Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Trace Xyston

Trace Xyston

Lilaste Elghaseki
Trace xyston

Character images go here.

NAME: Trace Xyston

FACTION: Lilaste Order

RANK: Sergeant

SPECIES: Twi'lek

AGE: 32

SEX: male


WEIGHT: 150 lbs

Spec ops night vision goggles... brown eyes

HAIR: none

SKIN: green


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Tactical mind

Not good in social situations, other than saying "yes sir"
Sometimes ruthless

His expression is hardened 24/7. He's seen what war and death looks like, and it ain't pretty.

Trace was born on Coruscant with his sister Aana and brother Kostodu. When growing up, their father went off to fight in the War for Csilla, and perished. He was inspired by his father's courage and became a GA Pathfinder. However, he discovered it wasn’t the faction for him. After wandering the galaxy for a bit, he found the Lilaste Order, and joined its spec ops force.


Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.

Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.
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