional profiling logged. SETTING? Combat. Initiating defense protocols.

<TAKING DEFENSIVE POSITION. ENGAGING THERMAL IMAGING TO COMPENSATE FOR LIGHT FAILURE.> The loud, and deeply resonant voice of M4 boomed out from within him. Instantly he had moved up from his fresh position, which he had been placed in by a dropship moments earlier. The sand gave way in great thuds under the weight of his three tonne body, and the sound of his powerful hydraulics sounded about the area while he moved to a vantage point, from which he would be able to scan the area the Organics had chosen to gather themselves in. If there was anything out there, amid the dunes of sand, the arrival of M4's figure looming over the camp would have been more than intimidating. His single red optic glowed ominously from within his reinforced durasteel body, lending him a more than sinister look while the twin suns set across the lands.


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