Binn Toskros
Company Creation Template
- Image Source: Bing Image generation
- Canon Link: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Corporation Name: Toskos Shipwrights
- Headquarters: Minntooine
- Locations: Dac (Metallurgy), Pammant (Shipyard), Minntooine (HQ, Shipyards, R&D)
- Operations: Ship construction, metal refining
- Parent Corporation: N/A
- Subsidiaries: N/A
Toskros Shipwrights started to support fellow Quarren that felt they were being left behind by the Mon Calamari along with larger corporations. The company started work into both metallurgy & construction of ships, docks, and the like. Some of their portfolio is variations of now ancient Quarren designs like the Recusant. But also creating their own designs for ships and fighters. Workers are share holders acting as another incentive to plan, design, build, and treat others well.
Toskros Shipwrights weighs potential contracts for the benefit to the Quarren people short & long term. Many times they will talk on contracts that don't pose a risk, or ones that benefit overall. Thacgern Toskros had been at the helm of the company for just over two decades when the Tingle Arm Coalition's surprise attack came. Unfortunately that would be the end of his tenure. But not the end of the company taking care of the Quarren people. The company helped others rebuild for next to nothing, just whatever they could pay in the future, agreements, or reconstruction funds from the Empire.
Binn's husbands family had created the shipwright over a century prior. Most of its growth happened in the last three decades with Goscogen and his son Thacgern at the helm of the company. Their methodical investments, the backing of groups not as strict towards themselves. Creating a new R&D station above Minntooine was a boon that they needed to move to a new era. One that wasn't seen for long by Goscogen before his passing. Thacgern deftly used everything at hand to position themselves well within the new Empire of the Lost and their non xenophobic ways. At that point Thacgern had begun bringing Binn into meetings since she was the head of the R&D division. This unfortunately was only to last for just shy of a decade, the hardest part was during Tecla's rule. But it came to an abrupt end with the Tingle Arm Coalition invading the Empire of the Lost in the Dac region. Catching a first production run ship with Thacgern at the helm by surprise, leaving the vessel a loos of all hands in the face of overwhelming odds. Binn was devastated at losing him, but the board moved fast & with many being older family members they voted Binn in. Seeing it as a move to have R&D move to the forefront of the companies future.