Character images go here.
FACTION: For Hire (currently the GA)
RANK: Rogue Knight
AGE: Mid-thirties
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.93 meters
WEIGHT: 84 kg
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Blue
+Genius Intellect
+Enduring Stamina
+Logical Mind
+Peak Warrior
-Logical Mind
-Difficult Past
Trask possesses a slender fighter's physique and has worked hard to develop his body into a weapon, honing his skills and abilities as close to perfection as he can. He keeps his hair cut short, and will very rarely be seen out of his armor. His skin is marked by numerous lightning scars, running from both palms, up his arms and onto his chest and shoulders, as well as several origin points across his torso and legs with the markings fanning out to cover most of his body. While some may call these marks beautiful, and others might find them repulsive, he has little opinion on the matter aside from the memories and lessons they serve to remind him of. Without his mask on, several small arcing lines of the scars can be seen reaching up the back and right side of his neck to just behind his left ear, but otherwise they are completely concealed by his armor.
Born on a Chiss colony world to a family in exile, Ket'ras'korido was exactly the child his father always wanted, thanks in large part to the experimentation conducted prior to his birth. Maht'ras'korido was a scientist that many might have called mad, if given the chance, and would strive incessantly toward the perfection of his legacy. Such was his obsession that he even went so far as to tamper with his infant son's genetics in an attempt to create the perfect heir, and for the first decade of the boy's life it seemed he had succeeded. By the age of nine the young chiss could fight on par with any of the other warriors of house Korido, and only a few months after that could best the majority of them.
His father's manipulations had not ended at birth, however, and during another such attempt to augment his progeny, a mistake was made and a cybernetic implantation process cost the boy his sight. It was difficult to say whether his father was more furious at himself or if his anger was directed primarily at those assisting him, but when the rage finally abated he set about training the boy to compensate for the loss of his vision. Only when he had achieved mastery over his remaining senses did his father perform yet another procedure to correct his previous failing, installing cybernetic replacements in place of his son's dead organs.
When he came of age three years later, the boy joined the military and served with distinction for several years, receiving the best training they could offer and rising quickly through the ranks. At the age of eighteen, he chose to resign his commission and leave his cloistered existence to live among the larger galaxy, feeling stifled by the isolated nature of his life thus far and his father's constant drive to be more than he was.
After spending several months getting his bearings and absorbing the nature of the larger galaxy, Trask opted to join the sector rangers and began what would be a highly successful career, at least for the first year. It wasn't until he took an assignment to infiltrate a pirate cartel that his fortunes would change.
It was during a raid of Iridonia that the new chapter in his life began, when the pirates captured an Iridonian warrior by the name of Lita Trykk. It was she who would finally break through the barriers he had unknowingly built inside his mind and reveal his capacity to manipulate the force. From there, the two traveled and trained together for a time, he learning what she had to offer of the force, and her gaining a reprieve from a life led by duty. It was not until a fateful incident on Corellia that they parted ways, Trask becoming even more withdrawn and cold after being forced to choose between the lives of his own soldiers and those of an academy full of jedi younglings.
Resigning from the sector rangers, he took on the role of a gun for hire, setting his skills to work collecting bounties and winning wars for the highest bidder. In the wake of tragedy, he was reduced to the core of himself, a man driven by cold logic. He would no longer allow his emotions to play a role, because as much as he may hate it, there would not always be a good outcome. Experience had taught him that in the harshest manner possible.
Personal Armor
Pre-Transfer Examples
-Defeated by Lita Trykk
-First exposure to the force
-Combat training
-Combat training (continued)
-Force training
NAME: Ket'ras'koridoFACTION: For Hire (currently the GA)
RANK: Rogue Knight
AGE: Mid-thirties
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.93 meters
WEIGHT: 84 kg
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Blue
+Genius Intellect
+Enduring Stamina
+Logical Mind
+Peak Warrior
-Logical Mind
-Difficult Past
Trask possesses a slender fighter's physique and has worked hard to develop his body into a weapon, honing his skills and abilities as close to perfection as he can. He keeps his hair cut short, and will very rarely be seen out of his armor. His skin is marked by numerous lightning scars, running from both palms, up his arms and onto his chest and shoulders, as well as several origin points across his torso and legs with the markings fanning out to cover most of his body. While some may call these marks beautiful, and others might find them repulsive, he has little opinion on the matter aside from the memories and lessons they serve to remind him of. Without his mask on, several small arcing lines of the scars can be seen reaching up the back and right side of his neck to just behind his left ear, but otherwise they are completely concealed by his armor.
Born on a Chiss colony world to a family in exile, Ket'ras'korido was exactly the child his father always wanted, thanks in large part to the experimentation conducted prior to his birth. Maht'ras'korido was a scientist that many might have called mad, if given the chance, and would strive incessantly toward the perfection of his legacy. Such was his obsession that he even went so far as to tamper with his infant son's genetics in an attempt to create the perfect heir, and for the first decade of the boy's life it seemed he had succeeded. By the age of nine the young chiss could fight on par with any of the other warriors of house Korido, and only a few months after that could best the majority of them.
His father's manipulations had not ended at birth, however, and during another such attempt to augment his progeny, a mistake was made and a cybernetic implantation process cost the boy his sight. It was difficult to say whether his father was more furious at himself or if his anger was directed primarily at those assisting him, but when the rage finally abated he set about training the boy to compensate for the loss of his vision. Only when he had achieved mastery over his remaining senses did his father perform yet another procedure to correct his previous failing, installing cybernetic replacements in place of his son's dead organs.
When he came of age three years later, the boy joined the military and served with distinction for several years, receiving the best training they could offer and rising quickly through the ranks. At the age of eighteen, he chose to resign his commission and leave his cloistered existence to live among the larger galaxy, feeling stifled by the isolated nature of his life thus far and his father's constant drive to be more than he was.
After spending several months getting his bearings and absorbing the nature of the larger galaxy, Trask opted to join the sector rangers and began what would be a highly successful career, at least for the first year. It wasn't until he took an assignment to infiltrate a pirate cartel that his fortunes would change.
It was during a raid of Iridonia that the new chapter in his life began, when the pirates captured an Iridonian warrior by the name of Lita Trykk. It was she who would finally break through the barriers he had unknowingly built inside his mind and reveal his capacity to manipulate the force. From there, the two traveled and trained together for a time, he learning what she had to offer of the force, and her gaining a reprieve from a life led by duty. It was not until a fateful incident on Corellia that they parted ways, Trask becoming even more withdrawn and cold after being forced to choose between the lives of his own soldiers and those of an academy full of jedi younglings.
Resigning from the sector rangers, he took on the role of a gun for hire, setting his skills to work collecting bounties and winning wars for the highest bidder. In the wake of tragedy, he was reduced to the core of himself, a man driven by cold logic. He would no longer allow his emotions to play a role, because as much as he may hate it, there would not always be a good outcome. Experience had taught him that in the harshest manner possible.
Personal Armor
Pre-Transfer Examples
-Defeated by Lita Trykk
-First exposure to the force
-Combat training
-Combat training (continued)
-Force training