Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Touch of Life


Location: Ozzuk-Thren Medical Station

A New Way

The day had felt long and dark. The last moments of consciousness had been of anger and hate. They believed they had bested him. When the champion took him to the top of the obelisk to turn him in like some prize he reached out to the force and dragged him to his knees. The fight had never been won, both fighters had collapsed upon its finish. The tournament a testament to the Diarchs power without the force. He augmented nothing but his body when dire. He wanted to feel helpless again.

And here he was. Lost in the pit of his own mind, unconscious, helpless. For as long as he had known his brother Reign. The two had always kept each other alive. As good and wholesome as it had become it had softened him. How can a ruler push himself from his golden throne of safety. His body torn asunder. Every inch of him now scarred with cuts. One particularly long one now formed across his chest, streaking through the burn marks his fathers lightning had once made.

None of it was enough.

"How can someone like me feel alive."

There wallowing in his own pain and curiosity for life; within his head he heard her. A woman who's voice was softer than a peach and warmer than spring. She whispered to him while he dreamed. A warmth, one rarely felt among people like him now flooded over him. - At least his dreams were kind to him now. When he needed it the most.

The sweet moment lasted for what seemed like a whole life. He could see it, following the warmth through fields of flowers. Within his keep he no longer chased his nieces around, now it was his own children. A reality that always seemed aloof and out of the question for him. This dream felt more like a vision. A premonition of things to come.

Slowly his eyes began to open, with the deep red of Ozzuk Threns sun coming threw the tent. The voice from his dreams still lingered. Soothing him back to reality. He turned his head to the side to see a beautiful woman.

She was the one from his dreams. A mirage made reality. He looked at her for a moment. Wondering why she had come. Who was she to him and did she give him these dreams. He reached up to grab her but his arms still to weak. They barely come off of the table, so he was at her mercy.

Not used to being helped or healed by strangers he assumed the worst. He asked her with a voice as coarse as his body was broken
. "Have you come to kill me?" At least the whills had shown him an angel before he died. Even if it was the angel of death.

Tags: Tova Rachi Tova Rachi

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Tova Rachi

Lady of the Sacred Scar
In her core, she hated everything about the violence that she had seen play out. The sheer joy that the Sith had taken in seeing their comrades be beaten to within a hair's breadth of their demise was enough to send her stomach into revolution. She was a pacifist by temperament. However, she had been trained to have several ways of defending herself should the need ever arrive. If she did her job well, the need never would.

Her observations and inquiries were done. With the rise of the new political power of the Diarchy, Tova felt it prudent to get in at the ground floor. She could ingratiate herself with the leadership, perhaps achieve a courtship that could lead to at least a role as concubine to the either of the leaders. Given that Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik were unmarried, she had decided that he would be her first attempt.

With a little persuasion, she had been allowed to enter the medical facility in which Rellik recovered. Even though his wounds were severe, she had been forced to show her healing abilities on a Sith of lesser importance. The muscular Sith had appreciated her tending to him, and his arm looked like it would make a full recovery.

Now, she sat on a stool besides the bed of the fallen Rellik. He had fought beyond what she had deemed possible, and long passed what she deemed reasonable. He was a fierce warrior. And someone that would be valuable to have on side with her people.

As slender fingers reached for the near lifeless form of the Diarch, her mind wandered to that of her beloved Tycho. A sharp mix of guilt, remorse and grief took hold of her throat. Her fingers trembled and for a moment retracted.

Always remember. Never forget. For all Naboo, we must do our duty.

"Forgive me, my love," she said, works unheard by all as they were simply mouthed.

Just the tip of her fingers brushed across his bloodies skin at first. Her lips parted with a sorrowful sigh as she felt life escape her being and flow into the Diarch. The effect was almost instant as she witnessed wounds knitting themselves together.

She rested the palm of her hands on his chest. Quietly, she whispered a mantra. He very essence was being transferred to the fallen man. Right at the moment where he was healed enough to do so, he awoke.

Tova did not react to the failed attempt to lift his arms. Thought she realised in that moment that he could still be high on the lust for violence. She would need to be careful, maintain his physical weakness at a point that was conducive to her own safety.

"Not so my, Lord," she said, soft eyes glistening with tears for her love, "I bring the gift of healing, along with other a token of good will from the people of Naboo."

Her people first. Always.


His concerns of life or death had been subsided with a simple sentence. "I bring the gift of healing, along with other a token of good will from the people of Naboo."

His gaze had never left her since opening his eyes but her words hit him hard. "along with other gifts" replaying within his head. She was a tool, one here to do her job. He knew all to well what it required to keep ones people safe from the galaxy at large. Rellik himself has done terrible things for the people within the Diarchy. As he looked at her, he noticed tears forming in the sides of her eyes. Ones she was trying to stifle.

"So you are a concubine than? Is that the fate Naboo has deemed for you? Have you ever wanted to be more than that?" He asked with a ting in his voice. A pain that he hoped he could play off due to his injuries.

Something about those dreams from before ate at his heart. Her formal nature and the reality of her situation resonated with him. Already he had wanted her even though he barely knew her. Inside his mind he was still chasing her through the fields of flowers. Seeing her with him and his children.

Feeling her hands upon his chest and the warmth within him made him want to reach out and calm her through the force. He believed her tears were because she knew she had a duty to perform and she was here to enact upon it. When he tried though he could not break the barrier into her mind. Presumably to him because of training she had undergone. Were all of his feelings now because of some kind of strong manipulation from her? He could not tell. He only had her words and mannerisms to go off of for now.

"I will tell you this. I am a Diarch. Simple pleasure is something I can find on any night. For someone to truly consider themselves my partner, they must be my equal in all things. Ones dreams must be valued more than anything. Are your dreams to fulfill your duty to Naboo, or are they more? I can promise you that the Diarchy has no ill will towards Naboo. If you just wish to simply return to your superiors with this information than do so now. There is no need to share your other gifts. If you have your own dreams though we can achieve them together. Stay here with me."

His eyes never faltered. He was wounded, confused and feeling an emotion he did not yet know how to fully describe. A strange yearning to be within her presence that he had never felt about a woman before. Yet he was well read and a man who has lived through many tribulations. If these feelings were true, he wanted them in full.

Tags: Tova Rachi Tova Rachi

Tova Rachi

Lady of the Sacred Scar
She bid herself controlled. If she could reverse the tearing up of her eyes, she would have done so. But thankfully, Rellik saw another cause for them. One that would have been no less real should the circumstances not have certainly threatened tears.

"Not so, my Lord," she said, tone sweet and kind with not hint of dismissal or correction, "for I shall always be a Daughter of the Scar. No matter what role my mate shall decide for me. Though if I had my wish, I would not be held in harem."

It had felt wrong to manifest in his dreams. She could tell from the look on his face that her manipulations had done their job. Though she could also see hesitancy. If he were a man of wisdom, he would possibly have heard rumours of the practices of the Daughters of the Scar. But then he would have also likely have heard of their superior genetic purity. Her DNA alone was a gift worthy of any royal line. It was alright if that is how he thought of her.

"I am here of my own choosing, Diarch Rellik," she said, trying his name out with a soft flick of her tongue, "my role is to solidify long term ties. And as the only bargaining I have is myself. I offer it freely for the good of my people...and the service of he who would honour me with acceptance."

Her hands rested on his stomach, warm healing powers transferring to his body. Her decorous smile looked over the improving wounds. "You are a valiant warrior, my Lord. It is my honour if only to heal your wounds," she said, soft eyes wandering to his with unasked questions.

Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik


With the healing from this new woman the swirling world around him was finally coming back to normal. His mind was no longer disoriented and filled with a dream like haze. He took in her words, now fully understanding the situation. She was not just some noble but a practitioner of Shiraya. He wandered through the endless landscape of lessons from his Father and advisor Tashsi for information on the Daughters of the scar.

He looked away from her gaze for the first time down to her lips, the symbolic makeup helping him remember who her people are. She had gone into his psyche while he was unconsciousness. If she was nothing more than a servant who had tried to manipulate him he could just kill her once he had the strength. An accident to remove this new problem from his life and suitable punishment.

Yet his body hurt and this feeling was much more... acceptable than a bacta tank, her warm soft hands upon his scars. His gaze lowered to fully take in her form. She was beautiful and knew how to present herself. Her red cloak accenting her figure and the tone of her skin.

"Hmmm, so you are mine to do with what I will."

A gift had been given to him. One he had not been expecting but was welcome. From her words it was deemed she personally chose him instead of just being assigned. She had many personal qualities that he could already determine.

Beyond her healing ability, this daughter of the scar was just a young woman and already nuanced in politics. The Diarch doubting how much she had seen in her life was assuming this was her first time trying to manipulate someone outside of her training, she had done well and chosen someone rising in galactic power. Her abilities in the force as well could not be ignored. This manipulation along with the moment he tried to enter the barrier of her mind and was denied were powerful. Both agreeable aspects for a suitress of his stature.

Rellik sat up in a 90 degree angle, his legs now coming to the edge of the table. Gathering himself for a moment to let his blood pressure re-settle from laying down for so long. He rose, standing chest to chest with her now, he was using the force to push himself back up after the initial healing he received. A surprising example of a life filled with battle and the never ending urge to rise. He wanted to speak to her on equal terms.

"You appear to know my name and status well than. Tell me woman, what is your name."

It was not a question but a demand from a ruler.

Tag: Tova Rachi Tova Rachi


Tova Rachi

Lady of the Sacred Scar
Her eyes searched for some hope within his. Hope that her advances would not be mocked or harangued. She knew that he was a man of power and authority. There was no sense in condescending to him and trying to deceive. Though there was no need to make it sound less palatable to him than needs be.

The way he phrased his statement sent a shiver down her spine. Thankfully, she kept her intimidation from showing on her face or in her posture. "Provided you accept the terms of my order upon the offering one of the Daughters...then the terms are not burdensome."

As he stood, to her amazement, she took hold of Relic's arms in an attempt to help him steady himself. She realised within seconds that this was the wrong move. He had stood to show himself strong and dominant over her. Her hands withdrew to her dark red hood, and slender dingers pulled back the hood to let it drop to her shoulders. Her white hair was a near match to her pale skin. Her irises were of white, wth just subtle specks of right blue within. It was enough of an imperfection to make her eyes perfect for thorough study.

She did not flinch before him. She nether backed down nor sought to press any advantage. Instead, she welcomed his proximity with an expression that spoke of admiration.

"I am Tova Rachi, my Lord. And of all the men that went to fight eyes...and thus my choice...were only ever for you," she said. Her words with a soft, inviting whisper. Drying lips stuck together slightly with certain words, providing a visual stimulus to those that allowed eyes to wander.

Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik


As he had awoken he wooed over her. Than he tried to intimidate her and yet she did not falter. She had stayed steadfast and coerced him with the right words at the right time.

He watched her move, speak and adjust to the situation accordingly
. "I am Tova Rachi, my Lord. And of all the men that went to fight eyes...and thus my choice...were only ever for you," The softness in her voice and the sultry effect of her lips. She was impressive in her formality, pursuit and tactic.

There was a un-spoken dialogue between the two that Rellik rarely saw. A secret art of what to say, how to move and why. The dance of words and subtle body movements were as exciting to him as any battle during the event. This scene made him feel alive.

She might have come to his tent solely with political purposes but this game made the Diarch want her. The real her, not the thoughts she had put within his head. someone - who like him was an actor upon the galactic stage, working with more than raw power. The first to ever dare test him in such a way.

He wanted to be open with her about where they stood now. He pressed closer to her, the two now mere inches apart. He moved his right leg between hers as if they were going to dance, his right hand upon her hip with slight yet strong grip.
"Not many can stand in the face of a killer, try to manipulate him and than press him further... I enjoy your company; Tova Rachi." A slightly devilish smile growing across his face. His yellow eyes looking as though a fire were raging within them.

Than he let her go. He enjoyed the tension of the moment, assuming she would not resist his advance but not letting her have it. He moved past her to the side table near the bed where he laid while injured. With his back to her as he poured some water into a cup.

"You may call me Rellik, save thee - my Lord's for when we are in the presence of high society. You may cut the formalities for now. Speak freely, as yourself."
As he turned back to her he took a sip of his cup and than splashed the rest on his face to help him fully wake. He shook and wiped away the water but the effect left his still shirtless physique now drying in the red suns light. He was back and fully in form.

"You may begin to fill me in on my new duties to Naboo, for I believe I will be keeping you around."

Tags: Tova Rachi Tova Rachi

Tova Rachi

Lady of the Sacred Scar
For all her training, Tova was still an inexperienced young woman. Her breath hitched and cheeks flushed with the sudden closeness of his body. while her mind raced, her fingers delicately reached for his chest. She hesitated, fingers curling with only the nails lightly scratching at his chest before her trembling hand pulled away.

He enjoyed her company.

A smile creased the corner of her lips. The Scar of Remembrance turning upward in appreciation for his compliment. She continued to maintain her composure, but her body stirred to his prowess and advances. In the deep recesses of her mind, she found an inner voice of loathing. The voice spoke another name and the devotion her heart had for him. How she had responded physically to Rellik threatened to become a matter of disgust. Tova quieted the voice with silent whispers of Shirayan prayers.

"You may simply call me Tova. Or if you had some honorary you deemed more fitting, I would not deny its welcome," she said, not turning with his sudden departure, but instead feigning as if she might leave the room. She would not leave this place though, till he had committed to more than just 'keeping her around'.

"You have no duties to Naboo as I have no formal ties to you," she said, head turning and eyes flicking upwards with a hint of a tease, "but should their be an officiation...the Daughters of the Scar wish for any second daughter born of such a union to be my replacement in their order. Adding the ever purifying lineage of Daughters is the greatest gift you could bestow. Other than that, I would ask a personal favour that I should be permitted to return may attend with me...from time to time. To see no more the lakes of my home...would not a content countenance make."

Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik


For the Diarch the last few days had been a whirlwind of emotion and un-clear thoughts. Drums of their faction rising in power left nothing more but constant bickering and idealism within his ears. Brief moments of insanity creeped within his mind as he could feel himself drifting for his blade and to end everyone involved. He was losing himself to his darker thoughts and needed an outlet. He had hoped the arena would drown out the background noise of the galaxy and let him live as an animal. It neither made him feel better nor breathed fresh life into him.

Rellik had processed everything she had said and formed many sporadic ideals about her, un-sure how much came from her training and how much from the insanity of his own mind and dealings. He was sure she could tell by the flurry of differences in his tone and behavior. In a way he felt slightly ashamed. Not something common for him as he would kill or blow off anyone who had made him feel this way.

Once the initial bruise on his mental state from the manipulation had cleared and there was no one around but him and Tova, he felt a sweet calmness. As he splashed the water on his face and took a deep breath; he took her in, standing there together within the dusty tent of Ozzuk Thren. Only a slight breeze with them.

He stared at her, now near the exit to the tent. Aloof, intelligent, sultry and with a well of hidden power to explore. She was enough of a joy to focus his entire world on. It calmed the never ending cluster that was his mind.

"You have no duties to Naboo as I have no formal ties to you," she said. Her eyes flickered towards him from behind the red of her robe. The blue stars within shimmering as she did.

She than spoke about the stipulations of her people. To the Diarch's themselves family meant everything, the only man Rellik would never attempt to kill is his brother. This was their way, ones bonds were strength and could not be broken.
The idea of abandoning his second born daughter would pain him greatly.

He moved to ensure Tova could not leave. He gently reached out and put his left hand forward, touching his fingertips to hers.

Softly he spoke to her from behind.
"Within my doctrine, family mean everything. I will take your officiation, upon which you will be bound to me as such - my Diarne; mother to my children. You will be risen to one of the highest status's within my order. Nothing will be out of your reach, you will want for nothing. If Naboo ever needs us we will fight for them as we would our own people. For that is how we see the oath we take." Gently bowing his head and shoulders after he spoke.

His head rose and he looked deeply at Tova.
"I also accept your terms, you may return home as much as you wish. I would like to ensure your safety so we will take measures to do so during your travels. I have but one myself. Once my second daughter is sent away, I wish to be able to see her. I will visit Naboo for official reasons of course but I want to view her if possible. Even if from afar. For I will never be able to put aside my duty to her safety."

Rellik wanted his children to be strong, this bonding ensured that for him. He wanted something to focus and calm his mind, Tova gave that to him. He needed something different. She was a touch of life.

Tags: Tova Rachi Tova Rachi

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Tova Rachi

Lady of the Sacred Scar
Her heart broke in two. A mission accomplished and a man worth devoting too. But the one she thought of in the moment of acceptance was not Rellik. She looked away, briefly, composing herself. When she looked back at the Diarch, her face was aglow with practiced joy.

She glided across the floor to him. Fingers now gently laid to the Relic's chest in an intimate show of acceptance. Her other reached up, taking his face gently in her grasp. "My Rellik," she whispered softly, again his name dropping from her lips with a flick of her tongue.

Her eyes searched his, but her hand pulled his face towards her. Tova pushed up on her toes, closed her eyes, and pressed her lips against his. The kiss was not one of passion, nor desire. It was a simple, short, almost sweet show of affection that she gifted him.

"I am sure...we can learn to be happy in this arrangement...I will strive to be more than just a mother to your children...but a wife to you..."

Another kiss, pressed against his lips.

And then she backed away, eyes drifting down toward the floor.

"What would you have me do until the day?"

Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik


When she turned and looked at him, she seemed happy. If she could sense the force around Rellik it would be akin to a smoldering fire.

With a softness becoming of her figure she moved towards him. A soft hand placed upon his chest and for the first time in his life, the leader of many was frozen still. His breathing slowed as her hand came to his face and pulled him down. "My Rellik," she whispered softly. The two a contrast of upbringing and faith. A delicate being against a body hardened from war.

Than she planted their first kiss. If she did not notice, he certainly did. A small flick of lightning coming for the Diarch as their lips parted. A jolt of raw force emanating from him after her lips left his.

He might always have his doubts about this arrangement. Even with her choosing him, how much was his position alone worth. Whills be damned, he would do his best to convince her she wanted him.

"I am sure...we can learn to be happy in this arrangement...I will strive to be more than just a mother to your children...but a wife to you..."

She had succeeded in her mission and had successfully wooed him. He might never know how much she truly cared for him but her words worked their way under his skin. It was not typical love but they could learn to be happy.

He was still frozen in place. Transfixed upon the situation as it unfolded. Than another kiss. This one he was aware for, savoring the moment for a split second longer than the sweet one before.

In an embarrassed or almost sheepishly way she moved back and put her eyes to the floor. Almost as if she had crossed a line.

"What would you have me do until the day?"

He stepped forward, put his right arm behind her knees, his other around her back and swooped her off of the ground and into his arms in a flurry before she could protest.

"Never lower your head again, you are my equal." He smiled and looked at her softly. "I believe you will be coming with me. It is time to show you your new home, subjects and family. A whole new galaxy awaits our next steps, together. There we can see to the preparations to come."

He raised her gently and kissed her one more time before carrying her out of the tent towards his personal shuttle. Unto their grand adventure.

Tags: Tova Rachi Tova Rachi


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