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Approved NPC Torvas Flymm

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  • [SIZE=9pt]Age: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]46[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Force Sensitivity: Non-Force-User[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Species:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Human (Dantooinian)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Appearance: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Lightly tanned skin with darkened hair. A visor augmentation fixed upon their face. Wears a dark coat over plexisteel armor plating. He has a few scars and other minor cybernetic enhancements, more so appearance rather than actually functioning unlike that of his visor.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Name:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Torvas Flymm[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Loyalties: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]The Blue Kaths[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Wealth:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Plenty wealthy due to Gang Leader position[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Notable Possessions:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Trained Kath, slug-thrower, blaster pistol, dark coat and plexisteel armor.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Skills:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Enhanced Vision: Due to the use of the fixed visor enhancement, Torvas has enhanced form of vision. This includes thermals, zoomed, assisted [/SIZE]targeting[SIZE=9pt] and such other visions beyond standard vision.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Skilled Gunman: Torvas has become quite the gunman, able to put down multiple targets in mere moments. He had excellent teachers.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Kath Trainer: During his time starting the Blue Kath gang, him and his first members spent lots of time in the wilds. Together, they spent much time with the creatures and soon learned to tame such beasts.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Personality:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Serious, covers anger with dry humor, doesn’t take poodoo from anyone, hardened, patient, a cold killer and an intimidator.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Weapon of Choice: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Slugthrower[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Combat Function: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]He tends to use others to do his dirty work, but if it comes to combat then Torvas can be rather skilled. Capable of blasting down multiple targets in quick succession. Sometimes he can sick his Kath Hound upon opponents. However, due to his many augments that were either self installed or installed by cheap work, he tends to have flashes of pain from strain or rejection. And while he is skilled in gun-based combat, he is not so great in a melee. His augments can cause a lot of pain if damaged in melee combat.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Torvas was never seen as a very high standard child in the past. Usually he was quite the trouble maker. Thieving, sneaking into other’s houses. Eventually the law just had enough of it all as they soon put him away. But not for long, and he was rescued by his friends and they all escaped. Out in the wilds of Dantooine, they lived a new life and formed a gang of sorts. This was a small thing, of course and a few of them just did so to escape their lives.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Eventually however, it became more. They started robbing from outside towns, trading caravans. Their gang grew, and some from other worlds came to join. Other humans, humanoids, and such. The law soon had enough, capturing a few members. The local civilians aided in this and the gang was forced into exile. After meeting some rather experienced people in the trade of gangs, they expanded towards Coruscant.[/SIZE]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Candez Stoon"]

Looks very cool - also looks like it got pasted twice. Can you make sure the more complete half, if any, is what's retained?
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