Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Too little butter and too much bread

In case it hasn't been noticed, I've been rather absent lately. Sorry for everyone I was threading with, but real life decided to crush me and I've been too exhausted, physically, mentally, spiritually, grammatically, to post anything IC on pretty much all of my people. A few posts here and there, but nothing regular.

It's going to stay that way. Not sure for how long, but probably until mid-December when my classes begin to end and I'm healthier. So, perhaps by then I'll resume a moderate amount of posting. Or maybe later. Don't know yet. I'll still pop in posts here and there, but not with much regularity. OOC, probably more often, but not much.


Veino Garn
Jeela Tillian
Roth Tillian
Tiland Kortun
Yox DIkai
Valara Tiall
Xyra Rahn


Morality Policeman :)
[member="Veino Garn"]

Been there, man. Things get that way. Overexposure requires a little cooldown.

Take care, take a break. And get lots of ASMR, my friend. ;)

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