Soliath Devin Talith
Family Man

A world of fire, flame, and death. The planet was known as a world of constant volcanic activity, massive erupting flows of lava and huge spurts of magma were not an uncommon sight upon this world. Its polar region were naught but massive volcanic fields that stretched for miles and miles. Black rock etched with red rivers went on as far as the eye could see. Danger and death lurked around every corner, and it was here that the first leg of the tournament began.
The Tournament of the Gods, the Opening of Moross space. Twenty Four people had been rotted from hundreds of thousands, each one exceptional in some way, each one chosen to provide entertainment for the masses.
The God of Moross had created this tournament to turn the eyes upon their people, to show the galaxy what Moross had to offer, both through the beauty of its worlds, and the eccentricity of its Tournament. These battles were composed of everything, from deathly bouts in fields of lava, to the sands of a billion credit Arena. The Tournament of the Gods would be broadcasted to every home in the galaxy, and would be seen by all.
The First world was Demonsgate, the unrelenting Hell Hole of a planet so coveted for its ores.
It was here, in the northern volcanic fields that the twenty four contestants had been transported in pairs. Camera Drones hovered around them as they slowly gained their footing, and the match began.
[member="Darth Morgoth"] VS. [member="Serock Hoath"]!