Gae'celic Alor, Master Beskarsmith
((OOC: If I missed someone in my tags PM me...))
It had been a long hectic flight home. Multiple short hyperspace jumps in a commandeered ancient rickety Cloakshape fighter made it that much more tedious. Mac was low on fuel, sleep and the last couple of jumps the ships systems groaned and shot sparks.
Dropping from hyperspace, Mac smiled as Manda'yaim lay dead ahead, the moon of Concordia like a nipple on an areola at this angle.
As he started towards the planet, there was a large explosion of sparks from the main console, and Mac activated his comms as he sealed his flightsuit. "Gaa'tayl, gaa'tayl, gaa'tayl... My s'ip is badly damaged and I am going down on Concordia. Repeat t'is is Mac O S'enanigans, I'm losing power and on a crash course for... It was then an explosion rocked the small ship as it nosedived right at the moon's surface. 'Well buir, looks like I'll be joining you soon. Who would have thought I'd go out in a crash...'
Mac awoke in pain, as he opened his eyes and looked around. He was laying on the ground near the wreckage of the fighter, somehow surviving the crash and being ejected. Not only had the visor in his buy'ce been shattered, It appeared his comms were shot as well. 'sithspit, it looks like I'm in an old mine...' he thought as he tried to sit up. The sharp pain in his side, left forearm and right knee made him pause and take a quick few seconds to assess his injuries.
The outlook wasn't as bad as he feared, dislocated knee, bruised, probably broken ribs, and a piece of metal through his arm. Pulling the shrapnel out carefully, Mac used a torn piece of his kilt as a rudimentary bandage to halt the blood flow, as he braced himself to pop his knee back into place...
Mac screamed in pain, and lay on the ground. He'd kill for a large bottle of whisky right now, but he was not even sure exactly where he was. Looking around, Mac found a piece of the wreckage to use as a crutch as he looked around for anything to call for help. It was an old Beskar mine, surely there was some radio equipment around...
It had been a long hectic flight home. Multiple short hyperspace jumps in a commandeered ancient rickety Cloakshape fighter made it that much more tedious. Mac was low on fuel, sleep and the last couple of jumps the ships systems groaned and shot sparks.
Dropping from hyperspace, Mac smiled as Manda'yaim lay dead ahead, the moon of Concordia like a nipple on an areola at this angle.
As he started towards the planet, there was a large explosion of sparks from the main console, and Mac activated his comms as he sealed his flightsuit. "Gaa'tayl, gaa'tayl, gaa'tayl... My s'ip is badly damaged and I am going down on Concordia. Repeat t'is is Mac O S'enanigans, I'm losing power and on a crash course for... It was then an explosion rocked the small ship as it nosedived right at the moon's surface. 'Well buir, looks like I'll be joining you soon. Who would have thought I'd go out in a crash...'
Mac awoke in pain, as he opened his eyes and looked around. He was laying on the ground near the wreckage of the fighter, somehow surviving the crash and being ejected. Not only had the visor in his buy'ce been shattered, It appeared his comms were shot as well. 'sithspit, it looks like I'm in an old mine...' he thought as he tried to sit up. The sharp pain in his side, left forearm and right knee made him pause and take a quick few seconds to assess his injuries.
The outlook wasn't as bad as he feared, dislocated knee, bruised, probably broken ribs, and a piece of metal through his arm. Pulling the shrapnel out carefully, Mac used a torn piece of his kilt as a rudimentary bandage to halt the blood flow, as he braced himself to pop his knee back into place...
Mac screamed in pain, and lay on the ground. He'd kill for a large bottle of whisky right now, but he was not even sure exactly where he was. Looking around, Mac found a piece of the wreckage to use as a crutch as he looked around for anything to call for help. It was an old Beskar mine, surely there was some radio equipment around...
[member="Strider Garon"]
[member="Anija Ordo"]
[member="Arrbi Betna"]
[member="Anija Ordo"]
[member="Arrbi Betna"]