NAME: Tolmianchyywliarr called Tolmia
FACTION: Unaffiliated
SPECIES: Wookiee
AGE: 36
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.8m
WEIGHT: 98kg
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Chestnut
SKIN: Gray underneath the fur
- Normal Wookiee physical strength and durability
- Skilled mechanic
- Loyal
- Determined
- Naive and innocent - Tolmia only left home to find her adopted sister Kurrsaaaryo who fled their village as a young girl after her Force powers came to be known. As such she doesn’t know much about how the galaxy works and is easily taken advantage of.
- Obsessed with finding her long lost adopted sister
Tolmia is shorter and smaller than a typical Wookiee. That still makes her taller and larger than most beings she comes across in the galaxy. She has well maintained chestnut brown fur, with two long braids on either side of her face. Her eyes are crystal blue and tell the tale of her innocent nature.
Tolmia started life as a typical Wookiee in a small tribe on the edges of the Kkowir Forest. The tribe being so close to the home of the Sayormi had constant patrols that all Wookiees over the age of twelve participated in. On the first such patrol for Tolmia she came across what by all appearances was a human female toddler wandering through the forest. A teenage Tolmia took care of the young girl and brought her back to her village. Her parents took the little girl in while others inquired with the more civilized areas of Kashyyk as to where the girl had come from. She didn’t appear to be Sayormi, so they had no clue that this girl was the daughter of the Sayormi Queen.
Tolmia named the girl Kurrsaaaryo and tried her best to make life in a Wookiee village easy for the little girl. It amounted to Tolmia playing mom most of the time. When Kurrsaaaryo was seven something terrible happened. The young girl was frightened by the pop of a nearby fire and the Force rose up within Kurrsaaaryo and spread the fire throughout the village. By the time things were gotten under control Tolmia realized the Kurrsaaaryo was gone. She looked for her little sister day and night for a week, taking breaks only to eat. But the girl was gone.
When Tolmia was eighteen and considered an adult by her parents and her tribe she left the village and ventured out into the galaxy looking for any account of her missing sister. First she moved to Rwookrrorro. She worked there as a mechanic’s apprentice for a while until she was able to save enough to move to a better part of the galaxy to hear news on an orphaned girl from Kashyyk.
Tolmia moved to Denon and was hired on as a mechanic for a local ship garage. She worked on every part of almost any ship. She had been taught well, but what she had never seen before the fixes seemed to come naturally. After working in the garage for eleven years Tolmia had enough money to buy her own ship and take her search out into the galaxy. An unbelievable deal came up on a Clone Wars Era HWK-290 light freighter. It was named the Whistleblower. The owner had come under scrutiny from a gang that he thought was dealt with by the authorities and needed to hide. Tolmia didn’t feel a need to change the name as the gang wasn’t likely to mistake her for their target and would probably think twice about taking on a Wookiee. She slowly rebuilt the ship to perfect condition as she made her way from planet to planet looking for Kurrsaaaryo.
Whistleblower Restored HWK-290 light freighter