Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Trading" Threads


When did the act of giving someone one's own claim to a restricted material become against the rules?

Where in writing does it say this?

What if the character who earned the material simply gave it to the character who wanted to use said material through an IC thread with legitimate IC reasoning?

I ask because I did a training thread in Songsteel format for fun and promised [member="Oka Osaa"] the claim to the material in turn for helping me with a different development thread. Despite that, his submission was denied because I "traded" the thread. IC, it makes perfect sense because he protected a shipment of an advanced hyperdrive core addressed to my character, and would be rewarded for his voluntary service coming to its aid to protect it from pirates. Songsteel is what his character needs and Songsteel is what my character happens to have. Now I'm at an impasse because I owe him but I am basically told I cannot do it for him.

If the point of this new "rule" is to keep people from getting things they didn't earn themselves, it's rather pointless because people do dev threads for special materials that are used to make marketable items anyways, and characters with no relation to those dev threads purchase said items all the time.
Selling it to clients via IC threads is clearly fine, as long as there is a thread made to the claim for the materials. Just "trading" the threads is not okay at all. Those threads do not count as a player's development threads. How you would go about doing this would be to collect the materials via the development threads, then go and sell said material to the player who wants it, then that player would cite that purchase, and your thread as proof of ownership, for their development thread. Oka's request was just posting a link to your threads with a subscript explaining that threads were traded. There was no IC sale or purchase or trade-off made. There is no "IC sense" when IC never happened.
Factory Judge
[member="Mrrew"], [member="Rave Merrill"] did the same thing for a while with Sith Alchemy items like the leather armors and such. So she had people do threads for her, and in turn, they would get one of these items. Now that because an alt of mine and another person went out and captured a live beast (forget what it was) instead of killing it, she can reproduce them at a faster rate so she can sell stuff. You have to work you way up to do that.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Popo's armor was made from beskar bought at an auction. Granted, it was bought from a Mandalorian, but its still "trading" in a way.

As for [member="Fatty"]'s character, I think his alt is still harvesting a large amount of rare and restricted materials from me that I commissioned a good while back earlier this year. That is considered "trading".

I know that those mining companies that have access to restricted materials sell those materials. Most notably being Mandal Hypernautics that sells beskar and, if I remember correctly, phrik and cortosis as well.

Even I own a mining company and, while I don't mine restricted materials at this time, if I had access to the materials I would.

For once, I'm in complete agreement with [member="Nyxie"]'s writer. Where does it say, in writing, that this is not allowed? It was allowed when I was an FJ and the FJs at the time were told very explicitly that if it is not a written rule... it's not a rule.
He has to just make an IC thread where he actually was paid the songsteel for it, it isn't that difficult.

Then make sure he links the thread showing where he was paid for it icly, and also supply the thread where the person who got the songsteel to begin with legally via the restricted items list.

Just supply both links and you are golden.
The point of a development thread is to have your character actively achieve something. Now it's allowed to have these "traded" threads be substance to Main development thread. I apologize for the confusion but I find development threads that a character doesn't do and/or a recycled dev thread is not showing the work to obtain what they desire.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Spencer Jacobs"]
Might I suggest making that clarification in the Restricted Materials area? That way should this happen once more, there is a written section in the rules that both Factory Staff and Factory Judges can point to?
Danger Arceneau said:
He has to just make an IC thread where he actually was paid the songsteel for it, it isn't that difficult.

Then make sure he links the thread showing where he was paid for it icly, and also supply the thread where the person who got the songsteel to begin with legally via the restricted items list.

Just supply both links and you are golden.
This. All of this.

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