Miss Blonde
Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
To celebrate the Black Tie Syndicate's addition to the map we want to throw a party, but not just any party. We want to throw THE PARTY. So this is the official announcement to the community to come on over, kick your shoes off, grab a sledgehammer and trash the Dragon Palace Casino with style. If there's not over a million credits worth of property damage then there's something wrong with you guys. The idea is to get turnt up and have a party with next to no restrictions, the only thing we're not allowing is murder. Cause no one wants to clean up that kind of mess, what with the voiding of bowels.
So RSVP now and you'll be on the list! Take a gun! Hell, take two guns!! Emergency Services will be on standby and bets will be taken from the fight club in the basement! So if you want to get your party on or just get your Tyler Durdin on! This is the place for you!