Corruck Kazen
Time is the Essence
Location: Recalcitrant over Praesitlyn
Characters: Corruck Kazen, Crew of Recalcitrant, and scientists of ReCal
Corruck stopped dead in his tracks, he hoped that he had not heard what he thought he had. "Corruck!" Oh no..... Corruck turned on his heel back to the older man walking towards him.The man was of a somewhat larger build than Corruck, at least larger in the middle than Corruck had kept himself. Even though the man was almost a head shorter than Corruck, Corruck was somewhat intimidated by the man's stare. Of course, this was not because the man was intimidating so much as the fact that Corruck knew what was coming... "Corruck, your blasted crew member, the little girl, has messed with our latest blaster. I demand that she be reprimanded at once."
"Yes I know. We have gone through this once or twice alr...."
"And nothing has been done! If this continues my men will need to spend time sealing off the areas we are working in. That would mean an incredible decrease in efficiency. While you may be fine with that, I am not."
Corruck held back the sigh that threatened to escape him. "Alright. I will find a solution. Maybe we can find a suitable compromise."
"I should hope so." With that the man walked briskly away. He disappeared around a corner heading towards the cargo hold the scientists were using to make technology for ReCal.
Corruck fell back until he rested against the wall, still standing. He rubbed his hands over his eyes. "Brilliant....There is absolutely no way there will be a compromise that will satisfy Nothy." He began to walk away, knowing that he would need to rest to figure this out.
As he neared the stairs, Corruck always preferred stairs to turbolifts when possible and convenient, he turned to make sure no one was following, specifically the leader of the scientists. He took the first few steps, then stopped he heard some yelling. Then he heard a loud crash...Corruck knew that he did not want to know...So he bolted up the stairs and hoped that the leader wouldn't find him before Corruck got to his room.
In a few moments, he was at the top of the stairs. He was nearly safe! He slipped into his room and closed the door shut. He hoped that in the next few minutes there would be no interruptions. To that end, he locked the door and faced towards the bed. Clean and inviting, Corruck was tempted to leave the problem and sleep on it. But he knew there would only be so much before the scientists were fed up with Nothy. While her pranks and tricks were mostly amusing, the scientist hardly found it so. He had hoped they would figure out a way to work alongside her somewhat problematic behavior.
He walked back and forth, between the bed and the door. His pacing was kept to a precise timed footfall, without his knowledge. He had of course trained himself to keep a good march and precise walking pattern, in case of his need to go undercover in the more strict factions in the galaxy. But he rarely enjoyed using those steps, they seemed cold and hard, never showing one person for who he was. But Corruck had trained it so deep that it became a habit when he was not thinking.
"So at last the loggerheads have collided and there is little I can do but watch. Nothy will simply not stop messing about with those people, and those people will simply not stop complaining about her interference. Solution? Jettison both parties? No, while a practical solution, one without proper results. Jettison one of the parties? No, a solution with a positive result on one side, but still a negative on the other. Jettison myself?.....Maybe....Would certainly stop all the voices.....Okay that is it. No more of that. Get you mind together." At that moment he heard a sharp knocking on his door. Praying it was not the scientists he yelled, "Sorry, I am not available at the moment!"
A deep male voice returned almost instantly, "Well then. Will the useless droid taking the message please tell the captain when he awakes that I am available when he needs to talk."
Corruck smiled. "Message received, I'll let him know when he is about ready to get up off his sorry back side."
"Very good. And tell him there will be some food to test once he is in the galley."
Corruck walked over to the door and opened it. Nobody was there. "Of course not. Never is. He's always in the galley, yet always manages to let me know when I need him." Sometimes he thought that Karneth did that just to show off. But in his heart Corruck knew better. Karneth was fairly pleasant to talk to, but rarely understandable. He would have to go see him. The galley as usual, hopefully this time the food would be something at least mildly edible. The last time it had been some delicacy from Mon Calamari, made Corruck almost retch from the smell.