Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Training a monster

Fossbon stood in front of the tiny office buildling on Alaris Prime, in front of the Beast Training Complex, awaiting the customer that was supposed to arrive to assist in the training of the Terentatek that had recently arrived. The Amaran tapped a paw against the duracrete walkway where he stood, in front of the landing pad, waiting impatiently. Mrrew had contacted him a few days ago, when the Terentatek arrived, telling him that the beast was supposed to be trained as a War Beast- as well as to obey a force sensitive... Which would be difficult, as Terentateks were specifically made to kill force sensitives. But it's agression was already starting to diminish slightly as it was fed... Though it still tried to attack Cricket every time he got near.

Nontheless, this was what he was hired to do. So he was waiting to do it. He just had to wait for [member="Silara Vantai"] to arrive.
Silara's flight had gone as expected - some business calls, a bit of paperwork, and a lovely long nap aboard a small private aircraft while she waited to land - which landed pleasantly at the training complex. She calmly exited the aircraft and smiled with her signature grin, hands in her coat pockets and hair flowing nicely with the wind and the gust the ship behind her caused. "Hello, I am Silara Vantai, I take it you are one of the beast trainers?" Silara said, trying to sound friendly and make conversation, as she knew the Terentatek meeting would be about as pleasant as becoming a Hutt's slave. Walking up to the Amaran, after she had spoken, she calmly awaited to be instructed on what was to happen.

Fossbon nodded shortly. "Head beast trainer, at your service." The Amaran did an exaggerated little bow, sweeping arm and everything, before straightening back up. "Presuming you're [member="Silara Vantai"], I'll be taking you back to the Main Building." Fossbon gestured behind him, to the large warehouse-like structure that loomed behind the office. Just as the Amaran was about to step across the Duracrete sidewalk, a small Ewok holding a clibboard, and chirping wildly, ran over. The Amaran and Ewok mimed back and forth for a few moments- it was obvious that the Ewok could not talk- before the little sapient ran over, and handed Silara the clipboard. Fossbon nodded at the papers. "Just a waiver stating that the Guild is not responsible for any... injuries... the Terentatek may cause." The Amaran looked uncomfortable.
The Sith woman grinned lightly at the concept of being assaulted by a Terentatek, something that would have certainly proved to be a handful if she were to meet one unexpectedly, certainly a beast that cast fear into many Jedi's hearts - the sole reason she wanted to tame one and have one as her own, really. Taking the clipboard in her right hand, she signed off with her left and then handed it back to the small Jawa with a polite smile. "I was prepared for injuries when I requested the training, without risk there is no reward." Silara replied, not really afraid of what was ahead, only excited to see her future pet and war beast.

Fossbon nodded quickly, and led the way along the duracrete walkway to the large Main Building. "Right this way, then."

After a few moments of walking, the Amaran led [member="Silara Vantai"] through a small door, into the main building. The building inside was well lit, and on the other side of the door was a well furnished area with soft couches and carpet, directly contrasting the huge drab room of durasteel and concrete that was visible through the transparisteel walls of the small viewing area. Beyond the viewing area, the entire warehouse-like building was one huge room, walls plated with durasteel, and llines of white paint designating areas of the training center. Fossbon nodded over at the two massive sliding doors, almost as high as the oversized roof.

"Tom Mott will be bringing the beast in shortly... until then, make yourself at home!"

As if on queue, a protocol droid stumbled over and offered refreshments.
While following the Amaran into the building, Silara couldn't help but wonder whom it was that had captured the Tarentatek alive, let alone how well off they were afterwards, but she pushed such thoughts aside as she was brought into the main section of the building and was made aware of the furnishings, which she moved to as she was approached by a protocol droid. Smiling at the droid, though she felt no reason to do so, she retrieved a small glass of water and began to sip on it as she sat at the edge of a couch, waiting for this "Tom Mott" person to bring out her lovely beast. "I have all the time in the galaxy." She replied to the Amaran with a smile.

Fossbon nodded briefly, before turning expectantly to the large double doors. A few moments later, the doors slowly slid open, revealing an interesting sight. The little Ewok, Cricket, was running into the building. Carrying a huge bantha steak over his head. Chirping rapidly, the Ewok ran around in circles, while a rather large male Terentatek slowly walked in, his eyes glued on the Ewok. Behind the monster, a tall dark-skinned human was standing ready with a charged electrowhip, The Terentatek seemed to pay no attention tot he human, instead following the Ewok intently, with a slow confident pace. "Terentatek's mainly only respond to force sensitives... That's why Tom Mott's safe. And why he'll probably try to eat you."

In a burst of speed, the Ewok dropped the steak, and ran straight between the Terentatek's legs. The beast quickly spun around, swingina c lawed hand at it's escaping prey, just as the dark skinned human swung the electrowip- striking the beast's head. It quickly reeled back, roaring in anger and slight pain, as both the Ewok and Human quickly made their way to the large double doors. The doors quickly shut themselves, controlled by a droid, before the Terentatek could pursure his prey.

"Ready to get attacked by a Jedi-eater?"

[member="Silara Vantai"]
She smiled uneasily, not really quite certain herself, but had steeled her resolve nonetheless. While this was certainly no Leviathan, at least the Leviathan could be wounded by the force. In this unfortunate situation, she had only brought her shoto saber with her as protection. "I don't believe anyone is ever ready to be attacked by a Terentatek." She replied dryly, sighing as she stood up and placed the half-empty glass of water on the tray the protocol droid was carrying. Walking towards the viewing area, she felt a calmness overcome her, as if she was closer to the very thing she loved, that she craved - the dark side of the force. It was the main reason she had asked for a Terentatek rather than a Leviathan, and though its potential in battle would be great, she would come to love the beast as she ascended the ranks of the Sith to Lord, just as she assumed the beast would come to see her as its family in due time. "What do I need to do? Let it smell me or something?" Silara asked, haphazardly.

Fossbon smirked somewhat, stepping towards the little door in the transparisteel wall that led into the main part of the building. The Terentatek, sensing the force, slowly turned, staring directly at [member="Silara Vantai"]. "Most training methods with predators like this involve positive reinforcement... most of them take months, years. Note that this one may take several days.* Long story short, we've equipped it with a bracelet." Fossbon gestured to one of teh Terentatek's large arms, which had a tiny wire connected to an event inier box wrapped around it. "While it was tranqulized, of course." Fossbon was excellent at his job, but only an idiot would try to put a bracelet on a Terentatek when he was awake.... "I have the remote to said bracelet. In the past few days, it's already been... tamed... enough to assure that it dosen't attack people at random. Since Terentateks mainly feast on the Force... he only attacks force sensitives. Cricket, for instance. I am sure you've heard the ancient method- Reinforce good behavior, punish bad. Good, we feed it. Bad, we shock it. As simple as that. Mrrew was kind enough to provide, err, treats for a creature that only eats force sensitives...." Fossbon glanced behind him, where- as if on queu- Cricket appeared in tjhe doorway to the main building, pushing a cart filled with cages containing small apes. "Any questions?"

*We can do timeskips in the thread, or do a paticularly long thread. Either way is good.
Silara paid close attention to what the man was saying as she watched the Terentatek, seemingly splitting her attention to a degree that allowed her to both get the gist of the explanations and fully comprehend what he was saying while staring at the beast. "Ah yes, a diet of force users, perhaps even the force itself. I can deal with that." Silara replied, glancing at the man with a slight contemplation of various nefarious plots circulating through her head. "Regardless, I'd love to find another beast to love. My dreambeast is quite lonely, really, having only an infant battle hydra to spend its time with." The Sith woman continued, keeping her oddly calm smile. She was sharply aware that she was going to be attacked quite a few times at first, but she was prepared for it. Contemplating on the final question given to her, she shook her head after a while and put a hand out to the transparisteel, as if making a gesture for the terentatek. It appeared she was ready.

(A timeskip would probably work best with my schedule, and with how busy you've been with requests.)

Fossbon blinked at the mention of a pet Battle Hydra, and a Dreambeast. ... Well, at least she knew how to take care of exotic creatures... "Right..... Right this way." The Amaran slowly opened the reinforced transparisteel door, stepping into the main part of the Main Building, and quickly shutting the door just behind [member="Silara Vantai"]. The Terentatek reacted immidietly. It moved slowly to stalk a weak prey, such as Cricket. For a sith knight? It ran at her, top speed, with it's mouth gaping open. Fossbon as quick to remove a small device from his pocket, and press the large red button on it several times. The creature shrieked. Aftre recovering from the shock, the Terentatek slowly stepped back, watching Silara thorugh unblinking eyes.

"This is your pet to be."

(Sounds good, we'll timeskip after the first training session, to when the Terentatek is trained?)
Silara had opened her eyes a bit wider than usual, perhaps in surprise at the open assault the creature had decided to display, and was in the middle of lifting her right hand, palm open, when the Amaran forcefully made the Terentatek stop. She smiled. Glancing at the Amaran after he had spoken again, she couldn't help but wonder how they ever would have managed to tranquilize such a beast, but that didn't quite matter to her. Silara looked back toward the force-eater and openly smiled in consideration of its power, though there was a clear degree of smugness on her part. "I think it likes me." She replied, taking a step in the direction of the great beast. Analyzing the creature, possibly to obtain a better understanding of it, the Sith lady let out a light sigh. "So we're talking six days? What should we begin doing now?" The blonde asked, taking another haphazard step towards the terentatek.


Fossbon smirked. "Predators tend to like food. Most living creatures do." The Terentatek stared at [member="Darth Sinna"] intently, seemingly ignoring Fossbon, as well as Cricket, who was pushing the little cart full of now sedated monkeys. It was int he room with three force sensitives- but Sinna stronger then the others. Much like a human woudl rather have a large juicy steak then a dry Mcyodas hamburger. "Reward good behavior, punish bad. If it dosen't try to eat you, it gets a treat."

On queue, Cricket started opening the cages of sedated monkeys, each radiating a very faint force signature.

The Terentatek took a slow step forwards, watching Darth Sinna carefully. He was wary of another shock.
Amused, Silara nodded at the man's explanation of their methods, and watched as the cart of small ape-like creatures were rolled in. "I see. So I suppose it's feeding time, then?" She said, perhaps sounding a bit rhetorical. Taking a few more steps towards the beast, still a safe distance away, the Sith lady made a gesture with her hand as the cage the monkeys were in was opened, lifting one up with the force to move it towards the Terentatek, a spark of electricity arcing from her fingertips to the ape to wake it up from its deranged state, or at least startle it. She wanted the Terentatek to taste the fear of the prey it was eating, mere drugged creatures was too simple and easy. "Kristi." Silara said, in the Sith language, directing the beast to eat. As if dropping something she was holding, she let her arm fall to her side, releasing the hold the force had on the creature to allow it to fall as well.

Fossbon stood back and watched while the Terentatek diverted it's attention between the cage, and the Sith. It was obviously an extremely intelligent creature, as many alchemically created animals are, capable of realizing that attacking the Sith directly resulted in pain. The Terentatek growled lowly at [member="Darth Sinna"], before slowly glancing at the little cage. The Tumbili ape inside immidietly started freaking out, crawling quickly aout of the opened cage, though still dizzily due to teh sedation. The Terentatek slowly glanced won at the ape, then to the Sith, before stepping forwards, putting a massive clawed foot directly on the ape. The creature made a sound much like a babys creaming, flailing it's arms around, before the beast leaned down- still watching Sinna from the corner of it's eyes- and closed it's jaws around the creature's small head. It stopped screaming.

"Terentateks are intelligent... It isin't keen on getting electrocuted."

[member="Darth Sinna"]
At the sight of the creature immediately catching on to what she was doing, though clearly not as aware of why she was doing what she was doing, Silara allowed her lips to purse in a small smile as she brought her hands together to applaud the creature for its excellence. "So what are we going to start with first? Certainly it can see that attempting bodily harm to me is not in its best interest, so surely we can move on to getting it to understand that listening to me and such are." Silara said, turning to face the Amaran. She wasn't entirely certain how this process was going to go, but she was more than ready to move on with it and get the training underway. Glancing at the Terentatek, she wondered if it would ever come to be as useful in battle as she was hoping for - if it cowered to electric shock, then she wasn't entirely sure if it would be brave enough to fight against saber-wielding foes, regardless of its formidable hide.

Fossbon turned to [member="Darth Sinna"], and nodded. "Training commands is a long process. The first step is allowing it to trust you. Giving it food, and showing that you mean no harm as the best ways to acomplish that. Once it trusts you, teaching it to obey you isin't hard."

Meanwhile, the Terentatek was watching the two intently, judging whether or not it was safe to attack the force sensitive. It would most likely take days to complete the training, if not longer, but they were already making progress. At least the Terentatek wasn't trying to eat her.

"When it trusts you, we'll move on to commands. Within a week, if all goes well, your Terentatek will be trained and ready. Though, i'll warn you, it will still take it some time to get used to other force sensitives."

The Amaran glanced at the Terentatek, who took a slow step forward after eating it's small snack. However, it didn't continue any further.

Edit: I apologize for the slow and boring thread. The Guild will have a more interesting method of training sithspawn soon... We can do the timeskip now if you like. [member="Darth Sinna"]
Smiling, the Sith walked away from the perceived safety of the Amaran - there was a good reason she found little fear in things such as sithspawn, even those of the Terentatek. Though she was loath to admit it to a certain lover of hers, her height could not conceal the difference between herself and...regular Vahla. She was a full foot taller than the majority of her race, and her prowess physically as of late had become more and more defined, exceeding even that of normal humans. Unlike her contemporaries, Silara was a sithspawn alteration herself - the One Sith's product of a ritual to create the first of many Battelords. "J'us ir Nu valia tapti' kia zenoti alia ane, Terentatek. Mes sekleti darytis sajun, rasiz arti us anas." The Sith said in the Sith tongue, her words resounding like echos to the beast through auditory and telepathic means as she attempted to form a link with the creature that only a Sith Battelord would try to do.


(It's okay. I was actually trying to debate with myself if Terentateks fell under sithspawn or not before I decided on how to post. If you wish we can time skip)

Edit: Here's a link to a translator I use for this.
... Fossbon blinked. He honestly had no idea what just happened. The Terentatek, however, had become completely calm and still. The Amaran stared between the beast and [member="Darth Sinna"], doing the closest thing his muzzle could do to a frown. "Err..." Fossbon blinked again at the two, before glancing at Sinna a third time. Meanwhile, the Terentatek had gone from a hungry beast waiting for it's prety to turn it's back, in order to gain supper, to a loyal 'pet' to the Battlelord. The Amaran blinked at the beast one more time, before speaking, trying to salvage the situation. "And... that... is the expertise of the Guild!"

(No need to timeskip if youre magic battlelord powers will finish the training. xD I feel outdated against the Battlelords...)
(Btw, that translator is amazing. Time to make a Hutt that only speaks Hutteese...)
A small, yet smug, grin crept across the Sith's face as she looked toward the Amaran, not even slightly regretting having paid for a full session of training as it just so happened that the experiment that took place to change the Sith had occured between the time of her order being placed and her arrival on Alaris Prime. Putting her hands together for a resounding clap, one which continued into an applause of sorts, Silara turned fully, her back to the Terentatek, and smiled broadly. "Bravo, simply amazing. I had never expected such a quick session in my entire life." The blonde said cheerfully, her words rather truthful - she had expected the training to have still gone on a few hours even with her additional abilities, but had luckily underestimated herself and the enhancements to her telepathic prowess that she had already been quite gifted with. It appeared to Silara that there was a large opportunity now, not only for obtaining such beasts like this but also for growth in the order of the One Sith.


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