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Approved NPC To'Kola's Warband

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I am a son of the Mountain.

  • Crew Name: To'Kola's Warband
  • Crew Type: Root
  • Base of Operations: Nomadic
  • Crew Size: 4
  • Loyalties: To'Kola Bakari
  • Description: When warriors of the Jiwe tribe go to war, they are often organized into small squads. These squads, known as "roots" in galactic standard are often the beginning of lifelong relationships and brotherhood. The squad is centered around the Squad Captain whom has gained the loyalty of the squad, usually through his impressive strength or ferocity. To'Kola's warband is a standard root, and functions in the same manner even when they are away from Sandala.
  • Name: Ndugu Moyo
  • Age: 37
  • Species: Sandali
  • Role: Warrior
  • Description: Born and raised on Sandala, Ndugu has a natural affinity for warfare, however it has never been properly put to use. Since he was a young boy, Ndugu has been repeatedly selected for his village's guardian. The guardians are an extremely important policing force to the Jiwe people. In times of war they serve as Commanders in defending their territories. However, Ndugu's village has never been properly attacked, therefore he seldolm gets the glory of battle. When To'Kola returned to Sandala, the two quickly grew to be good friends. The first time To'Kola left the world for the greater galaxy, Ndugu regretted not going with him. The second time To'Kola left the world, Ndugu was the first to join him and recognize him as Captain. Ndugu has a fairly relaxed and carefree personality for a member of the Jiwe tribe. He often spends his down time in meditation or partaking in some small hobby he has committed himself to.
  • Name: Khamisi
  • Age: 40
  • Species: Sandali
  • Role: Warrior
  • Description: When To'Kola took his trials, he and [member="Madalena Antares"] were set to face two brothers. Khamisi and Qatar. Each of these men were huge in their own right and powerful Jiwe Huntsman. During the battle, Khamisi was incapacitated by To'Kola who chose to spare the more cynical of the two twins. However, due to Qatar injuring Madalena, To'Kola ripped Qatar's arms out from his sockets, causing the man to bleed to death during the trial. After making a full recovery, Khamisi also vowed to serve in To'Kola's root. The Sandali Captain was unsure as to why Khamisi would ask this following Qatar's death, but since he sensed no malice in Khamisi he allowed it. Khamisi is a naturally negative man, however he is exceptionally large and powerful even for a Sandali. Khamisi has a deep rooted respect for To'Kola even though he does not entirely understand the man.
  • Name: Imani Sefu
  • Age: 15
  • Species: Sandali
  • Role: Shaman
  • Description: Imani is a close friend of Khamisi. Though she only recently passed her own trials to become a warrior, she has been singled out as an extremely powerful Shaman. Her control over The Force is exceptional for her age, though her hot headed temper can often prove even more powerful. Imani first saw [member="Madalena Antares"] command The Force to kill one of the Jiwe tribes warriors. After seeing that, Imani was motivated to follow To'Kola so she may be closer to Madalena and hopefully learn more of the Force and it's great powers. The young girl is extremely excitable and rather conniving. Like most Sandali women her age, she tends to feel a need to constantly prove herself.
  • Name: Tendaji Sefu
  • Age: 29
  • Species: Sandali
  • Role: Warrior
  • Description: The older brother of Imani, Tendaji is a light-hearted Sandali warrior. He was impressed with To'Kola's ability to drink liquor during one of the trials and chose to follow the man based off of that reason alone. Like other members of the Sefu Clan he is impulsive and short tempered, however unlike them he has little need to prove his own worth through tough talk or words. He prefers action and blood instead of boring conversation. Tendaji is often seen with a gourd of liquor clasped around his waist, it is a special brew that usually only he can stomach.


The members of To'Kola's warband all hail from his homeworld of Sandala. When To'Kola returned to his homeworld, he participated in a number of trials so that he may become a true and proven warrior of the Jiwe Tribe. Partaking in the trials with his significant other, [member="Madalena Antares"], To'Kola impressed a number of Jiwe warriors. When it came time for him to depart from the world, there were a number of warriors who asked to venture out with him. Believing in To'Kola's strength they hoped in following him they would meet new and powerful enemies to defeat, so they could bring honor to their gods.
[member="ToKola Bakari"]

Just two issues.

ToKola Bakari said:
Loyalties: ToKola Bakari
Please hyperlink To'Kola Bakari.

There's a problem with the links in the Names' section for these crew members:

ToKola Bakari said:
Name: Ndugu Moyo

ToKola Bakari said:
Name: Khamisi

ToKola Bakari said:
Name: Tendaji Sefu

ToKola Bakari said:
Name: Imani Sefu
These links all lead back to the crew submission. Please fix this.
[member="ToKola Bakari"]

ToKola Bakari said:
Image Credit: Link

Thank you. Since you've linked a couple pics, I need their original source links so that it's clear where they're from. This can be the artist's site, for instance. I found the links for you, so just add them to Image Credit. Then this will be ready for approval.

For the pic used for Ndgu Moyo, this would be the source:

For Khamisi and Imanif Sefu it would be:

Tendaji Sefu:
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