A yawn? Did he not rest before his next match, or was this a display of male pride? 'She's only the next on a list', 'It's all humdrum', 'Wonderful weather we're having', 'What do you want from me, it's after midnight'. The yawn could mean any of those things, but as Ahani watched him pace and wondered how far the expending of his energy would go? Without the tricks and kickstand-picks of force powers, Ahani had little to rely on. . . . . . . other than the lifetime fighting and heavy education in the art of combat since she could stumble around at the age of 13 months with her father's crimson helmet in her chubby hands. It made the best boat.
The Echani tilted her head forward and snapped it down at her opponent, mouth locked in a smooth pre-combative smirk. The language of the humans, of currency made no plea to her ears at the call of battle. Basic was simple, it was rudimentary. It taught her nothing. In the way of her people, she flourished her sword and bowed for [member="Varan Zarvenis"] to let him know his comment was taken in the best of faith.
Double broadsword was the bastion of the strong. If Varan couldn't keep his strength up the relatively clunky and heavily smithed swords would slow him and weight him down. Some compensated for this by the use of momentum. Momentum was delicious, as once a man levelled his swing and kept to it, he was locked in to completing the cycle.
Thusly, Ahani had gone for the maximum in double-pairing swords (hand-and-a-half, and a full cage bodkin), while giving herself room and maneuverability in which to function. She snapped forward with the sword in her left hand, her right held in front, hand forward and palm flexed but comfortable. Ahani lunged with her right foot, bringing her left forward to close the distance and begin with a straight-forward stab to his solar plexus.
OOC: Spoiler Picture didn't work, dude. The link was broken for me. Sorry!