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Tournament of the Blade Round One: Corrik Rade vs Naimes Ahn Dross

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Rules: No armor. No Force (you're on Myrkr). No tech. No lightsabers, vibroblades, extra weapons -- nothing but a sword or two of good metal, in whatever reasonable shape and size you prefer.

Participants are strongly encouraged to read this, this and this.

The Setting: A block of rough blue-gray stone, twenty metres long and two metres wide, two metres above the ground. Falling off is disqualification. It's winter on this part of Myrkr, and snow is falling gently.

[member="Corrik Rade"] [member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"]

Arjant Clevenger

This feeling was weird for Corrick. Last time he checked he had a connection with the Force. Now, however, he lost that connection. Ever since he entered the atmosphere of the planet the Force simultaneously and instantly disappeared from him. Perhaps, there was something special about this planet within Mandalorian territory. An artifact, the environment, or the ecosystem. He would figure out that part once he had finished the business he had here, for after being a slave and isolated from the Galaxy for Force who knows how many years he had no idea what was, well, anything. Except fighting and getting angry.

There he was on the block with nothing but a sword that was about four feet, a leather jacket, denim pants, combat, boots, and a white T-shirt. Glad he brought the jacket because it was cold on the section he was on Myrkr. Would've loved if the width of the board was bigger than two meters, but he could manage in the arena. He managed being abused physically and mentally by the Graug for those many years.

He was curious how his opponent looked like from the other side of the arena, if you could call it that. Whenever he had a glance of him or her, then this duel would commence.

[member="Shule Windspeaker"] [member=Naimes Ahn-Dross]
...the planet Myrkr carried with it an element of calm as far as Naimes was concerned. Whenever he came to the world he found that an aspect of his senses had been blunted however instead of being alarmed he'd always thought that the sensation was quite pleasant, almost reassuring. It was like a blanket had been used to cover his mind causing him to rely on his wits, his natural talents and not the sixth sense that sometimes aided him in times of trouble. Like clockwork his arrival on Myrkr had been punctuated by this calm, a deadening of the force, that radiated not only throughout himself but also the entire world and anyone who set foot on its surface, maybe even beyond that...

...Naimes would have arrived, stepping up onto the block of rough stone, and surveyed the platform he and his opponent would be fighting on. Tilting his head backwards he would have caught a few flakes of falling snow across his brow while looking up towards the sky and then rolling his head backwards slowly. Kneeling down Naimes would outstretch his left hand and run his palm across the surface of the block, the stone was rough but even a light snow could potential make it slicker, rubbing his fingers together afterwards he took a moment then regained his footing and looked ahead...

...this entire time he had been aware that his opponent, Corrik, was there on the opposite side of the block however Naimes didn't break from the small ritual he'd been preforming while taking a lay of the land as it were. He was dressed in casual attire. Boots. Leggings. A Woolen shirt that insulated him from the light snowfall. Open fingered leather gloves. None of his attire was restrictive allowing for a maximum allotment of movement. Then there was his sword. A hand and a half sword that measured a total of fifty-one inches in length, the blade was roughly forty-three inches with the remainder of the length being applied to the grip ensuring the sword was balanced for two handed use but could also be wielded one hand with some difficulty, the blade was well forged and sharpened...

...taking the sword in both hands Naimes would walk out, down the length of the block, until he'd closed distance to the center of the platform. When he stopped moving he took a square stance with his left leg just slightly ahead of the right, say three inches at most, while lifting the sword up over his head. Gripping the sword with his right hand ahead of the left he held it over his head in a high guard, the guard of the hawk, while looking towards Corrik. A nod of his head all that was done to signify he was ready while he regarded the man. Naimes wasn't really all that much for talking or introductions...
[member="Corrik Rade"]

Arjant Clevenger

There were footprints in the snow with every step that the Animal took on the platform. He began studying his opponent that was before his brown eyes. Both of them were wearing different clothing, but had a weapon that were similar to each other. Different in length, yes, but were similar to each other. Snow continued to fall from the sky to the ground and it continued to cover the ground in nothing but white that was soft for anyone to touch. It could even be useful to distract his opponent if he gave a sweep kick that would send snow to his opponent. Like dirt or sand, but snow.

The cold just like the snow continued to dominate the temperature of the area which would probably exhaust both combatants of the harsh cold, but if heat would warm their bodies if they were doing activities such as this duel. Each exhale of carbon dioxide could be seen coming from Corrick's mouth after taking in an inhale of oxygen. The distance between the two men was shortened after they both walked down to the platform awaiting for the first move to begin this fight.

The Dark Jedi did and copied the same stance and position Naimes was in with the sword in a high guard and left leg slightly ahead of his right one. A moment of nothing, but snow falling down and the cold going through him was occurring. He didn't move and neither his opponent. Spectater would ask who would do the first move and that question came up to Corrick's mind. Should he attack first? Or wait until the man moved. He wanted to go with the latter, but he decided he would be the one to truly commence this duel.

With a jerk forward he did a sudden feint to try to get his opponent off guard and brought himself back. Then, a horizontal sweep from left to right would be directed against Naimes' legs.

[member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"]
...there was a simple peace surrounding the platform where the duel was to take place as both fighters faced off against one another. Stillness permeated the air as the snowfell around the two of them. Naimes would noticed how his opponent, Corrik, had mimicked his stance after the two of them had approached one another. Regarding the man as he felt flakes of fresh snow fall across his brow, over his shoulders, Naimes noted the silence, the motionlessness, that drug on between the two of them until...

...a feint was made by Corrik as his body jerked forward. What kind of feint? Different feints would have different reactions. Naimes wouldn't actually commit himself to a dedicated attack or defense until he was sure for the sheer reason that positioning and repositioning such a large sword could take time and effort. Acting incorrectly could leave him open to a debilitating attack from his opponent...

...nonetheless Corrik made a forward jerk when he feinted and Naimes would flinch, his arms ready to carry his sword around in a block or parry, until his opponent drew back and he realized the feint for what it was. When Naimes saw Corrik bring his blade around for a horizontal sweep of his legs he would mirror the movement by arcing his sword around from its high guard to his left so that he could sweep it down and then across to his right for a heavy block that crush steel against steel. As he did this Naimes also pushed back with his lead left foot allowing him to slide backwards several inches to widen the gap between the both of them and create more room for him to maneuver with... attack followed the block after Naimes had brought his sword down to block the blow intended to sweep across his legs. Instead Naimes merely allowed his sword to remain in what was essentially a low guard following the block hoping to have it remain locked against Corrik's sword off to his right on the outside of that same leg which was still held in reserve to his leading left. Looking over at Corrik he said nothing just waiting...
[member="Corrik Rade"]

Arjant Clevenger

The sound of metal could be heard which broke the peaceful and quiet atmosphere for the two combatants and to the any living thing surrounding them. The tension became more tensed as the first offensive and defensive maneuver was finally made in this duel. No damage yet, only an attack that was blocked by the sword of Naimes and gave no harm to Corrick or his opponent. And the gap between both duelist was larger than it was. He assumed that the opponent would be more defensively since no attack follows after the block.

Perhaps, if this was to be a hand to hand combat then maybe his feint would get him off guard and score a hit on Naimes. The blades were still connecting with each other as they were locking in. He would continue to be on the offensive to see if he can put a dent on the foe's defense. From right to left, Corrick then got his blade out by maneuvering his blade in a 180 degree to get his sword high up, similar to a high guard. Then, by taking a step forward with his right foot he vertically slashed at Naimes with strength and muscle.

A maneuver that can be easily block, but the strength within the slash would be heavy.

[member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"]
...their swords had locked together at a low angle after his block, Naimes focus remained on Corrik and he was seen visibly gritting his teeth at one point, muscles tensed following the block as steel scraped against steel in its new low position. When Corrik began to free his sword from the locked position at a lower angle Naimes would see the opening he had been waiting for and work to capitalize on it. He needed to strike with skill and precision if he was going to be successful... Corrik drew his blade back in a one hundred and eighty degree arc which would eventually take it overhead Naimes followed by drawing his blade further to his right in a ninety degree arc. Essentially Naimes was lifting his sword so that he could level it horizontally at waist height, the actual blade extending to his right, while Corrik raised his own sword overhead for what the soldier imagfined would be a much more solid and heavy blow than the one he planned to deliver...

...Naimes waited, focusing on Corrik, until the man began his forwards momentum by taking a step forward with his right foot. As this occurred Naimes would shift the majority of his weight back onto his right foot, his left still leading by a small margin much the same as depicted in his original stance, before lunging forward and to his left, Corrik's right, as he came forward...

...the lunge preceded a swing of the sword Naimes was holding as he drove it back from his right to left in a heavy blow which attempted to drive itself across Corrik's midsection, from his left to right, beneath the descending blade as he came forward and crushed his own sword downwards in that heavy vertical blow. Lunging ahead had been a matter of positioning and defense for Naimes who had sought to offset himself to Corrik's right as he came ahead and to his left by pushing off his reserve left foot and by minimizing the distance he'd also tried to minimize the momentum of the descending sword strike delivered against him...

...ceasing his forward momentum Naimes would have caught himself about a foot from Corrik, off to his right side, while finishing the wrench of his own blade. He'd grimace as a numbing pain shot across his right shoulder, the outside of his arm, he felt like he was bleeding, the warmth of blood obvious to him and he thought that he must have taken a glancing shot from that heavy downwards strike as he worked to offset himself but he hadn't looked to see how badly he had been cut yet...
[member="Corrik Rade"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
The first round of the tournament ended one hour ago, at 6PM EST. Judges [member="Matsu Xiangu"] and [member="Reverance"] are requested to ignore any posts after 6PM EST, unless for purposes of evaluating sportsmanship. Round One is now complete.
[member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"] | [member="Corrik Rade"] | [member="Shule Windspeaker"]​
[member="Matsu Xiangu"] and I have reviewed this fight and the winner is...​
Naimes Ahn-Dross
Truly good fight you two. There wasn't a lot that we could come up with, in terms of criticisms, if only that it's unfortunate this duel couldn't continue. Pace was pretty even, technique was even, but we felt that Naimes' post were more sensible for the situation and the description had a bit more crispness to it. Naimes, your mention of the environments impact on the fight was appreciated (slick stone). Corrik, there was an instance where your attack seemed somewhat confusing or at least lacked description to flow properly (looking at you post # 6, for an example).

But once again, just picking out criticisms for the sake of it. Congratulations Naimes for your win and congratulations to you both for a duel well written.

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