Darth Caecus
Once again, to War
Arkania, Underground Secret Facility
internal security footage
"What does this make it, a round dozen Charles? Don't get me wrong, the fact that you think we need this many is...."
The petite figure turned to the taller man, studying him silently for a moment. They stood before a bank of machines, pristine and new, the best that money could buy. Each crèche held an identical face, her face, waiting in quiet repose. In some ways it was eerie. To anyone else, it might have been.
"I was going to say 'thorough', actually. Six here. Five in the new facility your pet scientist Sasha is keeping on Gap Nine. One active. I've been impressed with her work, despite my initial misgivings. Alright then, you have my official buy in. You may keep this very impressive facility that I have paid for and..... all of these copies."
Charles Veers sketched a mock bow, a tight lipped smile on his face. His own visage was reflected over and over in the new chrome of the high tech lab machinery, the pair's faces echoed ad infinitum in the cold, sterile room. They were building eternity here, and that fact was not lost on either of them.
"Madame Director flatters me with her praise," he purred, and she shot him a look but otherwise said nothing. She never knew how to read him, how he would act at any given time. Every thing about the man was a mask, every tiny action, every word carefully considered. She knew him because she knew herself. But he was better at this act than she was.
And they both recognized it.
She didn't trust him. But they functioned together like a well oiled machine to keep the Empire running smoothly. And in other ways. Love? Hardly. But some things didn't need love.
It was inevitable that he noticed her stiffness and annoyance, and he laughed, closing the distance between them and taking her hand in his.
"Come now my dear," he whispered, leaning in against her ear. "There's no one here but us."
A ghost of a smile flickered across Xyra Sizhan's lips. He was right of course. There were just more of her than there was of him. She didn't know exactly what that meant in his mind, but internally it made her chuckle.
"Dance with me," he murmured as she turned to him.
"No," she said with a laugh that was anything but pleasant. "You dance with me."
Dozens of clones were created by ISB Director Xyra Sizhran and Charles Veers over a period of two years. They were created for two reasons. For Xyra, they were her back up- people who knew everything she did and who could be counted upon to act solely in her best interest and enact her plans within plans without hesitation or mistake. They could function within the complicated Xanatos Gambits she had balancing delicately at every moment, and she utilized them ruthlessly. For Charles, they were an ace in the hole. If Xyra, the lynch pin in a precarious Empire, were to fall (and her actions brought her in to danger again and again), he could activate one of her clones to take her place. The Empire need never be without her. But something went wrong. Charles, after all, was also just a man. At some point, both failed to resurface. For all of their plotting, for all of the sacrifices both were willing to make for their empire, they both failed where it mattered most.
They were mortal.
Arkania, present day
Charles Veers had hidden his private installation well. Generations of Imperial scientists and then simply treasure hunters had overlooked it.
Until now.
Some hint, some blip in the records, some piece of the puzzle finally fit together. An information broker and a mercenary (hired just in case, because there was always a just in case), investigating this long abandoned Imperial facility, were the first footsteps heard here in centuries. The first breath to stir the air since the last time Charles Veers had awakened one of his charges. While the facility on Gap Nine was eventually reclaimed by the jungle and fell to rot and ruin, the one on Arkania, the center of Imperial Science so long ago, was nearly frozen in time.
Some things, of course, couldn't help but change.
Banks of equipment, state of the art and new centuries ago were now broken and covered with a thick layer of dust. A few errant lights flickered here and there throughout the ghost facility. Not enough to light the way, but enough to remind those now treading the silent halls that electricity still flowed from somewhere. Enough that some of the doors were still locked.
Behind one of those locked doors, was a bay of clone crèches. As centuries had passed, one by one, they had failed, each one expiring without every truly knowing life. But the very last crèche in the row, beneath an inch thick layer of dust, still glowed from within.
A green light flashed.
[member="Jonathon Patches"]
[member="Cait Falcor"]
internal security footage
"What does this make it, a round dozen Charles? Don't get me wrong, the fact that you think we need this many is...."
The petite figure turned to the taller man, studying him silently for a moment. They stood before a bank of machines, pristine and new, the best that money could buy. Each crèche held an identical face, her face, waiting in quiet repose. In some ways it was eerie. To anyone else, it might have been.
"I was going to say 'thorough', actually. Six here. Five in the new facility your pet scientist Sasha is keeping on Gap Nine. One active. I've been impressed with her work, despite my initial misgivings. Alright then, you have my official buy in. You may keep this very impressive facility that I have paid for and..... all of these copies."
Charles Veers sketched a mock bow, a tight lipped smile on his face. His own visage was reflected over and over in the new chrome of the high tech lab machinery, the pair's faces echoed ad infinitum in the cold, sterile room. They were building eternity here, and that fact was not lost on either of them.
"Madame Director flatters me with her praise," he purred, and she shot him a look but otherwise said nothing. She never knew how to read him, how he would act at any given time. Every thing about the man was a mask, every tiny action, every word carefully considered. She knew him because she knew herself. But he was better at this act than she was.
And they both recognized it.
She didn't trust him. But they functioned together like a well oiled machine to keep the Empire running smoothly. And in other ways. Love? Hardly. But some things didn't need love.
It was inevitable that he noticed her stiffness and annoyance, and he laughed, closing the distance between them and taking her hand in his.
"Come now my dear," he whispered, leaning in against her ear. "There's no one here but us."
A ghost of a smile flickered across Xyra Sizhan's lips. He was right of course. There were just more of her than there was of him. She didn't know exactly what that meant in his mind, but internally it made her chuckle.
"Dance with me," he murmured as she turned to him.
"No," she said with a laugh that was anything but pleasant. "You dance with me."
Dozens of clones were created by ISB Director Xyra Sizhran and Charles Veers over a period of two years. They were created for two reasons. For Xyra, they were her back up- people who knew everything she did and who could be counted upon to act solely in her best interest and enact her plans within plans without hesitation or mistake. They could function within the complicated Xanatos Gambits she had balancing delicately at every moment, and she utilized them ruthlessly. For Charles, they were an ace in the hole. If Xyra, the lynch pin in a precarious Empire, were to fall (and her actions brought her in to danger again and again), he could activate one of her clones to take her place. The Empire need never be without her. But something went wrong. Charles, after all, was also just a man. At some point, both failed to resurface. For all of their plotting, for all of the sacrifices both were willing to make for their empire, they both failed where it mattered most.
They were mortal.
Arkania, present day
Charles Veers had hidden his private installation well. Generations of Imperial scientists and then simply treasure hunters had overlooked it.
Until now.
Some hint, some blip in the records, some piece of the puzzle finally fit together. An information broker and a mercenary (hired just in case, because there was always a just in case), investigating this long abandoned Imperial facility, were the first footsteps heard here in centuries. The first breath to stir the air since the last time Charles Veers had awakened one of his charges. While the facility on Gap Nine was eventually reclaimed by the jungle and fell to rot and ruin, the one on Arkania, the center of Imperial Science so long ago, was nearly frozen in time.
Some things, of course, couldn't help but change.
Banks of equipment, state of the art and new centuries ago were now broken and covered with a thick layer of dust. A few errant lights flickered here and there throughout the ghost facility. Not enough to light the way, but enough to remind those now treading the silent halls that electricity still flowed from somewhere. Enough that some of the doors were still locked.
Behind one of those locked doors, was a bay of clone crèches. As centuries had passed, one by one, they had failed, each one expiring without every truly knowing life. But the very last crèche in the row, beneath an inch thick layer of dust, still glowed from within.
A green light flashed.
[member="Jonathon Patches"]
[member="Cait Falcor"]