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Toni Nova, Gun for Hire


Antonia Lorella Nova
Aliases: The Huntress, Toni Nova
Faction: Free Lancer
Species: Near-Human
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Height: 5’ 2”
Weight: 130 lbs
Eyes: Chestnut brown
Skin: Caucasian
Force Sensitive: Slightly, though weak.
Homeworld: Commenor
Business: Nova Private Investigation and Arms
Lucy Lorella Nova (Deceased), died in the Commenor invasion by the Sith. Toni Does not know.
Matthew Nova (Living), retired.

Strengths and Weaknesses:
++Training: Deep ops, special recon, urban warfare, assassination--these are the darker arts that Toni has been versed in. Some of this does include the technical slicing and hackware your standard spies are trained in, but most of it is raw cunning and tactics. She is able to go off the grid for months or even years at a time if need be to stalk and find her prey. She is a tireless huntress who will find her mark. No hole is too deep, no planet too civilized for her.
++Agile: As a young child and a teen, Toni took Ballet, gymnastics, and dancing. These pursuits made her very nimble and coordinated at a young age. She knows how to fall without hurting herself, and Toni knows how to fight in a coordinated way and has no problem leveraging it to fight quickly, efficiently, and how to dodge attacks she cannot absorb or block.
++Weapons Training: Toni Nova is a proficient fighter with most all weapons. She can handle most anything at least moderately, however her specialization is pistols. Her favorite weapons are a pair of repeating blasters, she is rarely seen without either of them.
+/-Strong Willed: Toni has a gritty strong and a soul of steel that was forged in her through Basic and her combat experience. While it allows her to push through pain that would cripple most others and resist mind-effects, it makes her a little harder to work with than most. Unfortunately, it goes deeper than that. Toni will at times, for the sake of her own will, carry out on self-destructive behavior, just because she set her mind to it.
--Emotionally cripple: Toni is unable to talk about her feelings or when things bother her. She is emotionally stunted and hates feeling vulnerable, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. She is likely to lash out at anyone who tries to get too close to her, then push them away. She burns bridges when people try to make deep relationships with her, and she recoils into herself, to the point of her own harm.
--Small: In a world of 6’ 5” men who can benchpress 300 or more, Toni is both short and weak. Compared to her counterparts and coworkers, Toni is found lacking in the raw power needed to get a lot of deep ops jobs done.
--Swearing: Toni is lacking in social graces. She rarely can go a sentence without sprinkling in some expletive. Even when she can, Toni is very socially deviant and tends to push people away with her words as much as she can.
--Heavy Armor: Toni has been trained to use most of what would be considered, light and medium armor. She prefers the flexibility they offer with protection. She will sacrifice protection for maneuverability every time. She feels clunky and clumsy in heavy armor and hates it.


Antonia Lorella Nova was born on Commenor to rather normal, middle-class parents. Her childhood was rather unremarkable as she grew up in what most of the galaxy would call extravagant living since she had access to running water, electricity, warm food, and the holonet. Antonia made her way through childhood with very little trauma. Antonia quickly adopted the nickname Toni in childhood, one that she stuck to with little doubt.

As a kinesthetic learner, she did decent in the classroom, as a B-C average student. Her learning style did however lend itself to her first love; gymnastics. Through junior high she found dance and ballet as well, both of which gave her even better maneuverability. When she graduated, Toni decided to join her nation’s military out of patriotism. She loved her people and saw a chance to serve them. Through her merit, Toni found herself offered a job in the CSA’s special forces. She jumped on it without question, only to find that it had changed her deeply.

In deep recon missions to gather data or intel, Toni found herself exposed to worlds that she never dreamed could exist. She saw warlords feasting as children starved, entire cities die of thirst and hunger from famine caused by war, and nothing short of genocide in the name of religious fervor. Somewhere along the way, Toni lost herself and became jaded. The optimism died, buried beneath the dredges of the galaxy.

What shards of it may have been left died when she watched Commenor fall. Trapped in deep cover in a warlord’s court on Laekia, she saw her homeworld taken over by the Sith. Cut off entirely, Toni went MIA and struck out for herself. The glory she had known was gone. To make ends meet, Toni sold her services to any one that could pay...
Face Claim is Melissa O'Neil As she played in Dark Matter

Dressed usually in form-fitting all black with at least some leather, Toni commands attention when she swaggers into a room. She rarely is seen without twin repeating blaster pistols strapped to her hips and a vibro dagger on her utility belt. She is fond of a wearing leather (especially a leather jacket), a form-fitting crop top and matching high-rise skinny shell-spider silk pants. Her dark hair flows around her face, usually hanging freely in cascading locks. Her dark brown eyes stares with an intense gaze that could almost pierce through the flesh and bone of any mortal.

The gunslinger wears minimal makeup; typically lip gloss and occasionally foundation. Instead she focuses on her combat readiness and whether her guns are primed and ready. It is not unusual to find her caked in mud, covered in sweat, grease-stained or splattered with blood from her enemies.

She has a single dragon tattoo, but she will never tell you where it is...


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