- Intent: Every Hutt needs a palace! Meant to serve as Kossak’s seat of power and a RP location
- Image Credit:
- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
- Structure Name: Hestilic Palace
- Classification: Palace
- Location: Nal Hutta
- Affiliation: Kossak the Hutt, Hestilic Kajidic, Hutt Space Consortium
- Accessibility: It can be easily accessed due to its rather ostentatious location. However, with the security and the fact that it is a residence of one of the many Hutts that rule over Nar-Shaddaa, no common citizen is stupid enough to show up uninvited.
- Description: [ Provide a description of this structure at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in points of interest. ]
The inside layout follows the theme of displays of wealth and power. It contains much of what you would expect, including a main atrium that acts as a throne room, an entrace foyer, living quarters for both Kossak, his staff, and his guests, as well as various balconies and one major landing platform near the primary entrance.
/ golden tipped plating at the top of the tower? And circles going down &rings 4?
[ What areas within the structure are significant? Give a description of each point listed. ]
Gladiator pit
[ Provide a Security Rating (choose from: None, Low, Medium, High, Maximum) and any specific security assets in list format. What defenses does this location have, including internal and perimeter defenses? Please note that the rating is relative to the type of location this is. Normal civilian structures have a different scope in security, compared to military bases. As such a civilian structure with a Maximum security rating is not on the same level as a military base with a Maximum rating. A civilian structure with a Maximum rating could be the seat of a planetary government, or the headquarters of an inter-galactic corporation. Private security, alarms, perhaps even a defensive shield, but they should not have entire armies within or enough armament to destroy a fleet above. Please link rare or uncommon tech/equipment to the SW wiki article or Factory-approved submission. Common canon items do not need to be linked. ]
[ Include a description on the structure's history here. Detail how it came to be created and why. Talk about the people involved in this structure's history and what role it played and still plays. For historical structures, if you so desire, you can include historical events from the Chaos Canon timeline or board history where appropriate. ]
/ base of operation, both criminal and otherwise *but mostly the former(
Intent: A source of income and resources for the Hestilic Kajidic
Image Credit: Hristo Rusanov's concept art x (link broken, added one from the google search)
Canon: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Links: N/A
Mine Name: Alpha Minerals Mining Complex
Material: Ionite, Azurite
Location: Bandomeer | Lirra
Affiliation: Alpha Minerals
Size: Large
Population: Moderately Staffed
Profit: High
Accessibility: None of the mines are particularly easy to access unless you're on the morning workers' train. As is the case for the mines on both Sullust and Altor 14, the mines are located quite remotely in the mountains. Hiking to the Sullust mine is particularly ill-advised, as it has volcanic activity nearby. The Ruisto mine is an underwater complex, complicated on its own but a space entirely dedicated to the mining project. What all three mines have in common is that they are private property with high security, intent on keeping undesirables away. In most cases the surrounding nature takes care of that.
Description: The mining complexes of Altor 14 and Sullust are found deep within mountain ranges. The ones on Sullust are often situated deeper into the mountain valleys, or even into the mountains themselves. This is due to aurodium mining having been ongoing on Sullust for a while, whereas the project on Altor 14 is a relatively recent one. The facilities offer no beauty to the surrounding nature, instead being more akin to deep and offensive scars on the towering peaks. A constant flurry of activity can be witnessed from an aerial view, both from the mines itself but also from ships travelling to and from the facilities with new shipments. The aurodium is sometimes sold raw, though most of the time it is taken to a refinement facility to be turned into ingots. Though it is not standard for all of Alpha Mineral's facilities, the ones on Sullust come equipped with shield generators due to volcanic activity in the region. The Ruisto facilities are all underwater, though have the same design and layout. They are still situated within mountain ranges, though of course these are under the vast oceans. This has put an extra pressure on equipment and lighting.
- Control center - a building of its own housing security surveillance rooms, as well as functioning as on-site barracks and armoury
- Refinery - the refineries turn the raw material into ingots which is then packaged and shipped off-world for distribution
- Unloading facility - a large sector dedicated to spacecraft landing as well as shipment storage. Shipments are checked before and after by an unloading crew to diminish the chance of sabotage
High. Alpha Mineral's mining complexes employ private security forces to patrol the facilities and ensure the safety of the workers. These security forces are equipped with standard armour and small arms. The facilities are further protected by advanced warning systems, a network of cameras and surveillance, a duracrete perimeter wall with sufficient armament to fend off a good-size raid or attack in most cases. In the case of the Sullust facilities, they also come equipped with shield generators.
The facilities are closed off to the public. Unauthorised visitors are treated as hostiles.
The aurodium veins on Sullust and Ruisto were well known to Alpha Minerals, and an early target. Once the funding was secured they moved quickly to set up their facilities there. They also began to muscle out the competition either by throwing wealth at the problem, or conveniently a third party with links to a certain Hutt cartel would make remarks on how nice it was to keep families together, and how sad it is when it doesn't work out that way. In other words, many competitors were bought or suddenly backed away.
The early profits were quickly re-invested, and an effort was made to discover additional deposits of the valuable metal. New leads and permits to aid in exploration digging led to the discovery of a substantial deposit on Altor 14. Being the early bird in this case, Alpha Minerals were able to secure exclusive rights and have put their weight behind keeping the status quo.
Aurodium mining became the foundation for Alpha Minerals, a young but quickly growing mining corporation. The first steps in what would hopefully lead to system-wide dominance.
[ Include a description of the unit's history here. How they were formed and by whom, past noteworthy battles, moral affecting defeats, where they are stationed if applicable, etc. ]
- Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
- Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
- Role: [ Is this unit serving as protective detail to your character? Is it a portion of the rank and file of your faction? Is it a strike team for your company? Explain the IC role this unit will fulfill. ]
- Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
- Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
- Unit Name: Hestilic Assassins
- Affiliation: Hestilic Kajidic, Hutt Space Consortium
- Classification: Assassins
- Description: [ Give a brief overview of this combat unit. Notable appearance, if they have a unit emblem, general mindset and behavior, etc. ]
- Unit Size: Small
- Unit Availability: Rare
- Unit Experience: Elite
- Equipment: [ If your unit possesses any specialty equipment (weapons, armor, combat tools, star fighters, landing ships, etc.) list them and provide links here. Check the table below for production level and affiliation of any Factory submissions based on the unit's size and availability- those that are inappropriate will need to be changed. The unit may use equipment of the listed production or higher production values, but not lower. ]
- Combat Function: [ Describe this unit's general function in combat. Put things like tactics, habits, goals, how they interact with other parts of a larger army, do they need support or are they the support, etc. ] Covert operations, assassinations
- Force Abilities (Force User Units Only): [If your NPC unit has Force Users, please list their Force abilities, especially unusual or rare ones.]
- [ Provide, in list format, some strengths of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
- [ Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
[ Include a description of the unit's history here. How they were formed and by whom, past noteworthy battles, moral affecting defeats, where they are stationed if applicable, etc. ]
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