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Tom Kent

Tom Kent




NAME: Thomas, „Tom“ Kent

FACTION: Jedi-Order

RANK: Padawan

SPECIES: Human/near Human

AGE: 24 years

GENDER: male

HEIGHT: 196 centimeters

WEIGHT: 82 kilograms

EYES: dull blue

HAIR: dirty blonde

SKIN: caucasian skin type

CREDITS: 1,000 credits

DISTINGUISHING MARKS:He possesses two circular scars, one on his left shoulder and one on his left chest. They are across from each other in a fashion that they just might stem from one and the same injury. Their edges are smooth and the size is quite impressive.
A high resolution medical scanner or a Jedi Healer might notice the abundance of fractures and scar tissue all over Toms body. Remnants from injures that were expertly treated with high quality bacta but are non the less still noticeable for the skilled observer


APPEARANCE IN THE FORCE: Tom’s aura in the force could be described as unique. While he was at an early age exposed to a strong dark energy the brutal rupturing of his connection to the force that his mother put in place prevented this connection to the dark side from ruining his soul and condemning him to a life of evil. This however came at a time where irreversible damage had long been done. His appearance in the force is daunting and every Jedi would instantly take him for a threat. Even if only highly skilled Knights and Masters might be able to look into the deeper parts of his aura its corrupted nature is no secret for even an unskilled Padawan. The obvious dark spots on his aura remind of white marble with a fine black pattern. And no matter how much he tries to hide it this darkness always shines through. Only completely hiding his aura would enable him to hide this taint.
A force user who dares to delve deeper into his being might have his resolve tested. The strong urge to strike this distorted thing down might be invoked. Darkness flows freely and unhindered inside Tom’s core and is as much a part of him as the light. What this might mean for Tom’s future no one can tell. But seeing it will not leave the onlooker unaffected.


SKILLS: Tom has a very particular set of skills. Growing up he had to pick up on a lot of things along the way. So he does know something about almost everything. It must be said though that many of his skills are more rudimentary but some of his skills have been honed to near perfection. K'tara is one of those skills. While he is not a master of it he is good enough to apply it in any given situation without the need for preparation and more often than not he uses it with success. While his K'tara might be a rather strange skill for a pretty normal young man his archeological skills are probably more unexpected. In addition to his ability to conduct an excavation to the highest standards he can read write and fluently speak a rather large number of dead languages. While he does only speak Basic apart from those languages he has no trouble picking up on new languages. He is capable of repairing a ship to a certain level and he can fly many different models. His piloting is very good all the while he is nowhere close in skill to a starfighter pilot or other dedicated pilots.
He can shield his mind against intrusion by telepathy by keeping it busy. He is trained enough in this to keep this shield up constantly.

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: One of Tom’s weaknesses is his reluctance to rely on others. He has great trouble trusting others. While he can easily relate to others and is quite empathetic he lacks the necessary will and to act on this empathy. His strengths are definitely his patience and his dedication. Once he started something he will see it through. Only very adverse circumstances might make him even consider giving up.

GEAR: He carries a credit stick, a com unit and chrono.
While out and about Tom can be found wearing a checkered brown scarf. While he usually just wears it as a scarf it can be quickly fashioned into a head wrap.
For very bright environments such as deserts and snowy landscapes he owns protective glasses.
His backpack is one of the few things he was able to take with him from Rekkiad. It’s a rather large pack that still fits his size just right to look normal on him.
It has a tool roll made out of leather and filled with a large number of archeological tools tucked away in the side pocket and has a mixture between an ice ax and a geologist’s hammer strapped to the other side. The backpack contains two grappling hooks, high tension wire and climbing gear, a thermal blanket, a sleeping matt, a sleeping bag, a tent, cooking tools, a medkit and other necessities. It also contains things like clothing, food rations, multiple water bags, a sponge bag, fire paste, glowrods and a headlamp.
The fact that it is packed with a certain skill and experience makes it look like it is a lot lighter than it actually is.
Most of the things inside the pack can be reached with minimal effort.
His outdoor equipment also features some other items. Amongst them are a vibro-machete, a wood axe and a small pair of electrobinoculars.
For weapons he carries a modern T-6 rebuild.

CLOTHING: He wears a simple set of clothing. Comfortable desert colored boots that remind of military or hiking boots, a pair of trousers that fit with the boots and that seem to have been in better condition once, a black t-shirt and an outdoor jacket complete his outfit.




PERSONALITY: In a way Tom is scared of his own powers. While he is amazed by the abilities that the force grants him he has seen what it is capable of. His connection to the dark side makes him prone to lose his composure and he struggles to keep up a calm demeanor. Since he is now exposed to the force around him it is a lot harder for him to ignore his inner darkness.
While Tom is scared of his powers he is also scared of other people learning of what he did on Rekkiad. His use of a dark side power is his one big secret. While fear is not a good thing for a Jedi he tries to deal with it to the best of his knowledge. He is dedicated and hard working to advance in his training to become a force user.
A refusal to use force powers as simple as force sense on other sentient beings is a remnant of what happened on Rekkiad.

BIOGRAPHY: His story starts with his mother Sam. She was not much older than four or five years old when she was taken from her home planet. Sam was abducted by Sith and raised in their tradition of glorifying strength and despising weakness. She was taken at to young an age to remember much of her childhood before her abduction. Being a smart and rather strong person she adapted to the rough environment that the Sith that had taken her provided. She grew up strong and ruthless, cold and calculating. She must have been only slightly older than eighteen when she rid herself of her master. Like many Sith she did so by killing him. After that she quickly distanced herself from the group of Sith that had long ago abducted her. Sams strength attracted other Sith though. Some wanted to prey upon her others meant to use her for their own gain. But she kept to herself. Taking what she wanted from those who were weaker than her. At some point during her travels she came across another Sith she found to be somewhat like her. Adyton and Sam quickly started a heated affair. While it was steamy and intense like many things Sith do it was not a thing made to last. Somehow creating was not something that the two Sith were good at. So Adyton left Sam after only a few months spend together. While the Sith had raised Sam to be a true warrior and ruthless in her ways they did not spend much time on her sex education. While she knew about getting pregnant and having children the details were lacking quite severely. So she got quite confused when she started to feel new life grow inside her. So much that the first doctor to ever check her and her unborn child’s health was strangled in a fit of confusion and anger shortly thereafter. Sam was not only confused but also terrified by the outlook of having to raise a child. Knowing that a mother should be full of love she thought herself the most unsuited person for that kind of responsibility. How was a Sith going to be a good mother? Her mind in disarray due to the hormonal changes going on inside of her she started to look into the light side and other more unorthodox applications of the force. She knew from own experience that exposure by the dark side was not something that was easily shaken off. Having her child exposed to it inside her body that was rather a dark pool of force energies than the vast ocean of love it should have been scared her very much. When she thought about the future of her child she saw her own past and that was not what she wanted for him or her. So she researched applications of the force that would allow her to shield her child from the force. Not just the dark side but all of the force. Eventually she found not only how to do it but also managed to erect the necessary barriers that would protect the small life inside her from her own dark side energies. While she managed to shield him from further exposure she could not prevent him from being initially tainted. The darkness had touched him during a time when he was little more than a single cell. It would stay with him and never ever leave him. It would be his burden to carry.
With the birth of her son Tom much about her changed. The vengeful and quick to anger Sith that she had been seemed to vanish into the background and until he was old enough to speak his first sentences it did not reappear. But even the gates of motherly love could not hold back the flood of the dark side forever. As Tom got older her rage returned to her. The love she felt for him could only hold her back so much. Tom had to learn not only to hide his fear but also hide physically. He often hid in the ducts of the ship and thereby learned some basic things about the workings of spaceships. When he went through puberty he hit an almost unnatural growth spurt and soon his mother’s physical superiority that was amplified by her use of the dark side got somewhat smaller. He did not have to hide from her quite as much and his fear of her vanished over the years. Or so she thought. What did indeed happen was that Tom found he could mask his thoughts by keeping his mind busy. As long as his mother did not actively try to invade his mind he would seem calm and at ease to her. Also learning a martial art helped him to be able to be less frightened of his mother’s outbursts. Absurdly enough the fact that it seemed to her that he feared her less and less made her become calmer and more at ease. She only rarely lost her temper and if she did Tom had found that good hit with a knuckleduster which could apply a dose of senflax took her out fast enough to only do minimal harm to him. The two of them came to have some sort of peaceful life with each other.
All the while his mother never stopped looking into the light side of the force. She in all her knowledge of the dark side of the force never truly understood the light side. With every artefact she found on her travels and every Sith or Jedi ruin she searched she never seemed to get any closer to understanding how she should cast of the dark side of the force and be rid of it. During this time Tom learned a lot about archeology and picked up multiple languages. He picked up many skills during their travels. While his mother had the force to aid her he had to earn how to do certain things for himself. It did not disadvantage him at all though. While he was mad quite often, for not having his mother’s skills, his attitude towards that changed over time. Being able to do many things even if only at a basic level gave him versatility and enabled him in a way that he came to like quite a lot. Still there were always things that his mother was better at than he was. Her use of the force allowed her to act in ways he never could. He was troubled by the fact that he, the son of two Sith was not able to use the force. His feelings told him that it was quite wrong that he was unable to reach out and use the force around him. But only during his mother’s death should his force sensitivity be revealed to him.
It was on Rekkiad that his mother died. While searching through the remains of an old Sith grave the two were surprised and attacked by a dark side cult. While Sam managed to fight of most of the attacker she could not ward off all of them. Even her powers were limited. Especially since her connection to the dark side was not as strong as it had once been. Mortally wounded and seeing her son Tom in danger she called upon the force to aid her one last time to protect him. For the first time in her life she used the light side of the force with no other intention than to save life and prevent the death of an innocent being. Her intent was pure enough to allow her to cast of the shackles of the dark side. With the new power instilled in her by the light side she managed to save her son. But that last show of strength came at a price. Her already weakened body caved after the feat was done she died in Tom’s arms.
For Tom the death of his mother was twice the pain it was for others. When her barriers that kept him from using the force crumbled to nothingness the force returned to him in a maelstrom of pain and agony unlike anything he had ever experienced in his life. On top of that the death of his mother left him in a bad spot. It was sheer luck that not only the dark side cult had been on Sam’s trail but also a Jedi. Tom was surprised that the strange man offered him actual help. The Jedi he had met so far had tried to kill both his mother and him. So instead of giving in to his dark emotions and his grief like one would have expected he, with the help of the Jedi, managed to pull himself back up on his feet.
Of course the whole thing did not go quite as smooth as that. Before the Jedi arrived Toms rage lead him to use the force for the first time in his life. Sadly that would be a use of the dark side. The members of the dark side cult that were still alive, if only barely, were the targets of his anger. Like his mother had used him many times as a battery to fuel herself he now drew the last remaining power from their dying bodies to sustain and heal himself if only ever so slightly. Instinct guided him and with repulsion and disgust Tom realized what he had done only moments after the last atrocity had been conducted. It was too late to undo what he had done.
The Jedi noticed some of what had transpired on Rekkiad but was unable to know and understand all of it. He introduced Tom to the light side and tried to teach him some of the basic skills of how to calm ones emotions. But like so often a Jedi’s duty is never over and he had to leave John to the instructors in the Temple. He had caught Tom and guided him back to the light. They were to see that he did not stray of the path.




Arival on Ossus (left thread after two posts)
Decision to stay with the Jedi Tom takes some time to think about what he is supposed to do now
Trip to Ilum Tom goes to Ilum to look at the Jedi Temple and crystal Caves. He meets a group of Jedi looking for crystals to build their lightsabers with.


STRENGTH: ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐
He possesses the strength of an average human male engaging in regular, moderate to heavy exercise. His physique does not necessarily look like it though.

DEXTERITY: ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐
He does not quite have the dexterity of an athlete. But for an average Joe he is capable enough to not stumble over his own feet even during very complicated maneuvers.
He is exceptionally skilled in using his hands and fingers to handle even the most delicate and fragile of things without breaking them. Most of the time that is.

He got the constitution of an average human male engaging in regular, heavy exercise. When it comes to stamina he is definitely the kind of guy who can walk for days even with a heavy load on his back. In a fight he is not brought down as easy as one might think.
He does currently not suffer from any ailments. Since he grew up on various planets his immune system is rather strong having had to deal with an abundance of threats to his health.

For a human he has an above average to high intelligence. He grew up on the move and being an interested person he learned a lot about the things he encountered in the far reaches of the Galaxy.

WISDOM: ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐
He is young, how wise can one be if one is young? Even if he has the one or other surprising insight into life, it is far from what an old or ancient being can offer in wisdom.

CHARISMA: ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐
He is neither exceptionally skilled nor is he exceptionally bad at making friends, and interacting with other beings.


FORCE EMPATHY: ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐
If someone close feels a strong emotion he might pick up on it.

FORCE SENSE: ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐
He can, given a certain degree of concentration, sense his surroundings through the force.

TELEKINESIS: ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐
He can move around small objects if he focuses his mind on doing so.

PLANT SURGE: ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐
While he cannot control Plants at this point he does have a noticeable connection to them. It is much easier for him to sense them through the force than other things.


NO FORM FOUND: ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐

Edit Note:
Cleanup for better readability.
Hid links. Looks better that way.
Plans and Ideas for Tom

I don‘t know you but I can bear your presence. Please stay with me.
I want Tom to have someone who shows up on a regular basis. Someone to form a duo of awesomeness with. Gender does not matter here. Would like him/her/it to be about the same age.

I don’t like you and you don’t like me so bugger of! Wait, where are you going? Wait up kriffer!
A kind of friendly or semi friendly adversary. Like a rivalry amongst brothers kind of thing. That’s what I am looking for. Should be a male char but I won’t be the guy to turn down a female char if it fits. So sibling rivalry. Age is not too important in this. The char should not be too old though.

Damn girl, you pretty! Wanna be just platonic friends?
Tom needs someone to be interested in, someone who seems to be just as interested in him. Or not? Or is she? Damn girl, you confusing!
She is of course supposed to be a girl. Same age would be great again.
Further developments open for discussion but focus should be the above.

A place to stay, a place to call home.
Tom will find a place to build a home. This will definitely grow over time. Help from characters interested in acquiring the right to know of the retreat and use it as a safe place to go to are welcome. Gender does not matter. If over 18 years old it would be appreciated.

With a thousand blows, forging blade and mind.
Forging a sword is craftsmanship, art, meditation and strength, all rolled up into one. It requires concentration, dedication and perseverance. Tom has to have a lot of all of the above. So he needs to learn. Also cool swords and stuff.
I am not someone to prevent a fitting match, so interested players and their chars are invited to come along. It’s about the journey though, so no master smiths and/or instant learners.

You cannot beat me here, my roots run too deep.
Tom will, at some, point learn plant surge. He will over the course of many threads become a master of this art. Anyone with a char that knows the skill and could teach him something about it, it would be highly appreciated.
OOCly I’d be obligated to repay you in some way or another. You know because my mommy raised me right. Dunno, like NPC something for you or proof read your German homework. Whatever you need I would be there for you, to only really offer you the two options above.

I am generally open for ideas, open to discussion and available for questions via PM or Skype.

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