Davin Jusik
Vale VII
Tropical Zone
Senior Agent Maximillian Vinticus stood in a clearing in a smartly fitting black fatigue ISB Uniform. Which consisted of boots, cargo pants, and a military style blouse with a gray pt shirt underneath. The Imperial Cog sat proudly on the blouse's shoulder and a cap with the same symbol sat on his head. He'd earned himself a promotion for his efforts in the galactic arena of late, and the responsibility that came with it. Max had been given charge of the training of two Cadets who'd recently been recruited into the Agency. One of which he'd recruited himself.
He glanced at his watch.
The pair were currently on a five mile timed run through the jungle that's path ended in the clearing. They hadn't been told the time or the distance they were required to run, they'd simply been put on the path and told they were being tested. It was all part of the game, and one of the simpler ones they'd be faced with over the course of their time with him.
The stifling humid climate was another. One that would constantly nag at them.
Next to Max sat an array of slug throwers and conventional blasters among various knives. Next to that was a sandpit, filled with both sand and some of the most agitating species of fleas known to the system.
He wouldn't yell at them.
This wasn't the military, the cadets needed to supply their own motivation.
He grinned as the sound of booted feet rapidly approached.
[member="Durgur Opoth"] [member="Maxi"]
Tropical Zone
Senior Agent Maximillian Vinticus stood in a clearing in a smartly fitting black fatigue ISB Uniform. Which consisted of boots, cargo pants, and a military style blouse with a gray pt shirt underneath. The Imperial Cog sat proudly on the blouse's shoulder and a cap with the same symbol sat on his head. He'd earned himself a promotion for his efforts in the galactic arena of late, and the responsibility that came with it. Max had been given charge of the training of two Cadets who'd recently been recruited into the Agency. One of which he'd recruited himself.
He glanced at his watch.
The pair were currently on a five mile timed run through the jungle that's path ended in the clearing. They hadn't been told the time or the distance they were required to run, they'd simply been put on the path and told they were being tested. It was all part of the game, and one of the simpler ones they'd be faced with over the course of their time with him.
The stifling humid climate was another. One that would constantly nag at them.
Next to Max sat an array of slug throwers and conventional blasters among various knives. Next to that was a sandpit, filled with both sand and some of the most agitating species of fleas known to the system.
He wouldn't yell at them.
This wasn't the military, the cadets needed to supply their own motivation.
He grinned as the sound of booted feet rapidly approached.
[member="Durgur Opoth"] [member="Maxi"]