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Training by Thousand Paper Cuts

THe time had come, the small jedi was moving and the first chance she had to teach a class, something she was used to, something she had been working to have some talent in.. and there might be a chance that can come from it. She was wondering what she might be able to do and an idea came to find. Standing there in the skylar robes when she looked around the room with the tables in a circle so all of them could see each other, could see her. She would have to rotate but they might be able to do.

She had several dozen slips of paper and the ancient Jin arts on her side while she was standing there. Hair long and dark going down her back. Robes simple with the orange trim and her outer cloak off to the side of the rom. Boots laced up to mid thigh and while she was short and looked about the height of most of the padawans in the order but clasping her hands in front of her while she turned towards the doors and made the offer to teach the art of the small to those who wanted to learn it. Something you could use for any number of techniques.

There were always Master's around teaching classes in a variety of classes, Silver's Rest was a great place for everyone to stop off and relax, to train. Training was something Asaraa was after, a lot, there was always something new to learn, something new to experience, the galaxy and the force were both proving to be a lot larger and more terrifying than she'd ever thought, although she'd never admit that to anyone. In between the lists, the offers of classes that she'd seen one stuck out as being...unusual. The Art of the Small, she knew how to cloak herself in the force, and this sounded maybe like something that might be interesting. After all, you never knew where having that ability might come in useful, better to be prepared right?

It was with that in mind that the young woman approached the woman waiting with...was that paper? Well at least it looked like she'd come prepared, so this would be interesting, she hoped. "Umm, good morning?" The Padawan bobbed her head in greeting and glanced around, "looks like I got here just in time so...what's the paper for?"

[member="Wu Yeoh"]
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Sukai was always in the search of more knowledge from all walks of life and places. So when she learnt that her master [member="Wu Yeoh"] was running a class, well you could say the newly knighted Jin was rather excited to attend, more so when she learned it would be on an ancient Jin art of origami. Entering the room Sukai was clearing ecstatic, more so then anyone had seen her, usually being the more mature out of the Yumi siblings, projecting a clam aura most of the time.

"Ah, good day to you master, [member="Asaraa Vaashe"], I hope I made it in time, such a lesson just gets me all riled up inside.... just no marshmallows, well on me anyways". She remarked sitting down next to the Torguta Jedi, sitting in a cross legged position on the chair, eager to begin.
"Art of the Small?" Zavii read the title on the training room's panel curiously. She had been on her way to one of the empty rooms to work on staff techniques and happened to hear this door shut behind someone who'd just walked in. Having never heard of any such thing, she read the cryptic title again, and the name of the instructor under it. [member="Wu Yeoh"] didn't ring any bells, which was only one more reason to check it out.

With a little shrug to herself, the brown Zabrak touched the panel and the door slid open to reveal two familiar faces and one new one; a short Human-looking woman who stood by one of the round tables. "Good morning," she gave the Silver Jedi Master a bow before taking a seat next to the Togruta [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]. The little sheets of paper around the table were weird, especially since there didn't seem to be any sort of writing utensils around, but she was sure that everything would be explained in short order, and so waited with excited attention.
[member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Zavii"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

She could see the students, three of them in fact.. well two and her padawan.. had to make a note of that as she looked at them sitting down and smile. "Padawan welcome." She turned to look at the two of them, Asaraa and Zavii with a now of her head. "Welcome to you two as well. I am Master Yeoh but most call me Wu. I am one fo the Jin who joined the academy awhile back." She offered a smile to them though and walked over where they were seated standing as tall as her four foot two body could to and not slouching she had a straight back. "I am going to teach you how to use the art of the small today, a technique jedi can use for a number of things. From augmenting your equipment to make it stronger with the force, to repairing damage at the smallest level, hiding your force presence and well augmenting yourself or another. There is a legend that one jedi master made it so her tears could heal even the most fatal wounds." Wu moved over towards each of them and gave a bow odf her head to them clasping a hand on their shoulders as she almost gave a chest bump. "But it will not be easy, this requires a great deal of focus and concentration."
Zavii listened attentively to the Jin Master as she talked about the lesson. She had never heard of someone using something like tears to heal grievous wounds, but who was she to doubt? Stranger things had been done, and as some Masters were fond of saying, 'Through the Force, all things are possible.'

The Zabrak couldn't help but to smirk as [member="Wu Yeoh"] greeted each of the Padawans in turn. The woman was so short and yet so incredibly endowed in the chest that her bust nearly touched each of the other girls. Then it was her turn and sure enough, Zavii felt the Knight's breasts touch her own and couldn't stop herself from cracking a smile. "Master, are you going to teach us the art of the large too?" she giggled as she spoke. "You know, for balance?"
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
The different and possible applications of such a skill where not lost to Sukai, already having a slight understanding of how it worked, but just like [member="Zavii"] was rather quizzical on the who healing from grievous wound part. Then again being a vampire such a thing happened all to often, and learning such skills along with just general healing force powers would probably make her unavailable on the battle field. 'No, concentrate Sukai, don't get ahead of yourself, this skill can also be used in other forms, not everything is about combat'.

Though probably more used to seeing Wu's, ahem, assets Sukai should still not get over how big they where, getting a little embarrassed when the teacher greeted then all. "Be glad there are no male students right now master... I am sure many would be distracted", though coming to think of it the Silvers had a rather lack of male Padawans at the moment, rather strange in her view.

[member="Zavii"] [member="Wu Yeoh"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
[member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Zavii"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

Wu looked at the two of them and gave a playful glare... more for attention then anything as she moved back a little bit. "Maybe but with the three of you here well we can begin. If anyone else shows up and wants to learn then we are more then able to have them." She said it though and motioned to the papers on the desks. "Now my people, have a few traditions, one is folding paper to make displays. We are going to practice that and you are going to use the force to focus on the smallest details of it. Strength it so the paper won't tear, add coloring, work it to be what you want to do with yo0ur own shapes and animals."
He was late, well not really late, but arriving just behind the others just as the class was starting seemed to make one feel even more awkward then arriving after a few minutes. Was it a trope thing that made it so strange? Well it did not matter Tanasuki was late but just a few second, coming into he room visibly panting, having ran from the other side of the temple. "Ah, ha, sorry, I'm late.... did I miss anyyyyy *ahem* did I miss anything"?

'So this is master [member="Wu Yeoh"]? never met another Jin, she is rather short... wait no concentrate', shaking his head the boy quickly took a seat next to [member="Zavii"], giving her along with [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] and his sister a small wave. "Hey all, things been going well"? Hopefully this lesson would be beneficial, though Sukai said it had practical application and with Zavii along too it was well worth it.
The Togruta grinned at Tanasuki, raising her hand to wave at him in greeting. The Padawan turned that small gesture into a manipulation of the force, levitating up one of the pieces of paper, using it to wave at her friend before floating over to bob up and down in front of her face like a veil. "You mean we get to play with and fold all of these? Really?" A bright grin wreath her face, "Best training ever" With a smile touch of her mind she folded the piece of paper in two before stopping to stare at the Jedi Master, "Waaait, what do you mean details? And how can we change the colours?"

[member="Tanaski Yumi"] | [member="Wu Yeoh"] | [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] | [member="Zavii"]
[member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Zavii"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Wu looked at the padawan and offered a nod of her head. "With focus you can add coloring to the mater by changing it. Slowly yes but eventualy the color can be distorted and changed.. You'll just have to learn to focus your mind padawan. So first thing I want you all to do before you begin is relax, sit and find that calming place in your mind you can use to empower yourself." Wu said it while she was motioning for Tana to got ot he seat with a smile on her face. "Welcome other padawan Yumi... Sukai my former padawan you dind't say that your brother was so adorable looking. I just want to pinch his cheeks."
Asaraa glanced backwards towards Tanasuki, a small grin tugging up the corners of her mouth as she raised an eyebrow mouthing 'pinch your cheeks?' at her friend, her face shielded by the floating piece of paper. Taking a deep breath the Padawan focused her attention on the piece of paper, reaching out to the force, that sea of energy that surrounded them the young woman pulled in some of that energy, shaping it into tendrils of energy that reached out, running along the piece of paper. It didn't take her much to fold the paper in two, holding it stationary in the air as she folded it again and again, the aeroplane quickly taking shape in front of her. Asaraa's teeth worried at her lower lip, as she furrowed her brow, staring at the piece of paper. "I guess we're going to have to be a lot more precise, finer control of the force to do any of this right?"

[member="Wu Yeoh"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"] | [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] | [member="Zavii"]
Zavii grinned when [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] spoke up, and was just about to voice her agreement when the other Yumi twin showed up. She turned her head to watch him, even though she could hear his Song even before he had opened the door. "Good thing indeed, Sky," she gave the other girl a smirk with one brow raised as [member="Tanaski Yumi"] took a seat to her left. "Hi Tana," she greeted him cheerily.

The Zabraki Padawan listened to Master [member="Wu Yeoh"]'s explanation of the lesson and perked up at the prospect of learning such fine manipulation. She hadn't thought about the possibility of changing the very color of things like this, which went to show the immense power of those able to manipulate the Force.

At Master Wu's comment about Tanasuki, Zavii snickered and said "Like this?" as she turned and pinched the boy's cheek between finger and thumb. She wiggled it a little before letting go and giving it a little pat as she giggled. "That was more fun than I imagined."
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Sukai gave a small wave to her brother as he sat down, but more or less turned attention back to the task at hand, the comment from her master being rather embarrassing. "Ah well perhaps I did, em though I am glad you like him... good thing indeed hu", why was that the case? being a little confused at the Zabrak comment.... unless her brother was starting to become a ladies man

turning back to the lesson she tried to mentally note down all the different things that one could do with this skill, seemed to have just as much scientific principles as it did force ones. Herself watching as Asa folded the paper into a small plane shaped craft, "well it was a good try never the lest, have you done much origami in the past". Though not proficient at it Sukai learned a few things during her childhood, herself using the force to life the paper, folding it over and over again, slowly the paper taking the shape of a small bird like creature.

"Gonna need practice but a good start is it not master"? she ramarked showing the small bird, almost oblivious to Zavii and Tana flirty exchange, but sensing that something was definitely going on between the two Padawans.

[member="Zavii"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Wu Yeoh"]
Tana gave a fake embarrassed look at Wu's comment, "Oh shucks, me a cutie, well thank you master Wu, always nice to get the attention". He looked to the other padawan returning their joyful smiles, putting in a small amount of slyness when looking to Zavii as the lesson got underway.

For the most part the skill seemed rather interesting, with some piratical use, but seemed it needed quite the amount of concentration and practice to be put to proper use, well not like he did not have time for it. Though the changing of colour sounded like a fun skill, wound remove the need for constant hair dye and all.

Thing became even more interesting though when Zavii put to use Wu's other words, the one on pinching his cutie cheek. Her hands pulling lightly on his skin as she performed the teasing, himself letting out a small chuckle at the woman response after finishing, "It sure seemed fun, hows about letting me 'av a go ayy"? After all the zabrak Jedi had some cute cheeks of her own.

[member="Zavii"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Wu Yeoh"]
[member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Zavii"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"]

She was looking at them and walked around before going back to the center seeing them. She started to speak where they were going, the paper when she started working on it. Essentially, you are going to narrow your focus, focus mind and Force-awareness. Until it becomes microscopic. While your physical body remains unchanged, your projected form shrinks to an infinitesimal size. In this state, you can rearrange molecules, take them apart, and build new ones bit by bit." She remained there speaking to them and was focusing her mind to see it. The paper as she folded it went from cream colored to white to as she worked on it there was now purple and she was building scent to it. Showing the crane as she put it down on the table with a nod of her head. The scent of fresh rain coming from it.
With a slightly forced yet equally casual laugh, Zavii shot [member="Tanaski Yumi"]'s proposal down in saying, "Go ahead, if you don't mind me biting your fingers completely off. I could use a snack." Then she gave the blue-eyed boy a little wink and promptly looked up to see how the Master was changing a slip of paper different colors and even made it smell fresh, like the gardens after the morning dew. "That is... incredible! Okay, let me try..."

Closing her eyes and breathing slowly, she reached out to find the paper. It was far harder to pinpoint than she'd thought so the young woman decided to cheat a little by laying her fingers on it. The texture was smoother than that of the ancient scrolls and books she'd read in the Library, but she was able to focus on the tiny fibres eventually digging down into the furiously spinning and vibrating particle chains that held the materiel together. It was like swimming in a great void and seeing distant star systems, each orbited by little worlds who's superspeedy paths took them well into the territory of their neighbors.

Somehow she was meant to decipher the meanings of these bonds, what made the paper what it was, and then determine how to change the sublime order in such a way that she could literally shape it into anything... that proved difficult as a few seconds went by before Zavii felt a sudden pain in her fingers and she opened her eyes to see the little sheet burn away in a sudden burst of flame that engulfed the paper totally and died out within a second.

"Kak verdoem atome!" she cried in surprise, sucking her finger for a second before shaking it out. "Er, Master Wu?" she raised her hand- which wasn't burnt too badly though it still stung a bit- and looked up at [member="Wu Yeoh"] "I... killed my paper. Can I have another?"
[member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Zavii"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Wu was watching them, the focus so intense for some of them she was wondering what they might be able to make with their sheets of paper. The zabrak spoke though looking up as Wu brought over plenty of paper for all of them. "Of course padawan, don't feel a need to rush t and allow yourself to feel and learn. The paper can become anything you want it to. With all of the force that you might be able to do." She offered a smile and walked around looking at the others while she watied for them to go back to their focus. Then whipped out from her robes the special training tool. The marshamallow launcher that Sukai was familiar with while she cocked it and fired off several shots at them to make sure they couoldn't be altered by distractions.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
States and rearranging molecules changing the bonds, making the structure more rigid or lose, keeping the molecules still, thus freezing them, or do what [member="Zavii"] did and excite them so much the paper combusts. Fortunately Suki was able to suppress her laughter, turning back to the small swam like shape she had made, giving it a go herself, but going about things in a more careful manner.

Slowly she worked the paper on a microscopic level, arranging the atoms into a lactic structure, being a little harder then a pure element, slowly bu surely the small object becoming brown, but not due to heat or much else. Finally after what felt like ages Sukai placed the pieces of paper down, releasing a pent up gasp of air, also taking a marshmallow in at the same time causing Sukai to choke a bit before swallowing the deadly piece of candy.

*cough cough* "Master is that really necessary? *Sigh well I believe that I have... finished"? her small swan now... cardboard, having the small brown colour to it, rigid compared to the paper that was there before, a small side effect being the swan was visibly shrunken to accommodate the new texture.

[member="Wu Yeoh"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
Tana recoiled his hands away slightly at the threat, not doubting for a second [member="Zavii"] would follow through on it, mainly being a Zabrak and all. "Well I kind of need fingers to do stuff" 'don't thing my regeneration power could heal that, best not fine out the hard way'. For now time to learn, after all Sukai would give him quite the earful if this just turned out he didn't listen to the lesson.

Keeping a close eye he watched as Wu went about changing the papar's colour and event scent, though would that not be chemical base? Surely a simple piece of paper did not contain the certain ester that made that smell... did it? Whatever the case it was his true, focusing on the paper that lay in front of him, going for a cold, still feeling, feeling the different fiber stands all around, holding the paper still at is
microscopic parts.

Slowly the paper started to turn a light shade of blue, getting colder, a small frost beginning to form on the table, but still nothing really similar to Wu's. Suddenly though Tana was awoke from his meditation as Zavii let out a small cry,his head turning towards the Zabrak, seems she had burnt herself, combusting the paper. The lesson master coming over to consul the girl, but not doing much for the burn, just binging more paper for each student

"Ouch, that looks like it stings, want me to kiss it better"? perhaps more flirting, but in truth Tana could 'kiss it better', well more slightly bite the wound and feed the Zabrak energy allowing the wound to heal, a skill he often forgot energy vampires had.

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