Pheroth smiled. "But of course. Though I will have to focus quite a bit more for an object of this size compared to a couple of stones." Pheroth turned to the boulder, sitting himself on the ground in a cross legged position. Looking down, Pheroth closed his eyes to begin channeling the Force in a much more prominent way. He breathed in a deep breath, bringing with him the Force and filling it with his hate and rage until it was all but crushing him. Pushing the Force out of him to surround the boulder, Pheroth opened his eyes again. He needed to make sure he knew where this rock was going if it even moved.
The Force surrounded the boulder and Pheroth linked with it and began to will it to move. Much like trying to lift something much bigger than you with your muscles, the boulder did not want to budge. Pheroth doubled his efforts, growling with the determination that coursed through his veins. The rock slowly began to life off the ground, only to come crashing down again. As the Force was severed, Pheroth was blown back. He had built up a lot of pressure but just hadn't used it in the right way.
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