Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trace Starburn


[SIZE=13.5pt]Name:Trace Starburn[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=13.5pt]Faction: Mandalorian Empire[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=13.5pt]Species: Half human Half echani[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=13.5pt]Voice Sample: David Motranga[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=13.5pt]Eyes:Amber with a glint of (silver)[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=13.5pt]Hairstyle :Curly Color: Dark Brown in the dark Pale white in the Light[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=13.5pt] Skin: Olive brown [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=13.5pt]Force Sensitive: Yes, (since birth)[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=13.5pt]Languages: Echani, Mando'a,Corellian,Ubese, and Huttese[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=13.5pt]Relatives:Tale starburn(Father,Deceased) [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=13.5pt] Elaina oree starburn(Mother) [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=13.5pt]Ion starburn (Grandfathether)[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=13.5pt]Aster Starburn (Brother)[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=13.5pt]Strengths[/SIZE][SIZE=13.5pt] and [/SIZE][SIZE=13.5pt]Weaknesses[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.5pt]Warrior background[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.5pt] *Because of Traces Mandalorian father and Echani Mother, he was bred to be a fighter born into a very infamous warrior clan ,when he was young enough to walk he was taken on hunts and when older trained in the way of the sword, pike and blaster . He took a liking to one handed fighting style with a ll-30 blaster pistol as a side arm and vibrosword as his main weapon .[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.5pt]*He is able switch his offensive and defensive sword styles mid combat to keep his enemy offguard . While unarmed he uses his echani martial arts which he takes great pride in using.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.5pt]* A huge advantage given to trace by his training is his heightened senses naturally he acquired these from years of scouting missions with his clansmen but due to his force sensitivity his senses make him exceptionally well at evading attacks.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.5pt]Trained Piloting[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.5pt]*Due to traces skills at a young age he is a skilled starfighter pilot due to his clans famous talent with starsfighter combat ,He has been behind a cockpit since the age of 7 . impressively adequate with shooting blasters, ion torpedoes, and etc[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.5pt]*Trace is known for aerial tricks which were mostly learned from his grandfather, which he incorporates into his own style of flying to evade enemy fire.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.5pt]*Works well with starfighters because of early life in virtual simulation testing and is best at piloting starfighters because of their high maneuverability and speed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.5pt]Force Adept[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.5pt]* Because of traces force abilities Since infancy he was seen to have great strength in the force his fellow clansmen starfighters would be moved inches away from their original landing spots , ever since then the force would be his most well known and valuable weapon.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.5pt]*Due to unchecked emotions Trace has a raw affinity for the force, and is able to unleash devastating force waves that wreak havoc on the landscape ,Unknown to him most of the power stems from the dark.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.5pt]* Because of his familiarity with the force every chance he gets , has been dedicated to constructing his own skills with his gift of the force. He himself is proud of his achievment in creating his own force power called Force javelin .With this skill he is able to send a slim spear of force energy which pierces and burns through an enemy as if he was shot with a blaster, accuracy and patience is needed to use.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

Inconsistent footing
* Although being a bred and trained warrior ,Trace is unable to keep a consistent composure While dueling. while training with clansmen he would unknowingly leave openings in his defenses which allow for an enemy to sometime overpower trace

Strained connection
*Although untrained trace is quite impressive with his gifts but due to a lack of formal training he is a sword without a sheath and is unable to fully grasp his power without overdoing it, he is quite clumsy in that aspect.
*While powerful trace can be he is still like any person , a large amount of strain on the body can overwhelm anyone such is the same with the force . Long enough exposure to stressful situations or levitating any object larger then himself for a long period of time will
make trace tire quickly.

Appearance: Trace is a young male with piercing amber eyes ,a round nose and a head of unkempt curly brown hair that covers most of hi, which gleams with a pale silver hue in the morning and a dark brown glow at night. He has a tall athletic toned build which he gained throughout growing in his battle driven life as a Mandalorian . He was a rarity among Mandalorians, instead of the heavy durasteel armor worn by his people , echani light armor, a scratched mandalorian helmet rarely worn, rancor leather boots and a cloak modeled after his father in the pattern of a star lit black sky which covers him from the neck down this is his apparel.

Backstory: Trace was born on his homeworld of Cersia, where he was brought up by his mother and grandfather . He learned to cope with the absence of his father years ago , he mostly looked up to his strong willed mother Elaina who tried her best to fashion him into a warrior which was the way of her people and her husbands people . Traces clan is made up of very capable warriors who were renowned starfighter pilots and honorable warriors.

Trace was always the odd one around his clan members" easy to pick from a crowd "due to him favoring his mothers culture over his fathers, this always led to him getting estranged looks from his own people. The looks grew even more present when he was found to be force sensitive . Trace didn't mind the looks focused on him he accepted it, took it as a sign that he was made for something more than what he was originally destined to be.

Trace being from a clan with an order of succession means he would be the next in line after his grandfather Ion who is currently holding the title of clan leader for his dead father. Trace holds his grandfather in such high regards learning most of his swordsmanship, piloting, and knowledge of space from him and incorporating it into his own style.

One day when trace was out hunting with a small group of his clan members in their nearby woods , a trail of smoke in the air led east beyond their mountains near the planets city . the trip was quite long but quicker due to their jetpacks one clan mate spotted the freighter to be a yt-2400 corellian freighter while the pilot had perished on impact, he had substantial loot such as illegal blasters ,offline security droids and no doubt spice . the crashed freighter was being salvaged inside the engine was being dismantled and the ships guns seemed to be operational and of some use .but what overswept trace with power as if it was sinking into his very being , it was emanating from the secret compartment of the ship, his legs had ached and his muscles were tense and it had felt as if it knew him. Trace reached in the compartment to see an object wrapped in cloth it was a pyramid shaped,object of some kind .Trace unwrapped the cloth and saw a gilded gold artifact with a pulsing red aura. he was attracted to it .

Later that very same day Trace was on his way to his room when his mother had stopped to ask him of his successful hunt , he had been a bit tired from the early morning . She placed a hand on his cheek and smiled but her eyes had a deep sadness only her son would notice, she placed a hand on traces head and began to laugh with such joy as though it was not him standing in front of her but her husband , his father. She finally spoke and said to trace if he would ever like to spar with her he only needs to ask, Echani believed true connection stems from combat and traces mother has always been his supporter in life . she finally let him go he trudged to his room and locked the door he digged into his pocket and placed the artifact on his window seal . He looked to see if their was a mechanism of some sort for it to open but nothing had happened. he finally laid on his bed and closed his eyes, he thought to himself why he had gotten so afraid earlier today over some old trinket but to his surprise the artifact unwound itself to him , like it had felt his fear. The room felt cold as if the windows had been open for decades, The room had shone with a crimson burning red light . A voice appeared from the artifact "Who is foolish enough to wake me from my rest" Trace answered with a curious "huh" "You, there boy what knowledge do you seek that you are desperate enough to call upon me " Trace thought he was indeed asleep only to stumble upon the realization that the artifact was actually talking to him. Trace mustered up the courage to ask who the voice was but the voice said "my name is to old to be of any recollection to anyone of this present day and years have passed millennia's even but i have not forgotten my name Malgus " Trace spoke and asked him "can you teach me of the force" The voice replied i can only tell you of a part of the force , The part of the force where true strength lie, You must have it if you were to open up the Holocron" The name burrowed into traces mind like a memory. The voice spoke to trace about a side of the force where power was earned by conquest and strength .It reminded him of the mandalorians in a way , he then spent hours talking with malgus when he finally was tired he fell into a sleep that lasted until the next evening then he awoke and gathered his things and spoke to his mother about leaving to explore the galaxy and not be held down by his responsibilities as a Mandalorian . His grandfather did in fact have doubts but went along saying "a person should carve their own path in this vast galaxy" . The last thing he did before leaving his homeworld was his mothers embrace and the Holocron in his pocket.

Vibrosword : That was crafted from cortosis from clan starburns forge and infused with durasteel making the weapon exceptionally heavy and powerful. it is used to close the gap when fighting close quarters


One of his fathers duel pistols given to his mother and then given to him , mostly used for last resort in ranged when the force dosen't work.


Mandalorian Helmet: Ice white with Markings on the back with a yellow purple and red decal.


ship: The ship is outfitted with an advanced propulsion system allowing for quick startups and takeoffs. The ship was personally customized by trace himself its class 2 hyperdrive allows for it to reach planets quicker and is equipped with ion cannons , laser cannons, and proton torpedoes.


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