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Tournament of Acolytes [One Sith]

Tournament of Acolytes


The Tournament of Acolytes is competition between the Sith Acolytes where they will compete against one another to claim supremacy as the top students in the One Sith.

"Through passion, I gain strength."
Those competing in the tournament will be judged on their skill with the Lightsaber, the Force and the dominance they show over their opponent. They will also be judged on their knowledge and practice of the dark side and the tenants taught to them by their Sith Masters. Those competing should do whatever and anything they can to win their duel, taking them to the darkest recesses of their mind.

This is battle and a fight to the death.


"Through strength, I gain power."

The Beginning; Every competitor will be gathered in the bowels of the Sith Temple, where the setting will be made. Here, the Sith Lord Darth Ayra (this is me) will announce the first duels that will take place and the rules she has imposed on every competitor in the tournament.

This also gives the chance for other, more superior Sith, such as Sith Knights and Sith Lords, to come and spectate the opening of the tournament and the duels that will be taking place in it.

The Duels; Every competitor will face each competitor in the tournament. At the end of the tournament, there will be a wins to loss ratio calculated for how many duels you won and lost in the tournament. There will be no draws, as Sith do not draw. They either win or lose.

Sith only deal in absolutes.

Every duel will take place in an alternate thread from each other and will be done at the same time OOC. However, the IC setting for the tournament will be that each duel will be done in front of the other competitors and spectators watching. This is to keep the feel that this is a tournament.

At the end of every duel, I will make a decision on who won, based on the critera that I am expecting from each competitor. The limit for every duel will be 30 posts. By the 30th post, I will ask each competitor OOC via PM if they wish to continue, based on whether or not I think the duel has been clearly won or is at a stalemate. I will then give an additional ten posts for you to finish. In the event that by the 40th vote there is no clear winner, I.E both competitors are still on their feet, then I will make a decision on who won by looking at the overall duel.

Reat assured that I will be a fair judge of each duels by the 30th, or the occasional, 40th post. I have made a limit of 30-40 posts because I do not want the tournament to be slowed. By the time two competitors have finished their duel in another thread, then we might all be waiting for another to finish. Some duels can take up to several weeks or months to finish, so the 30-40 post cap means that the tournament can go at a fast and steady pace.

Each person competing are reminded that I will give a win to their opponent if I believe they're taking too long to post or if their OOC situation is stopping them from posting. If you cannot compete in the tournament anymore, then please PM me and I will remove you from it.

"Through power, I gain victory."

The Ceremony; When each competitor has faced off the other and the wins to loss ratio has been calculated for each person, then a ceremony will be held at the end where I will announce the each ratio calculated.

In the event that two or more competitors have the same wins to loss ratio, then there will be a final duel held at the ceremony to determine who will win first place and the prize that comes with it. The same 30-40 limit will be introduced and extension will be added until there is a definative winner.

By the end of the ceremony, there will be a Sith Acolyte who holds ultimate supremacy over his peers, having shown his or her strength and power over them. He or she will then be rewarded the prize that I will have developed for them by the time the tournament is over. The prize will be revealed at the ceremony.


  • The tournament will not finish until each competitor has faced the other.

  • Each competitor will fight to either win or lose. There will be no draws.

  • Each thread will have a 30 post limit. By the end of the 30 posts, a winner and a loser will be determined.

  • In the event that by 30 posts there is an unclear winner, then an extra ten will be allowed. Each side will then compete until 40 posts have been completed.

  • By the end of the 40th post there will be no more extensions. I will then decide who won and who lost the duel, based on what happened or if someone was defeated by the 40th post.

  • When I say 30 posts, I mean the overall number of posts. This means that each thread will reach up to 30 overall posts or 40. This means that competitors will have 15 posts in the thread to defeat their opponent or 20 depending on whether an extension was rewarded.

  • Competitors will not be allowed to enter each others thread if I did not pair them up. This means you cannot help Person A defeat Person B because you want Person A to win.

  • Competitors cannot kill their opponent. This is against SWRP:Chaos rules.

  • Competitors are advised to contact me in the event that there is an issue in the thread and both people cannot come up with asolution by themselves. I will then decide what happened. My word is final.

  • If competitors do not trust my word or judgement, then they can seek out a real RPJ. I suggest against this, as they have enough on their plate and it will slow the thread and tournament down for everyone else.

Everyone is advised to read this. It is what I will be mostly judging you on.

Sign ups are now closed. The gathering thread will be up in an hour or so from this post. Good luck.

| [member="Harley"] | [member="Xilo Gale"] | [member="Sophie Gustav"] | [member="Nick Gamastar"] | [member="Alaki"] | [member="Invicta Zambrano"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Warok the Defiler"] | [member="Sierra Momoa"] | [member="Viktor Romanov"] | [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"] | [member="Sanus"] | [member="Arkia Zinn"] |​

The hooded figure that was Darth Ayra stood at the steps of the Sith Temple, hands within the sleeves of her robe. She wore a Sith robe that concealed her facial features, Lightsaber and garments underneath, save for her yellow eyes that gleamed beneath the robes cowl. The Tournament of Acolytes was beginning today, a chance to evaluate the progress of the Sith Acolytes among the One Sith. To see who was ready to become a Sith Knight and who would require further depth in the dark side of the Force.

It was night time on Coruscant. By morning, there would be a new champion among the Sith. The strongest and most powerful of the Sith Acolytes would be selected through the hardship of battle, where Lightsabers would clash; and their wit, cunning and knowledge on the dark side would be tested against one another. It was an age old discipline of the Sith to promote internal strife among their students. The weak would be culled, subjugated and crushed. The strong would purge, dominate and destroy.

Wind rippled along the robes of the Sith Lord as she waited for the Sith to arrive and compete. Blood would be shed today. Victories would be won and lost. Weakness would be culled. Strength would be ascertain.

The Tournament of Acolytes was about to begin.

Kyla Foy

It was nothing new for Nick Gamastar, a Sith Acolyte that had studied under the voice of the fifth sector, Darth Praelior, under Darth Malificete within the passed and before that Darth Kyros. Who would his mister become when he would hit knight level was yet uncertain. His pretty awful behavior which wasn't to known by the Sith of the last invasion, it gave him a goal to win this entire tournament. He had two long boxes on his back. They were nearly touching the ground. What was in it? That had yet to be figured out. He knew by the sparring, he did before that he had totally obligated one of the two and the other was trying to constantly keep on fighting. He had the knowledge on his side now it was all for him to execute and work together with the dark side of the force.

He came in front of the Sith Temple and there he had found Darth Ayra, the hostess of the tournament. He bowed, "Greetings, my lord." he spoke in a polite way. His arms crossed as he sat down, he didn't think of anything, he basically completely focused on nothing, emptying his mind for the people that could read his mind.
And so it had begun. A cntest to be held amongst the apprentices of the Sith Order. Sophie had seen this not only as an interesting prospect but the chance to prove to herself and the others of the order that she was the best of her class; at least she'd hoped. While learned in some things she worried how more advanced the others participating in this little tournament would be. But her master had taught her much, both in the dark side and in magic. Then there were the teachings given by those in the Jedi order before she left. Hopefully, with a combination of all three, she would be able to overpower any challengers.

Making her way down into the lower levels of the Sith temple Sophie eventually found her way into the custom made arena where everything was to take place. Looking about she could see some of the already present acolytes. She then spotted Darth Arya, or [member="Alicia Drey"] and, after walking over and bowing, had said "My lord." in a respectable tone.
She come to capital coruscant, in hopes to prove herself in this tournament. She was currently masterless, her master had died at hands of the jedi. She was yet to find another, she hoped by fighting in this she would find another master. She head into arena, to wait for Darth Arya to tell her who she faced in the arena. As she waited she drank water, and began to pace up down. She was nervous, and she was trying not show it. Though she knew this could lead to her death, but the risk was worth it. She needed a master to get anywhere in the sith, and how else could she prove herself. She wore robes, as she had yet to get herself some armour. She kept pacing hoping to see her competition, she hoped they were more nervous than her.

She then ushered into the temple, where she bowed before the darth. They liked the formalities she had discovered, she also had discovered what happens if you don't do it. Lighting was the least of these punishments, there was many others which were much worse. Even getting vong formed, which happened to one acolyte she had heard.
Suppressing the yawn that threatened to escape her mouth, Alaki entered the Sith Temple, having spent most of her time outside due to not having the right to have a room inside of the Temple. Such was the fate of Dark Jedi Padawans who were too weak to stay true to the Jedi Code and too weak to fully embrace the teachings of the Sith. As such, this tournament gave her a perfect chance to prove herself to the true Sith and become one of them, an Acolyte. Would she stand a chance against real Sith? Absolutely. Having trained relentlessly to turn her body into a weapon and meditating to fill this weapon with the sweet and intoxicating energy of the Dark Side, the blue skinned teen certainly believed to be ready. The only thing that remained was to conquer her fear. There would be no room for cowardice tonight. In fact, this confidence reminded her of herself just before the Sith attack on Coruscant. So confident... so weak. Only this time, she walked the right path, the Sith path, harnessing the strength and power it offered. There was no weakness in her body, evedenced by the muscles visible through the holes of her ragged tunic that barely held on her body. No, the only weakness lied within her mind, the incredible fear of losing and wasting her chance of becoming a Sith Acolyte. How much she desired to live like them! Have hot meals every day and wear beautiful and expensive clothes! The jealousy burning in her heart was intense enough to push away all fear, deny the possibility of losing.

Her feet padded silently on the cold combination of stone and metal that made the floor as she approached the gathering. The burning gaze of her eyes that burned crimson watched the other contestants with unconcealed hate. Those pathetic obstacles would not stop her from becoming a Sith Acolyte! Her fists clenched in anticipation of beating those fools into submission, doing the exact thing the Sith actually wanted from her; to learn how to hate and use it. The hate she had harbored for so long! Resisting the urge to unclip the silver metallic cylinder hanging on her belt and send all of those weaklings to the Force on a journey no one's ever returned from, Alaki's gaze softened as it fell upon the Sith Lady. Immediately turning her head to avoid eye contact with someone so powerful, the Chiss girl moved past the Acolytes and fell to her knees, hitting the floor with a soft thud.

"Hail, great Sith Lady!" left Alaki's lips as her head bowed, mentally preparing to be shocked with Force lightning like always. Everyone dared to do that to a lowly Dark Jedi Padawan, a filth among Sith! Still keeping her head low, the fallen Jedi got up and took a step back among the Acolytes. She was not one of them, but they could not do anything about it, which pleased her greatly.

[member="Alicia Drey"] [member="Sophie Gustav"] [member="Nick Gamastar"] [member="Harley"]


The Second Seal, broken.
From the looks of things, she was neither the first nor the last to set foot in the temple. Some of the faces already present were familiar, others completely alien; but that was nothing new, as the One Sith were far from few, and many more were those who hoped to join their ranks. Her blue eyes carefully assessed the change in her surroundings as confident steps carried her further into the building. Vrag came to a stop in front of the towering pyramid and fell to one knee before the Darth.

"My Lady," she said curtly, her face inscrutable in the shadows of her cowl. With formalities done with — a necessary evil — the aspiring warrior made her way to the side, eager to slink back into the shadows and observe her would-be adversaries. Most of them were sensibly dressed for the upcoming duels, but one in particular drew Vrag's attention.

Tattered robes? Really? The firrerreo smirked on the inside and shifted her weight, feeling pleasantly protected compared to the other competitors. Not one to leave survival to chance, Vrag was covered from head to toe in her durasteel armor of choice, her faithful companion from dawn to dusk. In order to avoid attracting undesirable attention, Vrag was wearing the typical Sith robe as well, its cowl casting shadows upon the woman's face as her eyes flickered from one competitor to another.
Arkia walked up to the Sith Temple with her lightsabers clicking slightly at her sides. The architectural genius of the temple never failed to amaze the Nautolan. As she neared the others, her eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she examined each of her fellow acolytes. Most were in simple black robes and all looked vicious and ready to fight. Arkia's outfit was a little less conventional. It was a more tight fitting robe without the hood or the lower skirts. The lower robes had been exchanged for simple black leggings. Many people probably saw her lack of armor as a weakness but to Arkia it was an invaluable advantage.

When she finally reached the dark lady of the sith, she dropped to one knee in a fluid grateful motion. "My Lady," she said in voice that sounded a little like a purr of some sorts. After her introduction, she joined the ranks of her fellow adversaries.
Why do I have to go! I don't even know how to use the force! Xilo thought to himself as he walked up to the temple. Today he had simply came in with nothing but a pair of black pants on. No shirt, no armor all that could be seen were the solid muscles of Xilo. Scars and burns littered his body showing his history of torture. The two metal cylinders that were his lightsabers stood out clicked onto his belt and riving his dark skin. Before the temple he saw Darth Arya and quickly bowed saying "Hello mother..." Then Xilo stopped for a second realizing the mistake he had just made. "I mean master." He said collecting himself and walking and lining up with the rest of the acolytes and as he walked past [member="Nick Gamastar"] he patted him on the head tussling his hair. "Hey bud." He said before taking his spot in the line. Not much of a shock that he was near the end considering how late he had been.

Observing the ones that stood around him Xilo did once overs of each one of them one by one his yellow eyes taking in every detail and saving it for later. Of course he knew Nick who could forget him. Quite the ego on that one. The voice in Xilo's head said before his eyes fell on the little ewok in line. A questioning look on his face as he looked at the little creature then back at Arya and once again at the creature. Mouth opening he stopped and shut it. He had no true right to speak about who was here. The only knowledge he had was fighting Force Users. No clue how to use it though.

[member="Arkia Zinn"] [member="Vrag] [member="Warok the Defiler] [member="Alaki] [member="Harley] [member="Sophie Gustav] [member="Alicia Drey"]

Kyla Foy

When he was looking over towards all the other people, that were arriving pretty fast one after the other. He looked at them to see which he knew from the Invasions and dominions while looking also to the new guys and observing them even closer. They all seemed to know about Darth Ayra and then he appeared... There was only one guy within the Acolyte ranks, which he highly disliked and that was this guy. His anger was increasing for a moment and he thought that this could've been the time to start already. The moment he was patted on the head, the seventeen year old started to meditate and focus deeper onto the dark side of the force.

"Creatures...from the dark arise" He whispered, the words flowing through the air. Deep within the dark green eyes were shown, this creature was not small at all. It was at least ten feet tall... No sound could be heard coming from the forest though...The question was, what creature was he summoning or was he doing something else?

[member="Xilo Gale"]
[member="Arkia Zinn"]
[member="Warok the Defiler"]
[member="Sophie Gustav"]
[member="Alicia Drey"]

Invicta Zambrano

Coruscant...even before the Sith had taken control, it was a glorious world. City stretched as far as the eye could see, monuments to civilization rising to touch the sky as they trod upon those that had come before. Such was the way of progress, the woman mused. Her boots made little noise as she walked with graceful precision to the appointed meeting place.

The steps of the Sith Temple.

It was a sight to behold, and Invicta took the time to appreciate it with each of her senses as she drew closer to those already assembled there. Dark and rich, the tendrils of power emanating from it were a wickedly satisfying sensation to have wash over one for the very first time. She paused, some few steps away still, to close her eyes and breathe it in deeply, savoring it even as she committed it to memory. When she had the time later on, and the ability, she would have to gently chide her husband for not having brought her to Coruscant sooner to experience it.

As it was, the woman was almost late, and that simply would not do. This was not her castle nor her Royal Court where she could do as she pleased. She was the Acolyte, this morning, not the Empress, and as such, would conduct herself in the proper manner. Fingers brushed stray crimson curls back over her shoulder, the waist length locks loose and rippling briefly in the breeze that trailed through the area. Light, carefully crafted armor covered her petite frame, while a pair of swords were strapped to her back in carefully constructed sheaths.

Invicta had come prepared, as was to be expected of one apprenticed to [member="Darth Vornskr"].

Stepping forward at last, the crimson haired woman offered a polite inclination of her head and a brief, graceful curtsy to the robe shrouded woman. "My Lady." she said simply, taking a place in the line that assembled before her. Emerald orbs cast across those already assembled, stopping briefly on each one in turn. Taking their measure for a moment, before focusing forward on Darth Ayra once more, to await instruction.

[member="Alicia Drey"] | [member="Nick Gamastar"] | [member="Sophie Gustav"] | [member="Harley"] | [member="Alaki"] | [member="Warok the Defiler"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Arkia Zinn"] | [member="Xilo Gale"]
A soft, muted thud followed shortly by the highly recognizable sound of a metal chain shaking could be heard as Reverance’s apprentice walked down the streets of Coruscant. It was odd being here, the namesake of his hometown. Nar Shaddaa, also known as Little Coruscant, was nothing like the booming city that was home to the Sith Temple. But he was not here to sight see or reminisce today. He was here to assert his dominance over the other apprentices and Sith Acolytes. He knew that many would be watching or waiting to hear the results today, but he didn not wear anything fancy or breathtaking. He wasn’t here to be flashy or cocky, but simply show [member="Alicia Drey"] what he was capable of. His months under Reverance’s tutelage were quick, but the lessons and training he had been left with had turned him harder that he thought he could become.

He thought on what he had been taught as he quickly neared the large temple. He wore a long black overcoat tonight with only a tight, clean white T-Shirt on underneath. Through it his well-defined chest was clear, several tattoos peaking up and wriggling their way across his chest from behind the slight V-neck. He had his ever-present black combat belt, his pistol holstered and the single light saber hilt clipped on. For the first month or so it had felt awkward and bulky on his waist, but he felt naked and insecure with out it now. His training had made it as much a part of him as his own flesh and blood. It had turned him into something else. Something that lived and died by the sword.

He looked straight ahead as he walked up the stairs of the temple. He didn’t acknowledge any of the other acolytes. They would get his full attention later when he fought them. Any words or actions shared now were simply as waste of everyone’s energy. Messages could just as easily be sent with a light saber or a punch as they could with words. If they deserved respect, the arena was where they would be shown it. He stopped several feet away from Alicia, not saying anything unless spoken to directly by her and not breaking his gaze from her face.

[member="Nick Gamastar"] -:- [member="Xilo Gale"] -:- [member="Arkia Zinn"] -:- [member="Vrag"] -:- [member="Warok the Defiler"] -:- [member="Sophie Gustav"]
| [member="Harley"] | [member="Xilo Gale"] | [member="Sophie Gustav"] | [member="Nick Gamastar"] | [member="Alaki"] | [member="Invicta Zambrano"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Warok the Defiler"] | [member="Sierra Momoa"] | [member="Viktor Romanov"] | [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"] | [member="Sanus"] | [member="Arkia Zinn"] |

The temple walls adorned candlelight that created shadows, as the Sith Acolytes arrived. Hooded figures watched on from the side lines, eager to watch them fight each other until a victor emerged among them. It was a carnival like atmosphere, except with a darker tone too it. Everyone could taste the blood lust that was in the air. Darth Ayra turned and led the Sith Acolytes down the hallways. The further they walked, more hooded figures emerged to follow. The One Sith had convened within the bastion of their power and at the heart of Coruscant, they had joined each other within the basic principles of their religion.

The hallway turned down into a flight of stairs, with the hooded Sith Lord leading the Sith Acolytes behind her down the way to the bottom depths of the Sith Temple. A large room, once used by the Jedi to train their Initiates and Padawan's for combat training, had been converted into an arena, where the crowds of Sith would watch on from the side lines and where the Sith Acolytes would step forward to face each other in combat. Blood would be spilled on the concrete walls, where barricades had been erected to keep the crowd separate from the fighting.

The crowd broke off from the group of Sith Acolytes and the Sith Lord that led them, taking their seats around the space where they would fight. Darth Ayra continued to move, climbing up a smaller flight of stairs that led up into the space. The barricade before her opened with an extension of her hand and the Sith Acolytes that followed could sense the use of the Force. She made her way centre to the space, lifted her hands to the cowl of her robe and lowered it to reveal her facial features. Then she began to speak.

"The Tournament of Acolytes, a competition where we will pit the future of the One Sith against each other. Their knowledge and skill will be put to the death as they face each other. Each Acolyte will face each other in one on one combat. Only one of them will emerge as victor over their peers. The tournament shall now begin."

Her voice lowered, turning to the group of Sith behind her. She studied each face. Some were young, some were old. Here, before the congregation of One Sith, they would prove their strength and power in the dark side. Who knows where this could take them? They would gain the favor of a powerful Sith, who could be watching on. They could forge friendships or enemies. Internal strife would be promoted among them, as they battled for dominance.

They would never forget the Tournament of Acolytes.
As Darth Arya had begun to lead everyone through the halls Sophie followed. She was among those following right behind the Sith Lady, almost right at her back. She was as eager to prove herself as any here, possibly more. She been training hard, not just for this tournament but for becoming a powerful sith in general. Winning this would strengthen that resolve for herself, and hopefully her masters.

After taking her seat Sophie heard Darth Arya speak of how the tournament would be one to tesr the skills of the acolytes against each other. Looking about the room Sophie wondered which she would end up fighting first. There were some that stood out, like the ewok, but then there were others like the young boy who seemed to hold more power than they seemed. She needed to pick her oppenets carefully.

Once Darth Arya gave the word that the tournament would begin Sophie stood, reaching behind her with her saber in her hand and at the ready. She backed up and out of the group to try and gage the reaction of the others. No need to blunder into an attack first.

[member="Alicia Drey"]


The Second Seal, broken.
The armored Sith followed in the Darth's footsteps as their small group finally moved forward, deeper into the bowels of the temple. With every corner they turned more Sith joined them, hooded figures whose features remained obscured by the traditional robes of their order. Vrag let her eyes roam the expanse of the room they arrived in, a large, circular platform rimmed by a tall barricade, presumably there to keep the spectators separated from the dueling acolytes once the fights started.

She paid little attention to the words leaving the Lady's mouth, seeing as she already knew why she was there; the firrerreo held no love for formalities, and tried to avoid them as much as she possibly could. She assessed the others once again, wondering whether it would fall on them to choose their opponents, or if Darth Ayra would declare the pairs herself.

With a resigned sigh, Vrag moved to the edge of the arena, thumbing the lightsaber clipped on the belt beneath her robes. The weight of its hilt felt comfortable in her palm as she slipped the weapon into her sleeve, crossing her arms innocuously across her chest. Whatever they could throw at her, she was ready.

[member="Alicia Drey"]

Kyla Foy

The students were only but gathering it was a great sight when a few of them had noticed the creature's residing in the forest, that were being called by him. They were actually trained by him to come upon his command and his sense. They were creatures that had the ability to smell force sensitives. A smile appeared on his face six sets of eyes could be seen along a nice range in the forest. He looked towards them and they knew they had to stay there.

After that it was time for them to move to the arena. The creatures were waiting for a moment following Nick through the hallways. They were walking on his phase taking the exact steps when he wanted it till they got into a room which were used by the Jedi. When they were there, the hostess was speaking about the tournament and he listened...The battles were soon to begin and his creatures had all entered the room around. He crossed his arms and stood near a corner, there all his creatures were staying in his back They looked not yet matured Rancors. This would become fun, six of them were residing behind him.

'We are sith, we do not have to play by any rules, strike fear into the enemies hearts..' were his final thoughts
As Arkia followed behind Darth Ayra, she studied the temple. It was a very precious place to the sith, and she hadn't seen it all that much. Figures of all shapes and sizes wearing the same robes milled around the various temple passageways. Once they reached their final destination, Arkia's eyes look in every detail of the room. As Darth Ayra began to speak, her eyes snapped back to her.

Arkia listened to the words as her eyes scanned her opponents. Each of her enemies reactions would give her some insight into how they intended to fight this day. After the last note of Darth Ayra's speech, the nautolan casually moved her hands to her sides. If someone was foolish enough to attack her, she would be ready to rebuke them with her lightsabers. She calmed her expression as to not give away any sign of how she was feeling. Arkia could feel how anxious she was for battle as her hands grazed her lightsaber hilts softly.
The tension in the air was so thick one could cut it with a lightsaber. Every single one of the Acolytes around Alaki knew the stakes, just like her. There was much to lose, but even more to gain. The possibility of dying came to her mind and the blue skinned girl felt her greatest enemy, the fear in her heart, finding its way out of its cage again. Gulping and taking a deep breath, the teen fought to get it under control. As someone hysterically afraid of dying, she could not help but imagine her broken body lying in a pool of blood. Shivering at the thought, the Chiss slowly began to follow the others, nervously glancing at the hooded figures that started to appear. Her hand moved towards the lightsaber again and gently stroked the cool metallic hilt to give herself a boost of confidence. Holding a weapon tended to do that and she desperately needed to push away the fear, reminding herself she was ready to fight the others.

After descending the stair and entering the arena, Alaki bit her lip in anticipation and took a glance to left and right, watching the Acolytes next to her before gazing at the ground. Soon, it would be colored red... With many spectators watching and judging the combatants in the arena. Another reason not to fail; if a pathetic Jedi like her lost, she'd lose all of her value and probably be terminated or treated even worse... on the other hand, if defeating others would bring great shame on them. A Sith should not lose to a Dark Jedi! Then again, she felt closer to being a Sith Acolyte than ever. This had to be her day, the day she finally breaks the shackles and joins the proper ranks of the Sith!

The teenage Chiss shifted her weight from one foot to another, the glowing red eyes watching the Sith Lady. The power that radiated from the woman... Alaki wanted it. She desperately wished to become like the Sith Lady, to possess the unlimited power the Dark Side offered.

Turning around, she finally dared to take a good look at the Acolytes, the gaze in her eyes showing she was not afraid of them. Hate could be sensed in her presence, strong enough to overpower the fear. There was no more room for that.

[member="Alicia Drey"]
[member="Alicia Drey"]

She listened to Darth Arya speech, she need to win more than others. The others had masters, her training kept on getting curtailed. She managed to learn a some things, she fought in a battle for the sith. Though she need to learn more, if she was going to be recognised. She thought on what she had learned so far, she learned to push. To run and jump using the force, this was part of her training to learn ataru. It was good for this type of fight though, as it was specialized one on one fighting. It was aggressive to say the least, and it was fast. She began to warm herself up, moving her body a bit, To get the blood pumping, and to help the force flow through her. She wanted this, she need this, she would win this.

She looked at the competition, one of them had armour. The one who was wearing armour, she was not sure, but she may been part zambrano family. The other was a boy, a young boy at that. Then the was chiss, red eyed blue skinned woman. They were known for their tactical planning, she just new how to win knife fight though from her time streets of coruscant. Then there were a few others, like bearded man. He should learn to shave, men look better when they were clean shaved. Then the was the ex-padawan who just joined the order, she was probably same boat as her in need of master. Then the was anouther woman, she could not tell much about her. Apart from she was tall woman, good there was more to hit of her. Last but not least the was a red faced tewlik, she was surprised no one had made a slave out of her. That's what most of ex-gang member use to go on about, well it was till darth banshee order there deaths. She had purged the works of gangs, when she set up her company. As they were good in promoting order, and she wanted order down there.

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