Zaiden Dean
The Stealth Master
(Continuing from the other thread)
Before long they stood in a large courtyard that by every appearance, was an insane obstacle course. Just by eying the scenery, it would be noted that there were cameras that connected to blasters, be seen and be shot. There were trenches underneath barbed wire, under the dirt there was pressure plating. Be slow and be shot. This was a course designed for a warrior, to better become a warrior.
"Ah. My god. This place brings back memories." Vokun said, grinning as he stripped off his shirt, which Pax took from him. Rubbing his hands together to dry any moisture, he quickly began scaling a wooden pillar nearby. Nearing the top he reached up, placed a hand down palm flat, then simply through upper arm strength, lifted his legs backward. Up then over his head they went, until he was balancing on a one hand hand stand. A slight sheen of perspiration could be seen on his lean muscles.
A contrast to the blood and wounds yet to heal or be fully washed away.
"This area has everything. For everyone. What skill would you most want to train right now? Would you care to learn manipulating light such as i do? Or simply find out what your rarer talents are?" Still balanced on one hand upside down, he held out the other, from which it appeared too suddenly billow out the murkiest smoke like shadows. The darkness spread through the air quickly, removing all presence of light, "I am a photo-slash-umbra-kinetic. It means that manipulating light and removing it are my rarest skills. Most people can barely do anything by bending light.
"Me? Complete mastery. Without formal teaching from a fellow photokinetic as well." Finally dropping his feet down to where his hand was, righting himself so he stood normal, Vokun released his hold on the shadows and they vanished, "We can do whatever you want in here. Except get married." He grinned down at her from atop the vertical log pillar.
[member="Koda Berus"]
Before long they stood in a large courtyard that by every appearance, was an insane obstacle course. Just by eying the scenery, it would be noted that there were cameras that connected to blasters, be seen and be shot. There were trenches underneath barbed wire, under the dirt there was pressure plating. Be slow and be shot. This was a course designed for a warrior, to better become a warrior.
"Ah. My god. This place brings back memories." Vokun said, grinning as he stripped off his shirt, which Pax took from him. Rubbing his hands together to dry any moisture, he quickly began scaling a wooden pillar nearby. Nearing the top he reached up, placed a hand down palm flat, then simply through upper arm strength, lifted his legs backward. Up then over his head they went, until he was balancing on a one hand hand stand. A slight sheen of perspiration could be seen on his lean muscles.
A contrast to the blood and wounds yet to heal or be fully washed away.
"This area has everything. For everyone. What skill would you most want to train right now? Would you care to learn manipulating light such as i do? Or simply find out what your rarer talents are?" Still balanced on one hand upside down, he held out the other, from which it appeared too suddenly billow out the murkiest smoke like shadows. The darkness spread through the air quickly, removing all presence of light, "I am a photo-slash-umbra-kinetic. It means that manipulating light and removing it are my rarest skills. Most people can barely do anything by bending light.
"Me? Complete mastery. Without formal teaching from a fellow photokinetic as well." Finally dropping his feet down to where his hand was, righting himself so he stood normal, Vokun released his hold on the shadows and they vanished, "We can do whatever you want in here. Except get married." He grinned down at her from atop the vertical log pillar.
[member="Koda Berus"]