Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tomas Raynor

NAME: Tomas Raynor
AGE: 29
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'11"
WEIGHT: 250lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Fair/Weathered

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Adrenaline Focus: Being in the heat of battle or hazardous situations focuses his mind.
+Strategic Mind: Born to parents from the Fleet, and schooled in the One Sith's best schools; Tomas has very een insight into strategy and naval tactics.
+/-In the Thick of it: Tomas leads by example, he likes to have his squadron lead from the front, and in some actions his ground/boarding crews take, he sometimes joins.
-Adrenaline Junkie: Will sometimes go out of his way to feel the rush of adrenaline in his veins.
-Elitist: Tomas was born into the highest echelons of One Sith society. While he was not born Force Sensitive, he was still imbued with its values and has a tendency to exude the elitist attitude of his pedigree.

Tomas keeps his hair short and well groomed. He is larger than most people who take to the fleet, large enough to be a large trooper. Nonetheless, he keeps his uniform [SIZE=11.9999990463257px]immaculate[/SIZE], his medals polished and in the correct order. While some might call him a dandy for the way he looks after his appearance, some will undoubtedly see that he is supremely disciplined.

Tomas was born into the upper echelons of One Sith society on Prakith. His parents were both high ranking officers in the One Sith military, though none of the three of them were force sensitive. This aspect closed some doors to Tomas as he grew up, but his birthright as a Raynor placed him in the best schools and [SIZE=11.9999990463257px]guaranteed[/SIZE] he was well groomed for military service.
Ages 0-14 Tomas was in primary school. He graduated early, all through academic work on the insistance of his parents, rather than with their influence.
Ages 14-17 Tomas was enrolled in Prakith Military Academy, a post primary educational institution for children with high aptitude for military command.
Ages 17-21 Tomas was a midshipman on a One Sith Star Destroyer, the Impervious in the tactical section. He was active in several boarding actions against both local paramilitary forces as well as against Republic forces.
Ages 21-25 Tomas was accepted to advanced command school, then assigned to Fleet Command on Prakith as a Strategic [SIZE=11.9999990463257px]Attache[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.9999990463257px]Ages 26-28 Tomas was assigned as Executive Officer on the frigate Traverse, then was given full command in a battle field promotion.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11.9999990463257px]Ages 29- Tomas was reassigned to the Star Destroyer Nero Vengance[/SIZE]






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