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Private Too Many Secrets


Malachor Ruins

TAG: Kali'ka Kali'ka

The World of Malachor was a wastland of rock. Situated on this living grave of a planet was a ancient Sith Ruins, said to contain many secrets. The Lady of Charms had come to stretch her legs, to find a holocron of Lord Maul, a Zabrak Sith Lord who had lived in the time of the Chosen One. Provocatus knew that this world was an enigma, those who believed they had discovered all its mysteries were themselves decieved. She considered if it was wise to come alone, to face the trials and mind bending defenses of this potentent nexus of the dark side of the Force. As a Darth she bore the right to come, though Bogan did not simply give rewards to the brave, one had to earn them through passion strength, power, victory, and the breaking of chains. It was said the Great Pyamid had broken many chains, and many souls, that those who were not careful could be lost to its power...

The Sith Class shuttle descended near grouping of monoliths of charcoal gray stone and engraved with red markings that had some kind of matter on them that was luminiscant, though at the moment faded. The ramp came down with its usual fan fair, steaming pour out as the Woman in her regal like dress with its open bosom and long skirt with leather armor came to stand beneath these great titans of rock. She felt it at once, the pulsating presence that drove those unworthy to the edge, to madness, but to the intiated it was as if drawing fine tabacco, stimulating to all the senses.. yes, the dark side of the Force had been called many things, a chill to the Jedi, fire of warmth to Sith, for her it was thus, a pleasent fume that filled her and she breathed out, her heart elevating in pitter patter of beats and her alertnesss becoming as if a predator seeking prey. It was an exhilerating feeling for those who chose to know the "true nature of the Force." Why the Jedi deprived themselves, she never quite understood, how could one go a whole life without passion? And how could they believe victory can be achieved without power? And in the power the violence to break bone, minds, and hearts. Indeed, the true madness she felt was them, the Abstainers she called them, and what a wasted life they lived.

The path she was to take was clear, a Great Pyramid with a point that seemed to be fashioned of a major chunk of Bled Kyber. How the builders found such a great singular piece and cut it thus was a testament to the power of the dark side, that if one had the mind to do something, it could be achieved. What gave this Darth pause was not merely majesty of these ruins, and the prospect of navigating the puzzling temple that awaited, but that she was to do so alone. It was no secret that when it came to the Force, Passion was her primary identity. Certainly she did champion the other virtues of the Code, but she lived and breathed Passion, and that was a great deal easier with someone else present. She as not afraid to be alone, it just was not preferential. It was her secret hope that this world was not truly devoid of life, that perhaps someone else was brave enough to come and delve into the depths of its secrets.

A dark flake of ash carried on the wind, a black heart seeking venom to corrupt it even deeper. This was Kali'ka. Her descent into darkness was not the result of someone's nefarious scheme, no machinations of a Sith Knight or Dark Lord turned her from the Light she served. It was betrayal, it was pain and fear and hate, and it was the Amulet.

With no guidance, other than the Darkside and the Amulet, the abandoned jedi padawan who fell from grace sought her own way. The ancient ways of the Sith were alluring and seductive. But the Sith were factious, and finding her place among them difficult. She had no mentor or master. But this didn't deter the motivated Kali. With whatever resources she could find, steal, or kill for, she sought the Sith ways. As far as she could, with the Amulet to coax and aid her, the woman learned the basics of Sith sorcery, and her relentless studies filled her eager mind with Sith knowledge.

Her eyes turned to role models, those from whom she could learn, or at least glean knowledge. The Darkseekers proved an avenue, with Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru and their ardent quest to secure artifacts rightfully belonging to the Sith. Others she followed from afar, not the least of which was Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia and the Tsi'Kaar. Another was a mysterious Darth she had heard whispers about, one who, if the tales were true, had also found her way to the darkness by the power of an artifact. This Sith, seemingly unaligned with any faction, proved most intriguing. It was not easy to find this stranger, but fate, or the Force itself, lead Kali'ka to information that suggested this Darth was aboard a shuttle heading for, of all places, Malachor.

Her starfighter settled onto the hard dry ground, landing repulsors kicking up ancient, choking dust. The pilot shut down the craft and climbed out of the cockpit, taking nothing but a short, phrik alloy staff which fit into a harness on her back. The raven-haired woman coughed lightly at the arid dusty air, then set her gaze on her surroundings. One mahogany eye, the other a crimson cybernetic orb, took in the towering columns and ancient structure beyond with a sense of reverence. This was a place rich with Sith history, a place of dark legacy. And now, it was part of her history.

The acolyte's fit figure was covered in a black leather bodysuit from head to toe, a black cape draped over her shoulders. The sorceress began to tread the cracked ground. Her olive features bore the tattoos of a Kiffar. Her gaze fell to the other point of interest on the planet's surface, the shuttle craft sitting just outside the cryptic pillar. From the vessel stalked a tall, feminine figure, likewise clad in black, but with a much more voluptuous figure. Surely this was Darth Provocatus.

With a confident stride, Kali'ka drew closer to the mysterious figure. Eager, a bit anxious, but most of all, excited. Would she be welcomed, or shunned? Or would she be slain outright for her audacity?

Tag: Darth Provocatus Darth Provocatus

The Lady of Charms was making her way among the columns, coming to the central point of interest, the Pyramid, When she heard the sound of a star fighter settling down gently. So she was not alone after all.. that would make this journey more interesting. She could sense the approach of the One who had come, they carried themselves with purpose, and she felt it.. the presence of their mutual fumes, the Darkness itself. Provocatus did not draw saber hilt, rather she began to walk with a gate most graceful as she came to meet this other dark pilgrim. Catching sight of her, the Darth was delighted to see it was a girl, who bore the vestments of the Sith. It was quite possible she was from The Order itself, which would be auspicious. Already she had participated in dealing with a Light Side Cult on Taris with some Tsis'kaar, to meet another who was devoted to the dark ways was a treat.

She was mot striking, the markings she bore were not familiar to her, though she knew had great significance, much like the Sisters of Dathomir who marked themselves with their dark magick. She saw that this Acolyte of Darkness had some sort of staff on their back, and no sign of a saber. This might be advantageous, since often in these labyrinths of the Force "only what you take with you," would be part of the challenges. With a fond wave of her smooth white hand she said,
"Hello there! I see I am not the only one who has been drawn to this forsaken place."

An assumption, she was not certain of what this Sister of Shadow sought, as far as she was aware, there was no bounty on her and she had not offended the hierarchy of the Sith Order, rather she had given purpose to some Asssasins of Taris, and had not pledged herself to other dark side cults. She had not yet chosen to worship the Living Dead, the Eternal Father, or the Shadows of Tsis'kaar. The dark side would suffice for now, and when it came to cults of personality, she had her own strong personality and she was content to get to know everyone, form bonds, and help them grow in the virtues of the Sith Code.

Here on a planet that was a wasteland, a sarcophagus, two beating hearts had come, they probably sounded as drums in deep of the Pyramid, perhaps stirring already was lurked down there. Provocatus kept drawing closer, her hands gesturing far from her belt to make clear she had no intent of striking down the Woman before her. She stood for a moment at base of one of the monoliths, and looking at the strips of red-orange, saw it light up at their proximity, the very presence of these two vessels of the Darkness seeming to stir a grid that traveled to the Great Pyramid.
"It seems we two have awakened these transmitters.. and soon the Great Temple may open to us."

She gave a great smile as she now was within the distance of striking if she had drawn her weapon. The Dark Lady was greatly galvanized by this encounter, the prospect of taking the path foward with another was prickling her passion.

TAG: Kali'ka Kali'ka

As she tread the wasteland into the midst of the rune-covered monoliths, Kali'ka soaked in the darkness that emanated from the place. The Dark Side still saturated the ancient place. As she drew nearer the tall, lithe woman, Kali sensed her as well. As the darksider turned to walk towards her, Kali fet her presence, strong, confident, and lacking hostile intent. The woman, she was certain, was Darth Provocatus herself. The alluring sway of her gate was both graceful and cavalier. Kali's eyes did not waver from the approaching figure, the rate of her heart increasing with each step. The two women progressed, until they stood face to face.

The silence was broken by the warm greeting of the Darth. The informality of it compelled Kali to relax a bit. "Yes, there is alot here to draw the interest of someone willing to seek it." Kali replied with a small smile. So close now, the sorceress could study the true subject of her journey to Malachor. Darth Provocatus was physically impressive, markedly hourglass of figure, and tall enough that Kali had to look up at her to meet the woman's gaze. That gaze was the most curious shade of lavender.

Kali'ka steeled herself. The pervasive presence of the planet's Dark Side licked at her, and coupled with the unexpectedly powerful presence of her fellow Sith, The acolyte feared she might swoon. No. She seized control of herself, focusing on her purpose, to saturate herself in the things of the Sith and the Dark Side. This woman, and now this place, could do that.

Standing a bit straighter, the Kiffar Sith tore her gaze from the mesmerizing woman to look up at the monoliths, following the Darth's own gaze. The nearest pillars now glowing where the pattersns were etched into their surface. Darth Provocatus spoke in the plural.

"...and soon the Great Temple may open to us."

Without question or interrogation, The superior Sith included Kali'ka in her expedition. The acolyte's heart soared, a smirk of satisfaction touching her plush lips. "I am Kali'ka." She introduced herself, offering a slight bow of her head to the Darth. "... and I came here to find you."

Tag: Darth Provocatus Darth Provocatus

The Darth could sense it, the feelings of this Acolyte boiling to surface or rather peeking, as magma was want to do below a rocky surface, he tribal marks even looking as the earth above the flames. She sensed that her form was pleasing, her presence even intoxicating, which made Provocatus began to jiggle as she was want to do when she was pleased, she was now very close to this Companion who she now saw greater potential in that merely a partner in the puzzles to come.
"Kali, was a beautiful name. Mine is well provoking haha, and since you admit to having come to find me, you probably know it by now, though I believe the proper exchange of names is a good tradition, I am Darth Provocatus."

She crossing her arms in a restful and playful manner gave her a look over at this closer distance.
"You came seeking me? How curious. I hope it is not a bounty, as far as I know.. I have not offended anyone in the Order, nor tilted with any Jedi to warrant hunters."
She gave wryly smirk, she was being playful now with her words, she did not detect guile in this Woman who's presence was as perfume to her, she drew closer taking a wiff, her neckline and bosom coming close.
"No.. I think not. I can discern no malcontent Then again, I have been wrong before."
She gave smile that bore her pearly white teeth.
"You should know that in the Code, I embody Passion in its many forms. I believe it is passion that is central to what makes us Disciples of the Dark, and without it we become merely mirrors of the Light Siders. It is passion that drives us, that creates us, that molds us, and makes us into Lords. The Jedi think cutting themselves off from this makes them strong, in truth they deny the birthright of all, though we Sith are able to pursue it to the fullness in the Force. Forgive me.. I do not mean to preach, I am passionate about.. ha.. passion."

She was finding herself carried away by these feelings, the fumes of the planet and the presence of this Kali had made her enter a state of ecstasy in the Force. Provocatus found herself easily given to relationships, to bonds and ties. It was in them she felt that Passion of which she spoke grow and flow, making her feel such euphoria, that it became as a drug. There was potential dangers, not everyone was worthy of such connection, and the dark side tended to pit its disciples against one another in conflict, to determine who was worthy. There was a false sense of security in the mantel of Darth, that perhaps this One might wish to learn and not commit the Rule of Two tradition. And maybe.. they were interested beyond the aspirations of power too...

TAG: Kali'ka Kali'ka

Darth Provacatus' lavender gaze lingered on Kali, clearly studying the acolyte. The attention brought a heat to Kali's cheeks, but she did not avert her gaze. She wished to show strength before the Sith she had traveled to meet. In reality, the arcane Darkness of that ancient place, and the palpable presence of the Darth, were intoxicating. While many Sith carry an air of sinister aloofness or bravado, Provocatus was informal and quite charming. Kali had heard hearsay that charm was where this Sith woman's powers lay, in the subtle, seductive manipulation and control of others. Even if true, Kali welcomed the refreshingly casual approach.

Kali chuckled lightly at Provocatus' comment about bounty hunters, then composed herself. Kali saw the smirk on those plush black lips revealing the woman's playfulness. "I am not a bounty hunter. I am just a learner, looking for knowledge." Kali offered with her own smirk, her humility unfeigned before the Darth.

Provacatus' monologue about passion intrigued Kali'ka. The acolyte hung on the words spilling from those lips, the passionate speech itself stirring the passion of the fallen jedi padawan. The words resonated viscerally within Kali, as if Provacatus spoke directly to the desires and wants of the acolyte's dark being. Kali took a step towards Provocatus, excited by the woman's message, her eyes fixed on those captivating lavendar orbs.

"I was taught that passion was an obstacle, something to bury. I know in my being it is a power I can't deny, and the more I nurture it, the more powerful I feel."
Kali found that, In fact, giving to passion offered an incredible pleasure and a sense of purpose. "But undoing what was learned is not always easy." She added with a tone of frustration.

Tag: Darth Provocatus Darth Provocatus

Provocatus was enjoying the flow that was between them, she could feel the excitement in this acolyte, which in turn made her so and she kept smiling as they drew closer to one another, her eyes informing Kali'ka Kali'ka that she was welcome to draw as close as she wanted. This was the very center of what this Darth found intoxicating, the passion between souls, that was amplified by the Passion of the Force itself. When she said that she was a "Learner, seeking knowledge," this made The Lady of Charms almost purr.
"We always are learning, while I respect the Master and Apprentice tradition, I believe that we never stop learning till we leave this galaxy for the Netherworld. I additionally believe a Master learns from their Apprentice as much as the Apprentice from the Master. It is a partnership, a bond most sacred. I find the Rule of Two method of shattering that bond rather.. outdated.. I understand the concept is based on Power and Victory emphasized in the creed, and perhaps a shattering of Chains.. however, there is a reason The Jedi are numerous, trust is important, and I believe there is room for reform in the Sith in this regard. Though I probably find myself alone in that reasoning."

The Learner then revealed something, that she had been taught that Passion was an "obstacle," the teaching of the Jedi. To this Provocatus extending her hand out as a sign of comfort said,
"Unlearning what you have learned,'" ironic she was quoting a Jedi Master by saying that, "actually places you in good stead. You understand better than most what the absence of passion is like, let no one make you feel shame for that, your journey to the dark side is unique, you have a perspective that should be appreciated, not derided by those born in it. I have found many of greatest Sith were once paladins of the Light, they understand the gravity of our choice, what it means to live without passion and conform to tenets that tell you to deny your desires for the 'greater good."

The Darth hoped that she had not been too preachy, she felt the words spur forth from her heart. She saw in this Woman something of great potential, and she felt an instant connect, as if indeed this was a destined meeting. More than that there was she detected a warmth between them that she found unmistakable, a fire that they had been discussing, as if two flames were feeding on one another to grow. This she had not experianced in this level of intensity with anyone else.

The dry, arid breeze kicked up, tugging lightly at their garments, tossing Kali's raven-black locks. But the acolyte barely noticed it. She was fixed upon her companion, listening to the taller, charismatic Sith woman. It was more than Kali'ka could have hoped for after her daring, uninvited pursuit of the mysterious Darth. With little more than an introduction and a confession on the acolyte's part, Darth Provocatus happily shared her thoughts on several matters. Kai was not only encouraged by the impromptu lessons from the unique perspective of the charismatic woman, but was drawn even stronger to her.

Power, confidence and allure emanated from the beautiful Provocatus, mingled lasciviously with dark energy. Kali felt it viscerally enamored by her presence and attention. The striving with her emotions, pinpointed with precision by the Darth as her passions, could cease. The rose even as Provocatus lauded her unique perspective as a former jedi. "I don't want to deny it, I want to embrace my passion, let it course through me, feed me, free me..." Kali spoke with excitment, her heart rate climbing as she drew closer, physically and socially, to the seductive Sith agent. Provocatus knew what Kali'ka needed, freedom to explore her new liberty in the Dark Side.

Her desires were courted. She looked at the physically stunning Provacatus, and then to the imposing structure before them. She wanted both, to offer herself to one and to plunder the treasures of the other.

Tag: Darth Provocatus Darth Provocatus

The Lady of Charms felt an impulse to reach out her hand and place it on Kali'ka Kali'ka shoulder.
"Yes.. passion is the key. I can help you with this. Together we can feast on these feelings, and allow them to make us stronger."
She stood there as the breeze made her tunic blow, and her heart began to beat with a racing pace. This was the center of her connection to the Force, Passion, and she was thrilled that this One wanted to drink deep of it. Coming to this world she had only thought she would find the Holocron she was after, and instead she felt something more precious, a person after her own heart.

"Let us together venture into ecstasies of Passion! To feel all things and become strengthened by it! For I cannot on my own sustain it, Two there must always be as Banite Creed correctly states. Though I would remove the obligatory betrayal, why drink of delights and then shatter access for some small demonstration of superiority? If even that is what it can be called, few Sith I know directly challenge their Masters, they tend to 'kill them in their sleep."

As the feelings began to churn in the cauldron of her own heart, the great monoliths all lit up and beams began to connect from the tops that all began to like a net head to the top crystal of the Pyramid. Seeing this Provocatus gave a great smile,
"It is as if this place is blessing our meeting.. our feelings. Oh I can taste the richness.. can you?" Turning she then offering her naked hand, the smooth flesh almost glistening beneath the light of the nearest monolith that bathed them in a coral red light,
"Take my hand, and together we will see what rapture awaits us.."
She was beaming with a great smile, this had been beyond her wildest hopes, to have someone so ready to learn the Fruit of Passion, the key to the dark side in every way. Perhaps together they could be a beacon in the Dark, a Red Flame of sensuality that would show those trapped in the dogmas of the Light that not all darkness is a fright, that it can be smooth, sweet, and beautiful. Yes this was the Beautiful Side of the Darkness, and it was time the galaxy saw it, and understood.

The woman's hand reached to rest on Kali's shoulder. A wave of sensation coursed through the acolyte's body at the touch. An offer was made to guide the fallen jedi into a realm once forbidden as one of that order, to indulge and explore her own passion, to find that fire and let it burn with the power of the dark side. Kali's appetite's had already been whetted by Provocatus, and the Darth's seductive monologue enticed the Kiffar acolyte all the more, making her hungry for the adventure.

Dark eyes tore from the alluring Darth to the stone pillars towering over them. They came to life, searing beams of light connecting them and in turn the distant peak of the Sith structure. Perhaps Provocatus was right, perhaps the stirring passion between the women was already creating power beyond them both. Kali turned back to Provocatus, nodding and smirking as she looked up at the taller woman. The tattooed sorceress did feel it, a visceral vibration that heated her core and made her heart swell. It also licked at dark places Kali had left untended. A mischievous smirk touched the Kiffar's full lips. "Yes, I do feel it."

Looking down at the offered hand, Kali'ka took it in her own, another sensation trilled along her nerves at the feel of the soft, feminine hand in her own. But it didn't fade, it became a humming undercurrent of excitement that invigorated Kali. The acolyte had pursued Darth Provocatus in hopes of gleaning some Sith knowledge from the woman. But Kali found much more as she strode hand in hand. "Teach me." She crooned in an oiled voice, her gaze volleying between the mysterious and arcane structure ahead, and the beautiful Sith mentor beside her.

Tag: Darth Provocatus Darth Provocatus

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