Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Training Day


Location: Bastion | The Crucible of Order
Tags: Lady Nightmare Lady Nightmare Lady Shadow Lady Shadow Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik

The Diarch Reign walked to his private chambers within the Crucible. As on of the Diarchs, he had access to secure and private training arenas. Ones he had need of today.

The training of his older daughter was nearing its completion, but there was still much for her to learn.

The younger daughter also had many lessons to learn, but she would soon face the loss of her constant companion in her sister.

Reign thought with some melancholy that Nightmare would soon be promoted to a Vanguard within the Brotherhood, going out on her own to further their cause.

But today? He had summoned his daughters to the private arena to gauge how far they had come, it was a practice that stretched back to his own time with his brother and father. A duel.

Location: Bastion | The Crucible of Order
Tags: Lady Shadow Lady Shadow Diarch Reign Diarch Reign Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik

She would never let anyone see it, but Nightmare was anxious. She was considered the eyes and ears of her father, and where she walked, people knew her quiet power. Her training was nearing it's completion, she knew it, and father had intimated as much, but the prospect of going out on her own to further her father's will was daunting.

Still, when she had received the summons, she did not hesitate. She knew better than to keep her father waiting, he was an important man and when he was able to dedicate the one on one time, she knew not to take it for granted.

Her newest lightsaber hung at her hip as she walked, her black robes flowing as she moved. She tapped the hilt absentmindedly, it had not been long since Father had made his proclamation and dropped his long held title of Darth.. in that time, she had constructed a new lightsaber of her own. Forgoing the crimson of the Sith and aligning much closer to her mother, Nocturne, with her pink blade. Shadow's was now a lilac purple color.

She came across her younger sister, running to meet their father's summons.

"What do you think father wants of us? His summons sounded important"
she asked pensively, her calculating mind already running through potential lessons.
Location: Bastion | The Crucible
Tags: Lady Nightmare Lady Nightmare Diarch Reign Diarch Reign Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik

Shadow was a ball of excitement. Being summoned to the training arenas could only mean one thing. Father planned on training them again.
She had been ready to use her new saber, ever since she created it! A brand new double gold bladed saber had been her creation after her father's ceremony.

She didn't pretend to know about the politics of it, she didn't care much at this point. All she knew was that distance from the Sith met more potential adversaries for her to test herself against.

she was painfully tired of the training droids that Father had limited her too, saying she wasn't ready for a live opponent, which wasn't fair, she had dueled the padawan Roman Vossari Roman Vossari in hand to hand combat, and she thought she held herself admirably.

Perhaps this would be a turning point? The force seemed as excited as she was, as she made her way towards her father.

She had been running, and almost ran right into her sister.

"Woah! watch where you're going!"
she hollered to Lady Nightmare.

In response to her question, she cocked her head to the side and answered slowly

"He is summoning us to the training arena, it has to be something good. Anytime he calls for us it's important"

she slowed her pace to match her sister, identical black robes swaying.


An Uncle's Truth

Location: Bastion | The Crucible of Order
Tags: Lady Nightmare Lady Nightmare Lady Shadow Lady Shadow Diarch Reign Diarch Reign

Rellik had been taking his young pet Adar on a walk, hoping to run into his nieces for a little bit of playtime with the beast. Something about a female's presence seemed to calm the little devil and they always seemed to enjoy its company in kind. Maybe it had to do with the shared aspect of being small killers who can punch high above their weight. The thoughts were whimsical and made Rellik laugh as he moved towards their quarters.

Upon coming around a corner to see them he saw Lady Shadow moving at a lightning pace. This alone would be enough of an intrigue for the Diarch, maybe he could catch her causing trouble and give her a hand on her mission. He did always enjoy being the fun one for the two girls.

He followed her for a while, stealthed and concealed from their sight. They were good spies but in regards to being followed they could use some work. He waited patiently as the two exchanged their conversation and he listened to it in its entirety. The jovial aura he had before slowly left his body. The two girls had lightsabers now. They were no longer the small princesses of the Diarchy.

The Uncle approached the young girls swiftly. Putting his hands on their shoulders in lockstep with them as they moved.
"Take a moment girls and listen." he stopped them for a moment and spun them around to face him sincerely. "You both know I love you very much but heed my warning today. Look at your belts, these weapons you carry now are for defending yourself and killing your enemies. Never take a lesson involving these blades lightly or as a game. Have you ever heard the story of the last training session your father and I had with your grandpa?" Rellik was unsure how much of their grandfather the two girls knew. "His final duel with us was to the death." He spoke sternly. "The outcome was saved from this fate by the shared strength of your father and I. Never forget, no matter what trial you come to face. Your greatest strength is each other. I love you both." He kissed them on them each on the forehead, gave them a pat on the shoulder with a smile. Than left.

Little to their knowledge Rellik would be watching the duel from an overview booth directly. The scenario seemed so familiar yet a lifetime away. Did Reign think his girls were up for such a challenge or was Rellik just re-living a memory from the past.


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