[SIZE=14.6667px]Thrukk chuckled before going back to the point. "Anyway, send a droid tae deal wi' it 'en. Ye ken hoo th' hutt gie abit doin' business in person," Thrukk advised. He tapped the huge finger of his artificial hand on the table next to the data pad. "What did ye learn?" [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]"The Morgukai had a bit of a resurgence around three hundred years ago. There were temples all over Kintan. However during the dark times they became increasingly isolationist. As the Galaxy came back together again, their numbers dwindled as prosperity returned to the world, and bored youths could travel to exciting places instead of joining warrior cults. Now, it had been thought they'd all gone. However, they seem to be opening up again. Rumours are, there's a cult in a temple at the base of a mountain on the Pajong peninsula in the southern hemisphere. They've apparently been visited by select individuals from other renowned martial arts schools, trying to expand their ideas perhaps, or share their own. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]"We're not the only ones to go looking for them recently. Some come back claiming the temple is deserted, others don't return. Others are found in the wastes, having died of dehydration. A Jedi investigator passed through these parts not long ago, looking to see if the rumours of a warrior cult dedicated to killing Jedi was true. They found him beaten to death and dumped at the outskirts of a nearby city. "[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]"Naive bugger could hae bin mugged," Thrukk mused, as he flicked through some aerial images of the temple site. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]"What are you planning on doing anyway?"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]"Ah'm thinking sempra is lookin' tae recruit. Fur now, Ah'm gunnae see if they're th' real deal!" Thrukk announced. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]"We'll, they're supposed to hate guns, laziness and outsiders. So as your partner I'd suggest you leave that ridiculous cannon behind, work your gut off, and stop forcing that accent."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]"Hurt, I'm genuinely hurt," Thrukk said, feigning shock and placing a hand on his chest. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]"Oh come off it, you left the colony at five or six and didn't come back til you were nearly thirty."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]"Well a good job that I am an exceptional amateur poet with perfect elocution when the situation requires it, dear fellow!" Thrukk replied in his mock eriaduan accent. The bothan bounty placed his head in his hands and mumbled something to himself. Thrukk guffawed and drained the rest of his tankard. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]"What ye lookin' at?" Thrukk asked as he slid out of the booth. The gran being addressed looked in another direction quickly. "Get ye another?" he asked. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]The bothan kept his head rested on one hand, but held out his glass in response. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]"Glad you're staying. I have a new piece I've been working on and... "[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]"Make it a double then."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]"Sure,sure. Jedi killers eh? This should be fun," Thrukk mumbled as he headed for the bar. [/SIZE]