Jin Jedi
THe time had come, the small jedi was moving and the first chance she had to teach a class, something she was used to, something she had been working to have some talent in.. and there might be a chance that can come from it. She was wondering what she might be able to do and an idea came to find. Standing there in the skylar robes when she looked around the room with the tables in a circle so all of them could see each other, could see her. She would have to rotate but they might be able to do.
She had several dozen slips of paper and the ancient Jin arts on her side while she was standing there. Hair long and dark going down her back. Robes simple with the orange trim and her outer cloak off to the side of the rom. Boots laced up to mid thigh and while she was short and looked about the height of most of the padawans in the order but clasping her hands in front of her while she turned towards the doors and made the offer to teach the art of the small to those who wanted to learn it. Something you could use for any number of techniques.
She had several dozen slips of paper and the ancient Jin arts on her side while she was standing there. Hair long and dark going down her back. Robes simple with the orange trim and her outer cloak off to the side of the rom. Boots laced up to mid thigh and while she was short and looked about the height of most of the padawans in the order but clasping her hands in front of her while she turned towards the doors and made the offer to teach the art of the small to those who wanted to learn it. Something you could use for any number of techniques.