Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Toys for the NFU

I will be working on, as soon as I can secure the various materials, a nice front line set of shock-trooper style armor and other things to arm up the GA ground-pounders with. Playing in the Factory is sort of my thing. I'd love to hear what any of you think we could use!

But for now, I bring gifts!

I have about ten or so of THESE available. Originally made for the Underground, they never seemed to take off there (I think in part due to the groups covert style). They are however, a nasty, nasty assault rifle. If anyone wants on, please post on the Gotal'Veman page stating so, and/or send me a PM, and we'll work it out. If they are popular enough, i'm willing to push the dev to see if we can push the production status up.

Also, anything in the GV Marketplace linked in my sig I am willing to work out deals on for the Alliance. Especially useful might be the droid deactivator and the knuckledusters. And I suppose the verpine shattergun/sniper is fairly useful too.

If any of you lot want custom tech, so long as you're willing to help with the dev I am good to help and use resources, just ping me. Right now the only lightsaber proof material I have access to is beskar though, so unless you also happen to be a Mando or a *really* good friend of them, it's not apt to work there.

See ya on the field.

(Edit: Oh, and I guess the FU can have some toys too, if they want!)
[member="Chevu Visz"] - Working on a few things... Got a ton of ideas kicking in my head. But between managing this guys business and trying to get Ostanes and AEL back into things, I have to stagger things through the factory. I've got a modular durasteel armor chasis up, so i'll probably work on some themed gear/loadouts for various battlefield roles that we can toss onto new recruits or NPCs... Really the only thing it doesn't do is resist lightsabers. It even flies, if you equip it right.
So, ideas I will be working on after some of your kind suggestions:

  • Verpine Shattergun Pistol (w/ shattergun ability to use improvised ammo)
  • Mass-Drive Pistol (Semi or Full Auto)
  • Sonic Shotgun based off my Custom Haymaker
  • Armor Piercing Combat Knife w/ Single-Shot Mass Drive Pack ("Executioners Knife", Pierces up to Class 6 or 7)
  • Mass Produced DE-10
  • Cortosis-Impregnated Neoprene Bodysuit w/ Thin, Lightweight Cortosis Plating(Acrobatic Jedi Armor) - Think warden cloak, but in a bodysuit.
  • Engineer, Medic, Sniper, Commando, Shocktrooper and Melee Modules for Beskar'ika Armor (Each 'Module' will contain weaponry and tech to support the Battlefield Role the name describes)
  • Further suggestions welcome

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