Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Torment, torture, triumph

Date: The ** of ** in the year ****
Location: ******
Subject: Bryn'adul specimen 00001

She had ran, she couldn't bear the thought of having to face the great titan, to explain her failure, her loss against someone who ought to have been weaker, less matured, less in tune with the titan's vision. Yet, she did lose to such a being, she did lose to a lower caste specimen, a lower... lifeform. Yes, it was a lower lifeform, it was a shame, a painful reminder that those deemed weaker and less capable could still surprise one such as...such as her...

Subject's brainwaves seem to show erratic patterns, neuro pathways being processed...
Pathways processed...
Activating neurological stimuli...
Stimuli applied...

How long had she been looking at the reflection in...what was it again? Transparisteel?

How long though, how long had she been in that vile liquid, hearing the murmers and mumblings of these weak, insignificant, soft fleshlings?

Where they soft though, where they weak though?
Subject shows agitation...
Administering suppressants...
Compound B34/97-2003 injected...

Did it really matter?

She could not even remember how she cot here, as if she had been in some trance for what was it?

Weeks? Months? Years? Decades?

Extracting sample...

This same itch again, it seemed in the back of her head...or at least she thought so, she hadn't felt her body for...well, how long had it been? She didn't know the answer, she didn't know or remember much, but she knew there was hatred, fear and... something else, something she couldn't remember. There was at least one name...if it was even a name that haunted her mind, her thoughts...when she was lucid...or when she wasn't lucid, she didn't know really... Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus .
It started as rot.

An imagined nothing on the edge of endless blackness. Encased in a tomb, lungs forever full of sap and curdled liquids, half-catatonic spirals of madness fermenting for decade after decade.

A rot that shuns crimson.

Hraelga. A thing. An evolution, an experiment. As Vold Marauder, they had access to means of their creation. Hraelga had ALWAYS been a THING.

"Ran. You ran."

A taunting echo. A voice known better than their own.

A crushing presence on the edge of vision, a weight pinned against the mind.

His mandibles snapped into place, rot festering in his teeth, and the great maw of the Titan flashed and disappeared. A moment from a battle, training, or perhaps entirely invented.

How long had it been?

"Ran. You ran."

The liquid burbled, the thoughts raced through her mind like a thousand electrodes firing off at once. The image, the presence, the very thought that the Titan was present was unbearable, but for someone who had been going through this for time and time again, decade after decade, things started to change, fear had become suspicion, doubt had become rage, everything had been turned on its head.

Subject shows raised levels of stress and agitation...administering suppressants

A chill, a strange feeling to describe when one could hardly feel anything, rushed across what Hraelga thought to be her spine. She didn't know, as in truth, she couldn't feel much, only see and hear, just that. Even her thoughts were starting to become hollow, making her wonder about her own existence and whether or not this wasn't all just a dream... a long, seemingly neverending nightmare, with none other than Tathra Kaeus haunting her waking moments like a hungry predator waiting to devour her should she ever finally fall asleep...or worse: wake up.

Suppressants administered, continue observation and tissue removal...

Still, this image, this continued imagination, this continued madness rearing its ugly head in the form of hallucinations and images that would strike at her core, it... wasn't wrong. Yes, she ran, with good reason. She had lost against a lower class member of their great hoste, she had besmirched not just the rank she held, but also the one who had bestowed it upon her in the confidence she would be a fine addition to his collection of warriors.

"Curse you, Great Titan..." The unnatural defiance, the strangely independant nature of Hraelga amplified by a neverending torture and deprivation of practically all sensations, it was still present in it's purest form. She dared to curse the being considered to be the closest thing to a god, if not a god himself by their race. She dared to hold hatred for the being where she used to hold immense fear. It was maybe because of the delirium, that came with having had no sleep, no rest and only pain for such a long time, that she began to cultivate a profound hatred for the very being she feared, she began to hold hatred towards the one who she saw as the reason why she fled, the very origin of her fear and the very target of her rage was all one and the same. "Whether you live or die, whether you are close or far away...your genetic code, the seed you planted to birth our race haunts my every waking moment...must I continue to endure this torture just so I have to face all my failures again and again?"

Analysing extracted tissue
Subject shows greater resilience than expected...
Administering Compound B76/32009...
Sending report of current analysis to Terminal 3-R, administering stimuli...

How did she end up in this situation again?

Hraelga tried to remember, the former Marauder attempted to delve as deep as she could into her own memories, but all she remembered was how she had ran the very moment she realized she had done what was considered heresy by the very tennets her kind lived by. She feared the outcome, she feared the punishment and as such...she ran...

Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
The Titan balked at her excuses, her failure. He slithered from one side of her subconscious to another, her mind in the palm of his crimson paw. Pain ran through every synapse in Hraelga as the Titan crushed her mind. Blood and membrane gushing out from the creases.

Falling. Falling.

A paw reached into her back, pushing through like thin cloth - muscle, flesh and carapace melting at the touch of a God. Her spine slowly torn from her back, shoulder blades knotting as her skull tensed at the friction.

No spine. Hraelga ran because she was fast.

Undisciplined, fast. Her failure was a moment to rise stronger and she failed.

"You know your defeat was not absolute. All fail. But you did not rise to right your wrongs. You were a COWARD. Are you a coward now?"

Tathra threw his crown back, mandibles splitting and jerking with laughter. His golden eyes peered through the dark, sneering.


Humiliation when you lost. Humiliation now that you remain in defeat.

All she could do was writhe, if she could, she would skirt back, avoid the Titan's eyes and his rage...even his disappointment, but she had to accept that what had been done in the past, was was the past. It didn't matter if she could change it all, because in the end, did she really want to?

"I ran..." The words flowed throughout her mind, bouncing back and forth. "But I am not a coward...I was simply following my instinct, my gut...I could not face you, I could not stand at your side knowing I had failed to subdue a mere brute, a mere general...I could have...I should have..."

Subject vital signs stable
Start Procedure B14/03
Reattach core nerve system...
Stimulate microtubulii

"I should have killed him...I should have killed ALL of them...I should have torn them all to pieces, ripped their entrails out of their carapaces...but I ran..."

Subject remains stable...
Inject enhanced Bacta solution...

Hraelga began to writhe, when she suddenly felt something, she started to feel her hands, her arms, her legs, every fibre in her body...she could feel again and unlike what she felt before, what her mind seemed to conjure up, it was...real. She still couldn't actually move anything, but she was quite certain that she could actually feel everything again...including the thick, long syringe being drilled into the back of her neck, injecting something into her vascular system and making her feel all tingly...and later on positively burning.

"I will kill them..." A shudder went through the former marauder's body, her golden eyes burning with a fire, a hatred she had not born to bear for all this time she had been experimented on, had been kept locked away and in the dark. "I know how we judge our people on their failures, their flaws and their use... I failed, I ran...and I will thank you for making me realize this failure, and... I will show you what failure begets..."

The tingling sensation lingered within her arms, her eyes focused on the darkness beyond the liquid, where she could see figures standing, their eyes fixated on the former marauder, their mouths opening and their hands moving with what looked like some sort of plaque. "For the first time in who knows how long, I feel...lucid...and they have made a mistake... the supressants are already wearing off... Coward, Marauder...It does not matter, I am Hraelga, of the Bryn'adul, fastest of the Draelvasier... and I will claim what is mine once again."

Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Humiliation is not death. Apathy, surrender, that is death. As if by the wind or by will, the taunting facade of a Titan was beguiled by the sudden change of heart. Too long had this apparition, this extension - watched and waited as Hraelga, a marauder - allowed herself to be subjected to the vile touch of inferior beings.

"Hraelga, you have lingered in defeat for too long. YOU ARE MORE THAN THIS."

Hraelga was alive, Drael blood flowing in her veins, boiling beneath her carapace once more. The Titan was no eldritch maw, no abyss lay between his mandibles. The edges of his form became the clearer as the strength of the marauder returned. Wore robe and gambeson from before the war.

Hraelga stood in the demesne, a bronze circular fixture at its centre. An arena detailed with scorch marks, notched with scrapes and broken bones and of course, blood. Black blood and steam.

An escape from the extant. A memory?

The day Hraelga of the Nacht birthing pods became a true Draelvasier legend, a Marauder. An albino Drael aeravalin, similar in stature but a head taller than Hraelga stood adjacent, both with backs against an invisible curb. An enclosing bulwark pushing them toward the centre. One blade, cut into the flat. Handle upright, facing the nothing sky between them.

Was there a sky that day?

Caradin - 8**ABY

Tathra reclined, venerated in a throne of bone and scaled flesh. A celebration was had in the name of another system falling under their command. Trillions death, their flesh for the feast. Old faces watched. Hrajlmak, Osam, Galak. Hraelga moved with grace, speed, and precision, she was made to rend flesh. Her body was her weapon, her claws her denotation. The albino made for the blade, but Hraelga had his joints and soon his throat.

A Marauder that day. Yet still, the gazes sent a chill, a burn like a hot-freeze through her body.


The Drael that beat her. He had been there too. But not that day nor now. But only now a shadow, shadows all abound.

Nothing but shadows left for Hraelga. NOTHING left for a poor fool, a coward. Unless..

Unless she takes it.


Warning, Subject heartrate rising
Administering suppressant...
Administering suppressant...

"I am...more than this..." She could feel her blood running through her veins, her flesh listening to her mental commands, whatever had been keeping her dazed and practically knocked out cold, it seemed that it was no longer effective. Whomever or whatever had managed to cage her, control her and keep her in suspension hadn't realized that even if they concocted drugs specifically targeting a member of the Draelvasier, that no matter what...the Drael would conquer, the Drael would overcome.

Administering suppressant...
Administering suppressant...

"Hraelga, you have lingered in defeat for too long. YOU ARE MORE THAN THIS."

The words of the Titan not just flowed, but boomed through her head, her mind, her conscious and with every breath she took, with every gulp of the vile liquid which kept her in suspension flushing through her internals, her blood grew colder, more lethal, more...MORE.

She could see their eyes, the eyes of the soft fleshlings on the other end of the reinforced transparisteel which kept her in her containtment, she only half understood what was said, only knowing the majority of words uttered by the machine that contained and restrained her, as it was called. She had learned its language, its specific uses and how much it hurt her.

Hraelga could see the minute twitches in the fleshling's faces and hands, their skin crawling, the blood pumping through their veins in abject horror. Whatever they had thought to find or sought to discover, Hraelga had finally been awoken from her long slumber, she could not just see their fear, she could taste it, feel it to her very core. Whatever they had sought to do and whatever they had hoped to discover, it would all come to naught.

She felt different though, as if she had been cracked, damaged, but at the same time liberated and honed to a new level. Every ounce of flesh, every fiber in her body seemed to be flush with energy, with vitality and strength she had not felt in ages. Her hand slowly rose within the liquid, touching the transparisteel at the boundary of the liquid, she could see her hands and she realized they were different, gone was her black and crimson beauty, the very essence of the aeravalin she had been seemed to be gone. They had tinkered with her, cracked her open, but whatever they had done...even if it looked so... UNNATURAL, Hraelga could not deny it, she felt stronger, she felt more powerful and she had a hunger she had not felt in a long while.

As she tilted her head a bit to the side, she could see how one of the fleshlings came closer to her containment, their weak, fleshy hand touching the transparisteel where her armored hand touched the see-through material.

"I am more..." The transparisteel cracked, the suspension liquid burbled and started to turn to steam as Hraelga's mouth opened and unleashed a howl, a wail so loud it shattered the transparisteel containment, boiled away the liquid and finally allowed the former aeravalin to draw in the stale air beyond her containment. "No matter how much you break me, no matter how much you manipulate me, no matter how much you strip away my armor and my flesh...I am HRAELGA!!"

TAG: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
The Titan stood on the other side of the transparasteel, and as it cracked, so too did the visage of him leering over Hraelga. With a nod, the glass shattered. Hraelga freed herself, and in a flash of unconsciousness twelve of the containment staff were pulled apart.

In Hraelga's mind, the black faceless silhouette of Tathra Khaeus pulled them apart. Beat them to death with speed and precision. But blood stained her new mouth, her white claws struck like arbalests, alien organs lay scattered around her feet - blood rained from between her fingers into the palm and wrists. The doors were banging, alarms blaring. A bith scientist lay curled in the corner, grasping at his large ears. Blood ran down from both sides as the bith cried out in terror at the site of her.

Hraelga the reborn.


Fear is a powerful motivator, fear of destitution, retribution, death...those were the fears that compelled Hraelga once, so many, many moons ago to leave the hive, to leave the Bryn'adul warmachine behind and hide, hide from her master, her father, the glorious titan. However, after so much pain, so much fear and so much madness, her mind had been broken, reshuffled, stitched and repaired, shattered again and ripped apart, only to once again find itself in a lucid-ish state.

The images of the Titan mocking her, haunting her and for some reason pushing her, brought Hraelga's most primal feeling back to the fore: her unbound, undaunted rage. Even after all these years, all these decades, she was still in her very core: Hraelga, Marauder of the Bryn'adul, Commander of the Draelvasier warmachine destined to remove the blight of these fleshlings from the face of the universe.

As her white, bone-like hands and claws shattered through the transparisteel, so too did the image of the Titan, the monster who haunted her very nightmares, but whose call she also could not ignore and something...something within her told her that her kin...or at least the kin that was her kin, were once again rearing their head. Even know, in this strangely elevated state of rage and bloodlust, Hraelga could feel the Bryn, the Drael...and their might, their power bristling and awaiting the sign to once again begin the hunt, begin...the cleansing.

In what was ostensibly a white and red blur, the former Zealot and Marauder hacked and slashed her way with unmatched precision and brutality through the aliens, the weak fleshlings that stood in her way. However, when she finally found herself standing in front of a large transparisteel window, Hraelga could see her own was strange...the fact she could even see, considering she had a massive cranial plate covering most of her upper head, bloodied sinew and muscle seemingly laid bare, but for some reason she didn't feel any discomfort through it all.

She was curious, rather than disgusted or afraid, her appearance seemed to not offend her at all, as it gave her a distinctive look in her own opinion...something she had valued so much: her own opinion, her own mind. Yes, she was her own self, even if these aliens had broken her, injected her with strange substances and remade her into what she was looking at now, she could only appreciate look, which she found brought her to a new level beyond what she had been before...


Her head tilted a bit, her sharp fingers sliding across what looked like some sort of control panel in front of the transparisteel divider, as her fingers touched one of the buttons, the transparisteel became see-through and on the other end of the thick sheet of hardened see-through material, Hraelga noticed another member of her race, from what she could gleam, it had to have been a brute, the distinctively bulging muscles and broad frame made it clear, even though this one seemed to have undergone a similar transference and transmutation as Hrarlga had undergone.


The gurgled sounds were enough, enough for the reborn former marauder to understand them. She understood this blighted brute's wishes, their desires. Death after all was better than failure in their minds...their tiny, inadequate minds...yes, the Bryn'adul were once all she had, but she wondered if perhaps the Bryn's old tennets weren't exactly that: OLD.


Again her boney fingers slid across the buttons on the console, seeing some which had a label with an image, with one button in particular having a flame on top of it. Tilting her head a bit, the former marauder pressed the button carefully, her lips curling into a wicked, toothy grin as the place where the Brute was held was suddenly lit up in white hot flames, the beastly remains of a proud warrior blistering and being incinerated faster than their extraordinary healing powers could save them.

"Death suits your kind..."



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