Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Training against the Darkside, from a Darksider

The title explains what i am offering. I am offering first hand experience at what can turn a person to the Darkside. Now, i am going to make this extremely clear. Solan will not be turning 'anyone' to the darkside and nor will he even want to do such. What i want is to make sure that the number of people falling to the darkside is reduced by giving them clear guards against the same things that caused him to fall. If that makes sense.


Disney's Princess
  • The best defense against the dark is living in the light.
  • Learning to drown does not make one a better swimmer.
  • The trick to finding your way at night is to always bring light with you. Not expecting yourself to see in the dark.
  • Seek not to understand every shade of gray, but for brighter shades of white.

I could go on. But Harry Potter this ain't. Thanks for volunteering Solan! :D :p
[member="Megan Rhymes"]

Hey now, No Harry Potter in my Star wars. I already get enough of that in Skype chats with [member="Taeli Rae"] there.

BTW everyone that wants to do a session with Solan or Several, send me a PM please. So we can set it up without cluttering a thread.... Feel free to keep messing around in this chat though. Or asking questions. Probably the latter over the former, but we aren't stiffs like those Sith or Imperials, so have at it.
[member="Solan Charr"] | [member="Orick T'ane"]

As ever, you are both right :)

If any Republic (non-Jedi) character wants to learn from Solan, they are more than welcome to.

If any Jedi wants to learn from Solan, please see me in my office LOL
[member="Taeli Rae"] | [member="Solan Charr"]

The last Jedi we found out was trained by a Dark Jedi was disciplined - so it would be significantly hypocritical to now encourage this.

Our Code of Conduct says we combat Dark-siders in all their forms.


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