Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Training Part Two

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra sat alone atop the garden on the roof of the temple, her mind and body tied to the force as she felt it through the force.With an all so careful tinge of outerness she slowly called around her the energies that would flare out like a beacon for a moment, using kinder emotions, ones just as strong as the dark emotions, to fuel her presence in the force.

[member="Aaron Kidd"]
The experience at the temple was all to real.

He walked out of his room and went to the garden rooftop.

Walking throughout the temple's roof, he noticed Alexandra, she seemed to be concentrating on somthing, Aaron wondered what it was.

He walked closer then sat next to her, throughout the process he remained silent.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Hello Aaron, getting to know your way around the compound?" She let her eyes glide open slowly, a careful stare shifting over him as she sat there and watching him all too curiously as her question was asked. "I do hope that things are ok, as i would hate for something to be wrong with your stay here so far."

[member="Aaron Kidd"]
"Yes, ive been finding my way far." Aaron said politely. The temple was a pretty peaceful place now that he thought of it.

"Yes, things are ok, I'm glad I am here, I enjoy this place." Aaron said nicley.

"So what are you doing up here?" He asked while looking down.

He wondered up there, now he was talking to Alexandra, how unexpected.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Just listening... please sit down and listen with me, just make sure not to step on any of the plants here, that dont like it when that happens. What i was doing was a way in which i was taught to draw off my emotions to make myself stronger and for meditation, but i find the original way in which that the process works is no longer useful to me... so instead im trying to use my lighter emotions to achieve the same effect.

[member="Aaron Kidd"]
Trying to avoid the plants,

Aaron sat down.

"Stronger?.....meditation?" Aaron said in a curious voice.

He actually never tried to meditate, he was always to busy stealing and having fun on Tatooine.

"May you teach me?" He asked

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Aaron Kidd"]

"Hmm... ok sit down across from me, make sure you are comfortable and then close your eyes. Clear your mind of everything, not a thought left as you focus inwards and make sure that even my voice be lost yet still heard. You must then reach out, not with your body, but your mind, see without your eyes, and touch without your hands... focus on the first part though for now, clear your mind."
"Hmm... ok sit down across from me, make sure you are comfortable and then close your eyes. Clear your mind of everything" Alexandra said.

He got up and sat across from Alexandra.

He closed his eyes, he had to clear his mind of everything that happened.

The orphanage, the thievery, the first time on Alderaan.
Now he was sitting on a temple rooftop. He cleared his mind of the pain of not meeting his mother and father.

He calmly sat waiting.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Now i want you to focus inwards, lose the sound of everything, even my voice. But keep a hold on every sound too, you must be alert, but also be deaf to all that is around you, this is not simple, and if you have trouble simply say."

[member="Aaron Kidd"]
"Now i want you to focus inwards, lose the sound of everything, even my voice. But keep a hold on every sound too, you must be alert, but also be deaf to all that is around you, this is not simple, and if you have trouble simply say." Alexandra said.

He focused inward like what she said, but he had a hard time trying to be alert and deaf at the same time.

He kept trying but he didn't want to give up, he remembered that Alexandra said to say if he had trouble.

"I'm having trouble." Aaron said softly, he hated admitting that he couldn't do something, but this is different, this is training.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Aaron Kidd"]

She nodded and stood, walking over before touching his forehead lightly and letting the physical contact allow her an easier path into his mind to help him along the path. "Focus on my voice from within you, shut everything else out, and only my voice, when that is done simply nod and say nothing."
"Focus on my voice from within you, shut everything else out, and only my voice, when that is done simply nod and say nothing." Alexandra said.

He focused and shut everything around him out.

The plants, the temple, everyone in it, everything but Alexandra's voice.

He nodded like Alexandra said to do when he was ready.

And that he was.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Now me, shut me out with everything else, but search for my voice without your ears, search for it through the very air, the unspoken words that i am not saying now." She paused and let him focus, her mind going through several thoughts to let him pick up on them if he came to understand what she meant.

[member="Aaron Kidd"]
"Now me, shut me out with everything else, but search for my voice without your ears, search for it through the very air, the unspoken words that i am not saying now."

Aaron shut her out like everything else in his life. Aaron had a hard time searching for her voice in the air. He got a bit frustrated but he finally found it

He stayed silent to let Alexandra know he was ready.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Her words would be very faint, for the mere reason she was letting him find the thoughts rather than push them to him, a early, taxing form of telepathy that would need to be sustained by him. "Now i want you to reach out, not with your body but with your mind, see the world without opening your eyes, this is the most difficult part as i am asking you to reach out and break your bonds with your body and senses, to forget everything you know and to walk with me without moving a single inch, take your time with this and even if it takes you the rest of the day, you must have patience in this part of you will never succeed with it."

[member="Aaron Kidd"]
"Now i want you to reach out, not with your body but with your mind, see the world without opening your eyes, this is the most difficult part as i am asking you to reach out and break your bonds with your body and senses, to forget everything you know and to walk with me without moving a single inch, take your time with this and even if it takes you the rest of the day, you must have patience in this part of you will never succeed with it." The woman said through telepathy.

Aaron he attempted to reach out with his mind, so far so good, he tried to see the world without opening his eyes, he started to have trouble, he was getting frustrated, he calmed down and attempted to see the world without opening his eyes. He saw a bit, he tried to break his bond with his body he sat there attempting to break his bonds for a few minutes, he was having trouble, he kept trying though. A few more minutes later he was still having trouble, he just couldn't figure out how to do it, his frustration was getting the better of him. He inhaled deeply and tried again, he broke his bonds to his body and his senses. Next he cleared his mind, everything he knew. He did it, he sat there although Alexandra told him to walk with her he jst wanted to make sure.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Aaron Kidd"]

"Excellent... what do you feel and what do you see around you?" She let her aura now crawl over the ground and through the web of energy soon moved around Aaron, it was a simple thing, showing her presence in the force and asking it to grow beyond her own reaches but the key feature was that half of it was missing, half her being gone from this world.
What did he see? He had a hard time comprehending what was happening. "I feel..feel gone, I can't explain Alexandra..." his voice trailed off, Aaron was a bit astonished at what was happening.

He noticed Alexandra something start to move arounf him, he didn't know what is was.

"W-what is that?" He asked curiously.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"What you see is something that with training you can see with your own eyes open. You see my very soul and being as well as the connection to the force, you see its scars and its supports, you could even see into my memories that form these bonds if i so allowed you too but that is a lesson for another time. For now i am letting you experience the world that i can see in others without having to go into the state you are in now."

[member="Aaron Kidd"]
Aaron was amazed at what he was seeing, and hearing.

He kept his eyes on his teacher.

He kept listening and analyzing what Alexandra was saying.

He didn't interrupt her while she was speaking.

He was too surprised, and amazed.

When she finished speaking all Aaron could choke out was "this I-is amazing

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

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