Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Name: Toreka
  • Faction: Organization of the Off-White Force Users, also known as SJO.
  • Species: Jastaal/Kaminoan hybrid
  • Homeworld: Ruuria
  • Age: 31
  • Gender: Incomprehensible
  • Sexuality: Pansexual
  • Relationship Status: Nebulous
  • Force Sensitive: Yep
  • Force Rank: Knight


  • Height: 6'8"
  • Weight: 112 lbs. (she is part bird...)
  • Eyes: Gray
  • Skin: Pearly white
  • Hair: Also pearly white
  • Plumage: White to red and everything in between

Vigilant: Toreka is a knight, through and through, and it's a rare occurrence to catch her off guard.

Dancer: In the heat of combat, Toreka is as calm and cool as ever, always graceful and always quick on her feet.

Healer: Most of Toreka's force abilities center around healing, and she's got a knack for it. Ever the compassionate soul, if she cannot heal someone, she will protect them until they can receive the help they need.

Heightened Senses: Having grown up in total darkness, she's had to rely on her sense of hearing, smell, and touch more than her vision.


Dreamer: Whether they be her wildest fantasies come true or pure night terrors, she finds herself lost within the confines of her own mind whenever she falls asleep. Granted, she only sleeps every few days thanks to her genetics, which can either make her the perfect guardian or a creepy presence.

Strange Light: Although she may follow the light side wholly and nothing else, that doesn't mean that her interpretation of the light side is the same as others. It's quite unclear what she believes, necessarily, but it's garnered the ire of some Jedi she's met in the past, claiming that she's tainting the light.


Where Did That Knife Come From?: Although vigilant, Toreka is also susceptible to dirty tricks, as she always wants to assume that her opponent is just as honorable as she is.

What's a Blaster?: Not knowing how to proficiently use a ranged weapon is one thing, but Toreka never quite fully mastered the art of deflecting blaster fire. She can, just not very well.

How Does Gravity Work?: Toreka has the perfect balance of weight to her armor, able to still move around gracefully and retain the protection that it provides. Unfortunately, that's her limit. Any planet with higher gravity, anytime she's drenched, anytime she's not quite at her best mentally, she'll behave sluggishly and perform far below her best.

Why Do You Talk So Much?: Not much of a talker, this one. Her language skills were meant for a far-removed underground society in which she grew up in. Her social skills have never been up to par with others from around the galaxy.


"Imagine the deepest, darkest pit your mind will allow. Now go further, and further still. In a world without light, strange things grow and morph. Feasting without knowing what you were stuffing in your maw, fighting without ever once knowing what you face, freezing without ever knowing why. When I discovered my light, others would flock. For once, I could see them and they could see me. For once, I was not a prisoner to the dark."

Toreka was born far beneath the surface Ruuria to a Kaminoan and Jastaal who had also lived their entire lives down in the pits where there was no light. Their kind had evolved to that environment, distorting in unnatural ways over the centuries. She still doesn't know how or why there had been so many living creatures lost in the pits so far underground, but after discovering her attunement to the force and finding her way out after years of searching, she dedicated herself to that same light. No matter how beastly or monstrous she had been in her subterranean life, that time was over and it was then time to forge a new one.

She traveled Ruuria first, getting a feel for how a society functioned and how languages were spoken with ease. Then, she traveled to nearby planets, discovering the vastness of the galaxy and what it had to offer. There were others like her with her powers of light, and many who would betray that light. It was difficult for her to imagine how one would choose the dark after what she had been through, but she rationalized it by imagining what it would be like to never once experience the dark in the same way that she had never experienced the light.

Of those that weren't frightened by her uneasy appearance and social skills that only furthered her uncomfortable presence, she was able to find a pupil of the light who not only accepted her, but encouraged her. He was born of a Bosph and a Lannik, so he was aware of her struggles to fit in with more common sights. She was trained under him for years, learning how to properly use her light and even how to wield a lightsaber that she was able to forge herself.

It was quiet and peaceful in that lonely part of the galaxy, but Toreka had an urge to use her light somewhere. She forged a full set of armor to hide her appearance and set out.

Toreka's Lightsaber:



Being part Jastaal, Toreka is covered in vibrant plumage and light thanks to it being an avian species. Only being half Jastaal has left her without wings, however. Her other half, Kaminoan, has resulted in her long neck and blackened eyes, as well as the pale white skin beneath her feathers. Her nose is also halfway between the slits a Kaminoan would have and the beak-like protrusion of a Jastaal. She isn't particularly strong or resilient, but she lets her grace counterbalance that.

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