Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Torvas Vief

Name: Torvas Vief
Faction: Inari Shogunate
Rank: Ronin

Species: Shistavanen Wolfman
Age: 40
Sex: Male
Height: Approximately 6 foot (~1.83 meters) on his hind legs
Weight: 180 lbs (82 kilos)

Eyes: Gold
Hair: Black (Head fur), Silver (Body fur), Dark gray (Fur on extremities)
Skin: Covered by lupine fur
Force Sensitive: No


+ He is an ace pilot with police training as well as years of professional experience under his belt.

+ Due to his species, Torvas enjoys heightened senses and a strong sense of hearing and smell compared to most in addition to increased strength and powerful jowls and claws.

+ He can run for long periods of time, electing to use either two or four legs for locomotion.

+ An intense sense of discipline and restraint make him a cold and calculating foe.


- In addition to those heightened senses, Torvas' canine species makes him naturally color-blind as well. This can also cause some problems in flight, especially in dark conditions.

- Having elected to live his life according to a very strict code of honor, Torvas will not violate certain ethical regulations regardless of whatever the consequences of following those rules are.

- Any substance that's lethal to smaller canines is certainly toxic to Torvas, which is an aspect of his unique biology.

Appearance: Looking something like a classical werewolf, it's clear that Torvas' species followed a different evolutionary line than those of humans and near-humans. His face is drawn in a pronounced snout that ends in a blackened lupine nose as well as a jowl that opens to display prominent fangs. While most of his body is covered in thick gray fur, the black fur on the top of his head is styled much like hair and worn in a prominent topknot.

The fur along his extremities is notably darker than on most of his body, though it matches about half that fur that's found on the long tail that juts out the back of his body. Predictably, that tail is the source of his sense of balance.

Practical clothing has a tendency to find its way into his wardrobe. Torvas generally wears heavy pants and boots when performing his duties, coupled with a doublet and cloak. His casual and meditative fashion tends toward wraps and silk belts, though these generally feature bland colors due to his canine style of vision.

Biography: For centuries a majority of the Shistavanen Wolfmen have kept to themselves, so its not at all surprising that when Torvas was born in Cloud City he was born in a local community of members of his species who were uninterested in interacting with any others. They mostly kept to themselves in their specific community, performing various services, and occasionally acting as bounty hunters or scouts.

While his people were valued for their unique abilities, they had no wish to get too friendly with the remainder of Cloud City's residents. One may suppose that this should not be chalked up to xenophobia so much as isolationism. The local community would take care of whatever needed to be taken care of without getting chummy with humans or Ugnaughts.

Eventually, Torvas turned this sense of isolationism more into intensity. Rather than just being a vagabond, he attached to the strong pack mentality and sense of loyalty that his community held dear and this ultimately lead him to join the Bespin Wing Guard. Becoming an officer of the forces of law and order left a strong lasting impression on him.

Honing his skill and putting everything he had into his work typified his time spent with the Bespin Guards. While it's sometimes said that someone fought tooth and nail to get the job done, this is literally so with Torvas who used his claws and fangs as well as his blaster to take out the criminal element in the tired old floating city complex. He gained a reputation for very deeply valuing order above everything else and taking the law into his own...paws.

From his vantage point, this was necessary. Some of Cloud City's underworld had become lawless and sometimes, Torvas felt, it was necessary to take extreme measures to ensure that innocent people don't get hurt. If it came between possibly seeing an innocent harmed and having to take a criminal out right then and there, he always took the path that lead to fewer people getting hurt - even if that mean someone had to end up being kicked off a Tibanna gas platform and spiraling down to their doom.

He took the same point of view when it came to his work in a Storm IV Twin-Pod Cloud Car. The actual Baron Administrator's office often came into conflict with him because, while he had the unusual distinction of being an "ace in a day" when it came to his work in the aforementioned vehicle along with his gunnery officer, he also took his job to an extreme. In his mind, though, it was necessary. The Galaxy was a lawless place, and it needed a restoration of the same type of order that his people knew through their pack structure.

Once he reached the 20th anniversary of his joining the force, Torvas was offered a difficult decision. While he was well respected in the Bespin force amongst the officers and crew, administrators had grown tired of his unconventional tactics. They offered him retirement or a desk job. Rather than take the indignity that came with being essentially punished and being robbed of his ability to do any good in the Galaxy, he took retirement and demanded he be paid a lump sum for the package regardless of how small this was.

He took the money and purchased his droid and vessel, ready to find instead where he was now needed. Due to the things he had experienced in his time as an officer of the law, he'd come to believe that the constant disputes throughout history over Light and Dark were morally wrong. Both sides of the force were needed - how can Light be defined without Darkness, and how can Shadows form without the Light?

He is not a Force user, but is remarkably spiritual and believes that neutrality between the Light side and Dark side are needed to maintain order in the universe. When he left Bespin he fled to the Inari Shogunate as he was looking for someplace where he could put his skills to good use. While he is still low lying in terms of the structure of that organization, he deeply admires the attention to orderly regulation and rigid social order that comes with it. To that end, he truly believes that the individual Daimyo are all truly divinities.

Ship: When he left Cloud City, Torvas purchased a used Sienar Fleet Systems Lambda-class Shuttle. Putting the mechanical skills he learned from being a cloud car pilot to good use, he extensively overhauled the vessel and replaced a variety of components to ensure that the vessel will hold up at high speeds.

He named the vessel Needle Rat, after a species of predatory mammal that's found on the desert plains of Tatooine. Recently the top wing of the shuttle received the paint of his Daimyo's coat of arms.

He keeps his equipment in the shuttle, which includes a used Aratech 74-Z Military Speeder Bike that he also purchased and overhauled when he left the force. Most notably, his co-pilot is mechanical.

A few of the others from the Bespin Wing Guard pitched in and got him one of the 12-4C-41 Traffic Controller droids that the city has used for centuries to keep track of traffic patterns. Technically it was a matter of convenience - apparently the droid, who is named 24-8C-14 or simply Eight-Cee, knew something that made him a liability. Torvas took the cautious approach of wiping his memory clean before refurbishing him. His personality has ultimately shifted wildly as a result, and he is still coming along with learning his master's wishes since he's been completely reformatted. Torvas himself never knew what was so dangerous to learn, and is in no hurry to find out.



Bounties Collected:



Initiation: Locating The Palace of Piethet Brighteyes

Rumors in the Swamp

The Wolf Changes his Coat

Learning the Ropes

A Freshly Changed Coat

Masquerade Ball Date

Completed: Black Fire, Blue Armor. (Taming of Nocturna)
Haha, thanks for the votes of confidence. For what it's worth, I just made up his name by plugging together syllables from the names of existing canon Shistavanen characters.

[member="Dresden Strife"]

Thanks; I didn't know how long to make it since I'm used to RPing at places that have certain requirements and such. Sorry if it went on too long. I appreciate you having a look for me, though.
[member="Dresden Strife"], Actually that's kind of small. (I put about 1500+ words in mine)

[member="Torvas Vief"], Been here since Site's infancy, so if you have any questions you can ask and someone will answer.

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