Lord Ajihad
I use Aristois
Lord Ajihad was many things. He was an assassin. He was a necromancer. He was a cultist. But he was also a witch, though very much untrained. His body was that of a Gurlanin enhanced by Dathomiri magicks. He even had a traditional energy bow, priding himself on being a nightbrother. Sadly, he had little to no training in witch magicks at all.
That's why he was on Dathomir now. He had traveled to the territory of the Spider Clan, following rumors on one that might be willing and able to train him in the ways of the witch. He had landed his ship several miles away, journeying on foot for quite some time now. He had just passed a black-bark tree with the emblem of a spider crudely carved into its face, obviously the symbol of the clan he was searching for.
He walked for another couple hundred yards before coming across a spring of fresh water. It was the color of crystal, gurgling out from an aquifer many feet beneath the surface. His canteen had run dry some time ago, so he kneeled down to refill it from the spring. Where exactly would he find this witch? He was unfamiliar with the terrain, and only had a rough idea of where the clan resided.