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Character Tonzees Kaabrua

Tonzees Kaabrua

Councilman of Faldos
Councilman Tonzees Kaabrua of Faldos


NAME: Tonzees Kaabrua

FACTION: Rimward Trade League

RANK: Councilman

SPECIES: Togruta

AGE: Middle-aged

SEX: Cisgendered Male

HEIGHT: 6'0" (not including montrals)

WEIGHT: Average

EYES: Deep blue


SKIN: Orange-tan with pale markings


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Efficient: Having been born on a rather tough, forgotten planet, Tonzees is experienced in efficiency in both resources and management. To him, time is a valuable resource that he is capable of using to its fullest. On the flipside, he does often come across as having a low tolerance for incompetency.
+Strong-willed: Nothing can deter Tonzees as far as threats or challenges go. His will is incredibly honed and strong, which may cause difficulty for those trying to influence him with words or the Force. At the same time, he does suffer from obstinance in certain situations.

-Irritable: A wholly negative trait of Tonzees is his temper. In conjunction with his love for efficiency and his unwillingness to admit when he's wrong, many have experienced a tongue-lashing at the hands of this Togruta. Most know to avoid giving him bad news directly because of this.
-Forceful: While many would approach a situation with a careful hand, Tonzees is a firm believer in excising the problem with sheer force. Whether it's a result of his upbringing around Faldos or something else, no one knows. But he approaches every issue with an absolutist, strong attitude.

Tonzees is a rather gaunt, intimidating individual despite only being six feet from the top of his skull down to his feet. His montrals protrude horizontally from his head, curving up like bovine horns. They are decorated by a mix of blue, white, and cream stripes that give him a distinctive appearance, even among run-of-the-mill Togruta. On his face, his features are drawn into a perpetual scowl accented by the white markings on his skin. Blue eyes rest within weary sockets, bestowing judgment upon all they see. That said, he is nothing impressive as far as bodily build goes, making him susceptible to those who might try to overpower him.

Tonzees Kaabrua was an insignificant character born somewhere on Faldos to a couple of smugglers. While far from expected, he was certainly not unwanted. His mother decided to stay on Faldos to properly raise her son while his father agreed to keep bringing in credits. His early life, apart from his origins, was relatively stable. While Faldos was not the best place for a young individual of any species to grow up, there were certainly worse places for that.

Over time, Tonzees would mature into the family business of smuggling. He might have continued to do it well into today if not for a fateful encounter. As far as he knew, the goods they acquired came at little to no harm to others. When he learned of the truth about a particular shipment, something clicked in his head. If these items were taken from good people at a blood price, what else was? It was here that he decided to part from the smuggler's life and pursue something different: clean business.

With years of work and effort, Tonzees turned from the world of crime to social services that were much-needed on Faldos. This gained him popularity among the denizens of the planet, and, eventually, saw him elected as their representative in the face of galactic-level dealings. As was his promise that got him into office, Tonzees has since worked to clean up Faldos and turn it from a place of squalor to a planet rivaling the greatest splendors of the Core worlds. This has spooked some of the seedy underbelly types, but Tonzees is hardly scared of them.




Legacies of Fear (Council/Je'daii)
Setting the Board (RTL Council)
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