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Approved Location Tomb of C

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  • Intent: To create a final 'resting place' for Credius Nargath, where he has been kept in stasis for over fifty years all the while having been completely isolated from the galaxy's grand events. The resting place shpould've been erected around a small Netherworld rift he had discovered during his time as Chancelor of the Left within the old Zweihander Union.
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  • Structure Name:
  • Classification: Temple-Tomb
  • Location: The Redoubt
  • Affiliation:
    • Zweihander Union [former]
    • Credius Nargath [interred]
    • The Redoubt
  • Accessibility:
    The tomb itself may not be all that hard to enter, though as a tomb, it does have the basic securities, such as having bolted and secured doors to the lower levels of the building, which are intended to repel grave robbers. The tomb is also being reported as being haunted because of the presence of strange beings that are supposedly guarding the place and make it much harder for those with ill-intentions to try and get into the lower levels of the tomb.
  • Description: The tomb on the outside seems to be made out of a combination of smooth stone akin to black granite, with electrum and argentum etchings within a band stretching across the entire temple's lower portion. Several statues hewn out of the same material seem to be standing in two rows in front of the entrance to the tomb. On each side of the temple-tomb's structure, each facet is seemingly cleft in twain by a strangely neon green glowing material of unown origin and pulsating with a strange energy. Underneath the temple itself (the outer building) there is a practically inaccessible secret hideout, a network of laboratories, ritual rooms, hangars and storage facilities meant to house easily a hundred people in complete secret from the outside world.

  • Main structure: Colloquially known as the Tomb of C. this structure is what is seen by all venturing into the wastelands, a massive three-hundred meter tall pyramid with an eerie presence and aura. It's smooth sides make it seem as if the structure was crafted out of a single massive block of the rocky material that forms the basis of the entire structure. There are etchings in electrum and argentum, but also a strange, neon green glow across each side's center, which is generally believed to be a reaction to the radiation and the electrical storms that are heavily occuring and present in the vicinity of the Tomb, adding to the already sinister atmosphere of the structure.
  • Statues of Hunger: In his own desire for grandeur, his god-complex and endless need for self-worship, Credius had placed a pair of statues at each entrance of the tomb structure, with each entrance having a different pair. While all depicted Credius, there were four main differences: The Nobles at the north entrance of the main structure, The Chancellors at the south entrance, The warrior at the east entrance, The ruler at the west entrance.
  • Hive: Massive underground facility hidden from the public view and the hub of Credius' final works. This large complex used to house hundreds of servants and employees tirelessly trying to continue their work and their research. This place was the central hub of not just Credius' last attempts to figure out how to 'fix' himself, but also his true resting place, where he is kept in stasis, his soul wandering the nether through a tethered connection, all in search of answers to his plight. Now this place is as dead as the tomb above, with only the remaining droids controlled by the KRONOS AI left to roam the multitude of corridors and laboratories, storing each and every failed and succeeded research in the vault of the complex.
    • Hangar Bay: The Hive has a medium sized hangar bay, which can house up to three squadron of starfighters with additional room for one or two support craft.
    • Armory: Houses the majority of the deactivated Droid detachments and weaponry for the scientists and the mobius Tyrannicus on the premise.


  • Mobius Tyranicus : The Tomb of C's Underground houses the majority of the Mobius Tyranicus species, with at least a dozen of them present within the compound, roaming either freely outside like Mr Pollux or held within its confines should their strength and power be necessary to hunt down and annihilate any who dare tresspass into the sanctum of Credius Nargath.
  • KRONOS AI: As the masterpiece AI of Credius, imprinted with its master's behavioral patterns and mental acuity, this AI utilizes the way its creator would think and operate to best formulate the defense of the Hive and utilize the key security meassures left behind by its master prior to their "retreat". It has highly adaptable thinking patterns and holds complete authority over the Hive's infrastructure such as the blastdoors, environmental system, airducts and the general defenses.
    • ZMDII-CX "sceleratis": A handful of Extremely capable type 4 droids with expertise in dealing with and handling force sensitive individuals, they have a very capable internal droid brain and are generally guided by KRONOS in order to hunt down and exterminate any trespassers. They are however not always present as they are also needed to collect "materials" and as such they generally are never present in their full number. Loaded out with verpine handcannons, blades forged with sith alchemy and cloaking devices, these are true predators that can stalk their prey until it is time to show their dominance.
    • Noxinium A chambers: The facility has various Noxinium A storage tanks designed to quickly and efficiently drown portions of the Hive and even the Tomb itself with this heavy, extremely poisonous gas in order to remove any and all intruders with maximum efficiency.
    • Tunqstoïd reinforced Ersteel 12331 Blastdoors: These sectional blastdoors can shut down sections within the Hive in order to contain the aforementioned Noxinium A flooding, but also to hold off potential intruders.
    • Hidden, automated AFT-14.4000B FLAK Turrets with NZ DSI Rounds: Used to quickly exterminate hostile intruders or enemies within the compound. Generally these are located at ends of corridors, nearby the aforementioned blastdoors and near the elevator entrance.
    • Remote controlled, Repulsor lift elevator: A triplet of elevators is used to run from the top of the Hive to nearly the bottom, these can be remotely accessed and shut down by KRONOS in case of emergency.
    • Cameras: The Hive has a veritable network of cameras attached through hololink and datalink transeivers to the central security room which houses the main body of KRONOS
  • Detachment of ZMD-C1 Mercury combat droids with NZ-PBR.445 Plasma Blaster Rifle, thermal detonators and NZ PS-1 Shield System at their disposal.
  • One squadron of Legiones I-Class RI-1/A [Raider Interceptor] used by the Sceleratis and Mr Pollux.
  • Two squadrons of SDS-2 "Pincer" for defense purposes.
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