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Approved Location Tortuga Station

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Asari Morin

Intent: Tortuga will become a home for all Pirates who are willing. This will allow Pirates on SWRP to have a home base where they won't be extorted or charged too much money to receive repairs and achieve some R&R.

Development Thread:

Hero Unit: Yes

Manufacturer: The Pirate Fleet

Model: One of a Kind

Affiliation: Pirates

Modularity:Can be Modified as time goes on

Production: Unique

Material: Remnants of Dozens of ships.

Description: Tortuga was designed, thought of, and subsequently built by Asari Morin the Pirate King. The original concept of this massive station was originally thought of nearly eight hundred years ago. The station was to be a home for Pirates, a place to rest, relax, and receive repairs if necessary. The Station itself was built using thousands upon thousands of cannibalized ships. Every time the Pirate Fleet would conduct a raid they would collect and bring together useable scraps, eventually forging these scraps into Tortuga Station. By the end Asari had also given the order to scrap his own fleet for the construction of Tortuga. Dozens and perhaps even hundreds of ships went into the building of Tortuga Station. The Station was designed to be a home for pirates, because of this it is well armed and defended, with many starfighters and capital ships surrounding it all times. Tortuga is also made of several hull plating making its armor rather redundant. This is because there was no power source large enough to provide a shield for the entire station making it necessary to have heavier armor in case the station itself was attacked. Tortuga was designed for a siege, it is a durable structure that could last for several weeks under the firepower of a fleet. Tortuga on the inside however is vastly different than one would expect from a Pirate Station. Although most people might assume it to be a filthy crime ridden den of disgustingness(much like Nar Shaddaa) it is actually quite the opposite. Within Tortuga one can find apartments, Bars, and even Banks. The station is massive, and is overseen by Asari Morin and his crew. While there are technically no laws upon Tortuga there is a sort of “Code”. When the code is broken one can expect swift retribution. However because most come to Tortuga for relaxation and rest, more often than not the code is never broken.
Tortuga is a massive station, and as such its construction will take some time. Because of this Asari is building the massive citadel in segments. The center of the station is being built first, this is the simplest part construction wise and will be finished within several weeks of its commissioning. The massive arms of the station will be completed as time goes on. This means that the Station itself will in fact be somewhat operational even though it will not be entirely complete for some time. This is why the secrecy of Tortuga's location is so key, as if it were to be found while half built it would spell trouble.​
Location: K-25 Between Nal Hutta and Ylesia
Classification:Space Station

Role: Pirate Base

Height: 8.6 Kilometers

Width: 7.6 Kilometers

Length: 12.2 Kilometers

Power Core Generator/Reactor: SFS-CR27200 hypermatter reactor

Hyperdrive Rating: Stationery

Minimum Crew: 10,540

Optimal Crew: 50,450

Tortuga Carried no natural armaments of its own, though protecting it is a variable Armada of Pirates along with several Ships that are stationed there at all times.​
This Makes Tortuga more like a planet than an actual space station.​

Starfighters and Smaller Craft: 4,000
Shuttles and Transports: 1,500
Tortuga also has massive arms on which larger ships can easily dock.​

Non-Combative Attachments: Tortuga is equipped with massive amounts of sensors and life support systems. It also has several turbo-lift systems to get around the station itself. Although it holds no shielding or any outer protection aside from its weapons Tortuga is made up of extremely heavy metals to resist a possible siege.

Passenger Capacity: 350,000

Cargo Capacity: 250,000 Tons

Consumables: Infinite(Several Arms of the Tortuga Contain Farms)

Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: N/A
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